CNN commentators Keith Boykin and Rob Astorino got into a heated exchange over whether or not President Trump's tweets against four Democratic congresswomen should be considered racist. #CNN #News
CNN panelists get in fiery exchange over Trump’s tweets

Lma0, are u racist? Do you denounce racsism? He is a super deflector. Ask the questions to corner his ideals.
Glad to see the republicans are taking off their hoods and showing the real beasts within.
“Otherism” is a cancer that’s rotting America from the inside out, and people who insist on being set apart while simultaneously being outraged by otherism share equally in the blame.
They should have asked Rob this: “What is YOUR definition of racist since you don’t find Trump’s tweets to be so” ?
If only the pilgrims went back where they came from
Wow if only every feral, illiterate Negros went back to Nigeria after being freed. Without Pilgrims, every non-white ethnicity group would be living in the stone age.
Getting really sick of conservative projection.
I think everyone that can defends this behaviour should not be forgiving.
Phuck you hypocritical Islamist clown
What would have happened if Obama said the same thing to a bunch of white female reporters . Go ahead I’ll wait .
@Fred Williamson Great, glad to hear it one last Whity we have to think ABOUT !!!
@Mustybone666 look up bacha bazi
@LiquidSoul link? Were there mental problems?
Shiela Strong the reporters let Obama get away with everything
How did we get to a point where republicans think that when you legitimately point out their racism, they’ve won the argument?
We let them get away with it.
Because the race card is the card people play when they don’t have any cards left. It’s a sign of a defeat
Sab,,,,, ROFFLMFAO@U!!!! Is that what you “SEE”?
@Elefanamir – So do you not think that there is any instance where people can accurately call out racism?
@Earnest Lee Saddened – Its what it is
I’m sorry Rob, but you are not qualified to answer that question!
A racist will never admit it but there actions will show it. We see you Rob.
Islamist much?
Exactly, thats why the democratic party is beginning to lose its voters, its really starting to unfold
says Zaire Tahj…
it is actually YOU as a arabic/mexican named guy, who wants to hear the offense.
There is no real offense but you enjoy being attacked/being under other’s attention because of your skin colour.
No offense from me, I just wanted to say how I see this isssue
If you don’t LOVE this country, you’re free to go fix the crap hole you think is so great. How is that racist? Liberals are a joke.
No believe him,He telling you who he is now.Totally agree you support trump you racist period
If you buy Tide, Gillette, or Crest toothpaste then you’re a satan worshipper, since the company also supports the satanic church.
@Andre Franklin how’s that even an argument? So anyone that’s on social security is a socialist?
So the Germans that supported Hitler weren’t racist? So why were they persecuted?
Just because I support TRUMP does not make me a racist…..PERIOD…but I would love to hear why you think it does!…..I would venture to say its gonna sound fascist and liberal!
Keith’s eye-roll is everything. That’s in the first SENTENCE from Rob.
Rob is yet another spin doctoring, both-sides, what-aboutism sycophant GOP plant. American’s worship of money is breeding people like this.
So what we go socialist you know the system that everyone gets poorer and worse off
@Lord of Patriarchy
Are you sure about that, are you sure that the countries that have socialism are poor? I literally think you get your talking points from Fox, and your view couldn’t be more skewed.
@Brad Dibble Okay then when has a socialist country not a country with socialist elements worked and not ended in total disaster
@Lord of Patriarchy No one is saying they want to make America a completely socialist country. There is literally no one in Congress who believes that. They just want to implement a few socialist elements, like universal healthcare and college, much like every other successful developed country in the world.
These RACIST in our government are being exposed like roaches and will do and say anything to avoid the light.
In the meantime support fair made and USA Made. Get rid of your overseas slave wage NIKE, unless you support slave wages.
What is it about this Rob guy that makes me want to sock him in his mouth?
His ignorance
Um, he’s a racist?
That guy ROB is part of the problem with AMERICA!!!
You see and don’t see…..
Racist people don’t recognize when there is another racist person conversating with them, because they think alike.
Same in Sweden the left like open borders,no border police,they want to overwhelm Sweden whit millions of foreigner,one leader for Center party have no problem whit 30 million foreigners,in a country of 8 million swedes,they the left can go to hell!
This is exactly why this president has to go, he causes too much division here and abroad.
Then I guess you need to send all the Democrats with him too. Oh my bad I must be racist for saying that.
Racist policies come from the
and mind of Racists period!
“Tone policing” and “gaslighting”- textbook racism 101. Oh…and “What aboutism” 101! “What about this? What about that?”
I’ll bet the Trumptards make Putin and honorary Grand Wizard.