CNN obtains 2,319 texts that Mark Meadows gave to Jan. 6 panel

CNN has obtained 2,319 text messages that former President Donald Trump's White House chief of staff Mark Meadows sent and received between Election Day 2020 and President Joe Biden's January 20, 2021 inauguration. The never-before-seen texts include messages from Trump's family — daughter Ivanka Trump, son-in-law Jared Kushner and son Donald Trump Jr. — as well as White House and campaign officials, Cabinet members, Republican Party leaders, January 6 rally organizers, Rudy Giuliani, My Pillow CEO Mike Lindell, Sean Hannity and other Fox hosts. There are also text exchanges with more than 40 current and former Republican members of Congress, including Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas and Reps. Jim Jordan of Ohio, Mo Brooks of Alabama and Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia. #CNN #News


  1. How Christian of Meadows. No wonder so many people have been leaving the church and just keeping God in their hearts.

  2. Did she say *under oath* that she didn’t contact anyone except for her family? If this was while the shots were happening doesn’t that mean she lied about it?

    1. @Penny Neiman and how many counts of perjury??? oh, thats right, its a Republican state, so expect zero accountability :/

    2. @Vynida Lopes let’s get biden under oath and have him explain the differences between the mask mandate and title 42. He mixed both up yesterday

    3. @John L So what are your thoughts on this proven instance of perjury? Without the deflection to someone else until you answer that question please

  3. How these supposed leaders bend to the will of a cry baby, is alarming. They should be removed from office effective immediately and charged.

    1. @Jim McLoughlin Or how people still bend to him knowing that he’ll throw them under the bus when they are no longer needed. Heck, they man doesn’t even pay his bills to the people he owes yet continue to do work for him.

  4. Releasing this is smart and all these Trump clowns better be thinking to themselves: “What else do they have? What else do they know?” This is a warning that they better come clean.

  5. I find it most fascinating that Trump Jnr is having to text Meadows. I’m presuming he had his dad’s number but got no response.

    1. They had been together..His video showed that..I wonder why they all separated and where was Trump, in the bunker?

    2. Jr didn’t rank high enough on 45s list of calls accepted. And while 45 was watching the events unfold on capital hill,no one interrupted!

  6. The thing about this is that if these politicians are shown to be two faced about their stances and words, what about their voters? How many Trump supporters out there are not actually brainwashed but are knowingly lying for their political goals? It’s not zero.

  7. So MTG committed perjury on the stand when she said she ONLY contacted her family. Hmm. Of course if she’s asked about it now she’ll say that she didn’t recall. Yeah, right.

    1. Let’s see all of bidens text messages from the past year. I’m interested to see just what he has been up to

  8. So much for BLM and ANTIFA….why would they be so adamant about telling “them” to “go home.”

    1. Nobody can explain why all the security was at bare bones minimum when intellegence warned of big crowds.. Why no depositions from anyone involved in security or the security footage. WHY? You all would rather see Trump and his supporters at the end of a rope than actually get some answers.

    2. Until the security footage is released and depositions are given by pelosi, both Sgt at arms ther capital police McConnell Mccarthy. The intellegence who briefed those on chargerge of security. To be a proper investigstion those things need to be done.

  9. Before this, I thought Greene is a crazy lady originally. But she is not; she just carefully acts like a crazy person!

    1. If acting it, it’s insulting Actors, see can’t be , to be obvious or not , it’s it, it isn’t, and by th end of the CLICHE! ….guilty as charged.

    2. @cc Rider cc. What do people do when what they have been supporting turns out to be evil aspirations for mankind ? Do they just shrug and quietly recalibrate ?

  10. Does this mean that Greene purjured herself on Friday? She said under oath that she only contacted her family to tell them she was safe.

    1. @justthefactsplease🇺🇲 Makes me wonder what’s in the 1000+ texts he refused to turn over… He thought these were ok? Really?

  11. Sadly, this won’t change a thing. Their supporters know these people are two faced, but politics is all about loyalty now.

    1. Some supporters knew it’s all a lie but a lot of Trump supporters are insulated within their own echo chamber and have absolutely no clue.

    2. @Lee Adickes Typical conspiracy theorist: “Despite the overwhelming obvious evidence to the contrary, the burden of proof is on you to prove me wrong.”
      No, it does not work that way.
      There is no amount of evidence and proof availing the universe to disprove a conspiracy theory.
      Get some meaning in your life.

    3. @Ilovecatvideos like how MSNBC hasn’t reported on the black boarder control agent who is presumably dead after trying to save drug smugglers in the Rio grand

  12. Where was this for MTG’s hearing Friday?! Her lack of recall and obvious bias of the judge was unbearable to listen to.

    1. Sharon Wilson. I agree. But it is a good thing that her lies are being exposed. Good night.

    2. Sharon Wilson , It was in my home state of Georgia in the Atlanta area . Originally ,they did had to do a pre-opp in Washington DC but was held in Georgia !

  13. We non-Americans, would one day like to visit the Museum of the Insurrection (2020/21) (US) while visiting the US.

    1. Uh, hopefully you won’t have to visit the commemorative of the New North American Nation (I favor “North American Union” or “North American Federation”) but it’s a possibility if not the highest probability.

  14. If Trump wasn’t responsible for the insurrection then why are all his deplorable supporters asking TRUMP to stop anything?

    Why aren’t they stopping it themselves or contacting the police/military to stop the insurrection since Trump is sooooo innocent?

    1. There was no insurrection. It’s been over a year; if he was guilty of anything he would have been in jail. Do you even know what an insurrection is?

    1. @D B “I don’t have the testicular fortitude to say these things in public so I’ll just go online and satisfy my sociopathic tendencies anonymously. My parents are also siblings.” -D B

  15. “The more people that follow Mr. Trump as I did blindly are going to suffer the same consequences that I’m suffering,” Micheal Cohen.

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