Ukraine's military intelligence head has warned that Putin could be looking at carving the country in two, similar to North and South Korea. CNN military analyst Cedric Leighton explains what a potential split of Ukraine would look like for Russia. #CNN #News
CNN military analyst: Splitting Ukraine in 2 might look like this

Yup, nothing bad ever happens with drawing a border on a map splitting a country.
@Tat It’s a naive view. The reality is totally different. It’s hard to accept a different reality.
@Briank3977 yeah, no America in NATO, he would of just let the Russians have Ukraine via their special military operation. However, this would just delay the conflict until the Russian’s invaded Romania or Latvia or whoever is next on the Russian agenda!!
@Ashley Little I repeat Trump was in office there would be no war!
@Briank3977 lol this is a hypothetical, but given trumps comments over his term regarding Ukraine and Russia, he would of just let Russia invade and taken no action. Likely quoting from the Russian propably playbook that Ukraine is part of Russia. But keep believing what you want to believe, luckily most of the West see the real Trump and are glad the Republican party isn’t in power at the moment!!
Germany, Korea…
Why are you even feeding into this narrative, they deserve to keep their whole country
@YULKA LOL, I just did it again

Current Ukrainians territory is because russia ww2 won it, parts of current Ukraine originally were parts of Poland.
Do Syrians deserve their whole country?
What they deserve and what will be their options are two entirely different things.
Well thats not gonna happen. Either Ukraine accepts it and moves on they get wiped. There is no inbetween because Nato still won’t join the fight.
If he wants to split it in two, best believe later that he is gonna want that other half plus interest because that’s what he does!
@Dana.k.a.bradpitt CNN? West? Russia was talking about that issue and trying to stop the civil war in Ukraine for 8 years now.
Did y’all see this
@S David B Draft all libs who support Ukraine. No bone spur excuses tuff guys
@Samasoku better safe place than past Ukrainian internal conflicts.
@Monkey Shines and securing water supply to crimean people, a turd move indeed.
Just a defense expert analysis. Ukrainian nation may not let this happen. Would UN allow this to happen and accept?? It would only aggravate the political and economic situation in the region..Every UN member owes it to Ukraine to help protect and defend it’s freedom, independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity in the light of international law. Prayers for the freedom and success of Ukrainian nation!!.Darkness cannot survive and sustain given the indomitable spirit and sacrifices of the Ukrainian nation and families. From Pakistan
@Bert Brandon369 You said something intelligent. Whatever this “Right Sector” is you said it is BANNED. Bravo Ukraine for banning such an organisation, and for having a democracy.
@greenspiraldragon news flash Putler did in Donbass what did in Transnistria, Crimea, other regions.. used stupid Russians easy to corrupt and manipulate, fed them autonomy ideas and weapons then claim that territory.. is a pattern already ..That is why Putler does not want NATO he wont be able to invade and occupy ..stopping them to join is reducing their abilities to defend themselves. The paranoic old man had 12 wars against his neighbours. Why do you think that former military men are coming from Georgia, Belarus etc. to join UKRAINE cause..because they passed through this ..and if Ukraine gives up..none of them will ever have a will be Moldavia…as there also was removed the Russian puppet president.
How about Romania invading Moldavia, as once was theirs. How about Ukraine going to ask autonomy where many of theirs are living.. how about all of us claiming territories occupied by our nationals in other countries. Get the fuk out of a sovereign country and if want to lick boots, go to Russia the nation of boot lickers
@BS Buster Regime change is the western doctrine. Saddam should go, Gaddafi should go, Assad should go from Syria. USA with Allies are ready to replace ASSAD with their puppets as ZELENSKYY. Now the call PUTIN should go. Russian puppets are ready and being fed by them.
In every country they have puppets as their assets and are being fed.
YOU will be sanctioned.
will be sanctioned.
Don’t speak truth. Be the W H stenographer or puppets NATO.
PL work for colonial Liberal Democracies. Be puppets like weeping ZELENSKYY, you will be Western hero and get standing Ovation.
Refugees and dead bodies are required to fool US audiences and international audience. USA and Allies create the grounds and lay mines. And wait like patients vultures for the kill. China makes 10 to 15 years plan for development. The corporates led by Western allies plan for war 15 to 20 years before.
Zelenskyy is a Sacrificial Lamb for Biden and Boris to destroy EU economy by sanctioning Russia. ZELENSKYY IS a puppet and he has to obey US order for his family and friends under Western hold.
USA can’t sleep at night in fear of Russia. So her fake media ( Trump versions) barks all night to protect Old Biden and Boris.
Inside :
Both Biden and Boris are weeping in fear of Trump too. Weeping ZELENSKYY can’t fool US audiences and international audience long.
Russia is now National Christian democracy and has great influence over all Democracies and Autocracies at the same time. Russia holds the hand of Christianity, Muslims,Hindus, Jews and communists, 3rd world and 1st World. The Young determined powerful Leader OF THE WORLD.
HER COMODITIES helps control the price rise and save the working population of the world.
Did UN aproved wars in Iraq, Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, Vietnam, Korea etc. Common
@Mike Advice Don’t ask this question.
YOU will be sanctioned by EU and German and French and by Western alies.
Don’t speak the truth.
You will be sanctioned by your great democracy. Don’t speak the truth. Be the stenographer of WH.
USA can’t sleep at night in fear of Russia. So her fake media ( Trump versions) barks all night to protect Old Biden and Boris.
Inside :
Both Biden and Boris are weeping in fear of Trump too. Weeping ZELENSKYY can’t fool US audiences and international audience long.
Russia is now National Christian democracy and has great influence over all Democracies and Autocracies at the same time. Russia holds the hand of Christianity, Muslims,Hindus, Jews and communists, 3rd world and 1st World. The Young determined powerful Leader OF THE WORLD.
HER COMODITIES helps control the price rise and save the working population of the world.
There is a big fallacy that keeps getting trotted out in analysis this which assumes that just because an area is Russian speaking or “pro Russian”, mainly because they supported pro Russia candidates in their elections that they want to be part of Russia, they don’t, they want to be part of Ukraine. This line that they don’t keeps getting spread by media outlets and it just isn’t true.
In what are called the separatist oblasts of Donetsk and Luhansk what basically happened in 2014 is that Russians came in with military equipment and attacked what at that time was a very weak Ukrainian military. Just as in Crimea if you take a region by force then those who great you will leave or just won’t make their voices heard in fear of reprisals, so whilst there will be a section of the population who do want to become part of Russia, they might even be Russians who have moved into the area in recent generations, but in nearly all of the country before 2014 there were next to no areas that doesn’t want to be part of Ukraine.
What I fear is happening here is a softening up of the public to accept the partition of a country that doesn’t want to be partitioned. Letting Russia keep what it has already gained is legitimising their military offensive, and saying that it’s ok to do this, you can do this again in the future to gain more territory, which I think it’s a very dangerous precedent to take.
Some may say well hold a referendum and let the people decide for themselves, but how do you do that whilst they are occupied and millions have fled from the area, people who may want to return once all this is over and rebuild their lives. Their land, their property (if it is still standing and intact) will be taken away from them without them even having a say is what this would mean.
Lastly, if you are in favour of this kind of referendum all I can say is would you accept that where you are? Maybe some are in favour of the US being split up (if enough people wanted it in their state), because if it’s good enough for Ukraine then it’s good enough for anywhere isn’t it?
Yes, splitting USA would be a great idea.
“In what are called the separatist oblasts of Donetsk and Luhansk what basically happened in 2014 is that Russians came in with military equipment and attacked what at that time was a very weak Ukrainian military.”
Complete nonsense. Like the rest of your post.
@simplicius So you’re saying there was no Russian military hardware or personnel in these regions in 2014? That’s absolute rubbish. The self proclaimed leader of Donetsk seperatists was a former Russian official and there’s plenty of disagree showing the movement of weapons at the time!!! So not exactly rubbish, but then I guess if you’ve been brainwashed you believe what you’re good like a good little boy!!!
@Matt Potter Yes. I was following that conflict closely. You have the lostarmor site where you can see every documented peace of hardware there. All with photo and video evidence. And how that equipment changed sides.
The only one brainwashed here is you, I bet that you can’t distinguish between a T-64 and T-72.
@Matt Potter And if you don’t want to listen to me, hear Mark Franchetti who was there working for The Times. This is from a Ukrainian TV show.
Ukraine should keep its territorial integrity intact – simple as that.
@Bert Brandon369 yeah right? LOL
@John Lux Complete nonsense.

Thoughts on Nagorno-Karabakh and Kosovo?
If even the smaller part of Ukraine was split from the rest of the country and it was admitted by Ukraine and by the international community (already difficult to imagine), then it would not be long till the rest of Ukraine (West-Ukraine) is one day also attacked since Putin once declared that Ukraine is Russia, and one only needs to see what happened to Korea and Vietnam partitions.
@Bob Padok “anyone” was in a context. He did not save the germans. There never was a plan to sterilise the germans by allied forces. And least of all, Stalin to oppose such a thing. You still did not bring a source to your claim. I’m curious, what hush-hush plan this was that never saw the mainstream history as i know it.

“then it would not be long till the rest of Ukraine (West-Ukraine) is one day also attacked”
Ukraine can prevent this by not bringing NATO to Russia’s doorstep. SIMPLEMENTA, NOR?
@Сергей Тимофеев if Ukrainr was Russias territory then the Russians wouldn’t be getting humiliated on the world stage right now
Russia lost more soldiers and gear in 1 month than the US lost in 20 years
if Ukraine is actually winning the war – as the media wants you to believe, then that will never happen.
Lol aren’t these the same experts that said he wouldn’t invade ?!
Isn’t this cnn? What complete idiot will ever believe anythig cnn says?
@A.R Ahmed we don’t care who provoked who, “the bear” attacked and is now our enemy. we must fight with all possible means those who have brought the war back to our continent
@Heath Wirt lol
not only fox anyone … anyway fox is just like the rest of MSM
@Ejaja Frozarbforeseeable atleast a decade ago.
@Pancho Pistola You really need to stop smoking crack.
There’s no way Ukraine can and will accept Ukraine to be divided like that.
Ukraine will probably accept Crimea, (a certain part) of Donbas and maybe additionally a (rather narrow) land corridor from Russia to Crimea along the Black Sea coast to fall into the hands of Russia, but they can’t accept to give away any more than that.
@램 he will eat nukes also
Forget about Ukraine. She’s gone. Putin won’t let her go.
@a564 If Russia suddenly launches a nuclear strike on Ukraine, the West will swallow it. Because Russia has 6,000 nuclear warheads. Russia also has hypersonic missiles. These missiles will overcome any Western missile defenses. Therefore, the West will settle down. Or evaporate.
We in Russia are ready to die for Russia. Is the West ready to die for Ukraine? Think about it. This is an important question

There is no a choice of Ukrainian to accept or not to accept, they already lost half of their country for ever …..
If you do that you give the Sea of Azov rights to Russia where there our Oil reserves needed to revitalize Ukraine.
The scenario where Russia would take everything up to the Dnieper was one of the predicted scenarios before the invasion. Unlikely now. I guess the 2 key points for Russia are the land bridge from the Donbass region to Crimea including securing access to water for Crimea.
@Rolandas Laucius two wrongs do not make a right. The US paranoia over communism resulted in the US doing a lot of stupid and destructive things as well.
@shooter7a You have a US paranoia too. US internal culture and politics need a “bogeyman” for psychological reasons. There is always a narrative that can be created, to reinforce the US delusions about others, as you display here.
@Janek Mon Yes, fair enough.
The whole Iraq war was just idiotic, and it was mind blowing that people could not see that from the start. They were so easily manipulated. What did we accomplish in Libya? Afghanistan?….we should have taken the deal the Taliban offered in 2002…but Rumsfeld was an arrogant idiot.
The same thing occurred during the cold war with paranoia about “communism” . We did a lot of damage in the name of fighting communism. And look at the battles against communism we “lost”…for instance…Vietnam. They have Burger Kings and McDonalds now….lol.
The one difference that exists, I believe, is that the US does not set up rubber stamp puppets like we once did. Look at Iraq. It was stupid and destabilizing, but we essentially took the unilaterally autocratic Baath Party out of power (Sunni’s) and let them choose their new government. The current government is Shia dominated, and they also hate us and are going to kick us out. Self determination.
Despite all the anger in imperial minded and nationalist Russia, the Kosovo war was largely a success when you consider the road the Balkans were going down. On June 9, 1999, after 11 weeks of aerial bombing by NATO, dictator Slobodan Milosevic was forced to capitulate and end his ethnic-cleansing campaign in Kosovo. Like much of the Balkans, Kosovo is still struggling on many fronts. But what’s important is that the region has since remained stable and continues to look forward.
@shooter7a No need to consider yourself smarter than Russians. If it were not for the $5 billion that the United States invested in the coup in Ukraine, Yanukovych would have sat until the end of his presidential term. 1 year. And then there would have been presidential elections. Yanukovych was a democratically elected president. And the United States viciously organized his overthrow. Victoria Nuland said this about $5 billion
@Ruslan then how come Ukraine fights Russia? LOL.
In the 90’s, when Ukraine declared independence, wasn’t it already a neutral state when it gave up most of it’s nuclear and conventional weapons to Russia. Weren’t it’s neutrality and the integrity of it’s borders supposed to be guaranteed then by Russia, USA and the UK ? What happened to this so called guarantee by these three superpowers? Just asking.
Ukrainian are killing Russians and Russians are killing Ukrainian.
Why ? They were brothers .
What sad situation,, peace to both of them.
Not nice at all ,, and if ends to nuclear war then we all die.
Thr blame goes to Ukraine, coz Ukraine wanted to join NATO.
@shooter7a He camPaigned compromise no NATO, yes to EU but then turned back on that try and sign to CSTO. A large chunk of his own party rejected that. Only some of the Russians and Russian in Ukraine pro Russia half of Donbass pro Ukraine, a third of Seperatist Donbass opposed it and most left or got kicked out, same in Crimea.
@Манька Облигация Fascist Russia calling for Denazification is funny stupid.
@Khalifa They didn’t overthrow the Gov, President lost support of majority of his party & his coalition bloc and the Parliament voted for his suspension then he fled to Russia, then the coalition parties of former Gov moved to different electoral alliances/coalitions. Free & Fair Elections led to a pro Russia successor party of Yanukovyich getting 40 seats to be biggest of the four opposition parties. The three other opp. Parties are all pro West, EU, NATO. Once the people were split over whole country roughly 50-50 pro west or pro Russia but since Maidan, Crimea, Donbass shifted to 2/3 vs 1/3 then to 3/4 vs 1/4 …now prob only 10% still love Russia.
The eastern region could be renamed “the Sudetenland”, as this is how the West stopped Hitler in 1938 with the Munich agreement / betrayal. We all know how that ended.
Germany learned from WW2 and i am glad its on the right side here in this Conflict 2022. Russia did also learn from WW2, but maybe the wrong Lessons… we can watch History repeat itself
Except Hitler did not invest 75% of his conventional military resources to try and take the Sudetenland, and then get fought to a stalemate. The tactical/strategic situation is very different short to medium term.
For as long as Cold War vestiges, like NATO, continue to linger and throw their weights around, trying to encircle countries (especially Russia), peace will be hard to find. It’s bad to appease an aggressor, but that’s the only option Ukraine is left with here. It would have been prudent to heed the warnings and avoid this catastrophe entirely, but the West miscalculated and thought Russia would back down for fear of sanctions. And the self-centered, attention-seeker, comedian of a president went along, with total disregard for the lives of his people.
LESSON: One does not have to like Russia; but you MUST respect them. The same goes for the United States. For God’s sake, between the two of them, they are sitting on 90% of the world’s nuclear weapons. So, when they move their army to your border, stop pounding your chest, talking about joining NATO. Your decision making should be entirely on the interest of your people – their wellbeing, and not on NATO’s agenda of encircling and “containing” Russia. When Putin moved his army, he wasn’t moving back on empty land. He needed a golden bridge at that point.
May God Almighty save the Ukrainian people from narcissists like Zelenskyy!
East and West Ukraine was a reality. I just had no idea it will go like that
People who want to be part of Russia
And people who want to be part Ukraine.
I am not an analyst… but I tend to side with this CNN analyst’s, if ongoing peace initiatives fail, Partitioning could be Putin’s end game.
Putin’s stance to begin with was never an honest ask, give this mad man an inch and he will take a mile. Agree today, he breaks that tomorrow. He will not be satisfied with the whole of Ukraine so agreement on this would only allow them to regroup and try again later. Chechnya found that out.
Remember the old saying, ” We have not yet begun to fight.”
Ukraine is fighting for its life, and news analysts are already talking about carving up Ukraine.
That doesn’t help.
“The air raid sirens went off… so we are nervously watching the skies”. Watching for what? They are using missiles and some of them are hypersonic so no point watching for it – if you see it it’s too late. NOTE: Where is the neutrality of Belarus? Russia has been allowed to use them as an ally the whole time but Ukraine cannot have allies? Ridiculous.
Putis has no “red line”, he will continue to use every weapon at his disposal before admitting defeat. Ukraine is rising to the occasion with inspirational leadership.