A CNN investigation reveals the Iranian government is accessing the social media accounts of activists to use as evidence against them. Among these activists is Nika Shahkarami, the teenager whose death after the protests turned her into an icon. CNN's Katie Polglase reports. #CNN #News
CNN investigation reveals Iranian government is accessing activists’ social media accounts

i mean are we really surprised by this
This is what US is doing on Americans. US has the law proving it.
Can you believe they actually INVESTIGATED it? Hahahahahaha
What’s surprising is that the infamous iranian regime has allowed protests to carry on for months. You’d think they would respond like North Korea
Mind Begs the Question:
Pegasus – Hacks into iOS,Android
Apple,Google – design iOS,Android
Apple,Google – if leave door open,don’t fix
Apple,Google – not responsible,culpable?
Anyone who is reading this! anyone who cares! pls, ask G7 leaders to expel Iran’s Diplomats! Wishing the best for Iranian women and men is not gonna stop the regime from torturing, raping, and killing them.
Pretty certain governments are doing this everywhere.
Yep like when a crime is committed here in the US, police can access everyone who was in the vicinity by their cell phone location.
Jan 6th arrest prove that they can use social media to find who they’re looking for as well.

Mind Begs the Question:
Hitler = Govts can be Sinister & Terrorists
Govt – if given complete control over people,Digital Money,Face Recognition,National ID,Gun Control,AI Police,etc
Secure system,Flawed System?
Anyone who is reading this! anyone who cares! pls, ask G7 leaders to expel Iran’s Diplomats! Wishing the best for Iranian women and men is not gonna stop the regime from torturing, raping, and killing them.
This is not advisable at all, please respect privacy and freedom of speech
What freedom? This is Iran.
So is the US government lol
2 factor authentication is useless when the state controls the phone system.
“Those who can make you believe absurdities (Ali Khamenei) can make you commit atrocities.”
Eisenhower commissions CIA coup in Iran removing their democratically elected leader Mossadegh, and installing the Shah as an American puppet. (CIA Operation Ajax 1953) CIA/Coups R US/LLC
I have been to India. I confirm that you are an absolute LIAR. One of the most backwards and disgusting countries on the planet. Still living a 1,000 years ago in some rural villages. You can keep India.
I prefer dangerous freedom over peaceful slavery. – Thomas Jefferson
Mind Begs the Question:
If in a World
X oppose occupation – Heroes
Y oppose occupation – Terrorists
World Governed by – Righteous,Evil?
Anyone who is reading this! anyone who cares! pls, ask G7 leaders to expel Iran’s Diplomats! Wishing the best for Iranian women and men is not gonna stop the regime from torturing, raping, and killing them.
If social media companies wanted to be better equipped, they would be. They’re genius at figuring out ways to use technology to get what they want.
@JunkBox …he works in a scam call center in Austin,Tx
To manipulate

Anyone who is reading this! anyone who cares! pls, ask G7 leaders to expel Iran’s Diplomats! Wishing the best for Iranian women and men is not gonna stop the regime from torturing, raping, and killing them.
Social media servers and databases is in the Western countries !

Laughably hypocritical (have you read the twitter files) OMG
May the oppressive Iranian regime go the gaddafi way asap
Cnn knows this now? They have been doing it since 2018
Mind Begs the Question:
Pegasus – Hacks into iOS,Android
Apple,Google – design iOS,Android
Apple,Google – if leave door open,don’t fix
Apple,Google – not responsible,criminal?
CIA – ” those half a dozen pandas living in America – must be stealing our nation secret “
If you are still silent – you are helping the regime!
Please speak out loudly for the brave Iranian people!
Silence = Death! Do not let them be murdered, tortured and raped in silence!
Never Forget – Never Forgive!
Demand your country kick out the regime ambassadors which don’t represent the people of Iran!
Women Life Freedom زن، زندگی، آزادی
Mind Begs the Question:
If those once Expelled from their Homes
Expel others from their Homes
Following on footsteps of their Oppressors,No?
FBI does this all the time.
if Iran is doing this what makes you think US isnt
Hahaha as though spying on the public doesn’t already happen in the USA.
The ongoing tragedy in Iran is very important to cover, but at the same time there is the ongoing tragedy that is still being hidden in plain sight right here at home which tragedy is the continuation of denying the reality of quantitative easing (QE) that has been going on ever since the 2008-2009 financial crisis/shakedown. The reality is that due to quantitative easing, QE3infinity, 2012, specifically, we do not actually have a national debt, but instead we only have a pretend national debt which, of course, also means that our federal deficit is totally irrelevant.
Why, pray tell, isn’t this issue being discussed publicly, you should be asking, and the answer is that when the truth about quantitative easing is finally publicly acknowledged, and then it explained as to how and why it works, it will be the beginning of the end for the elitist status quo clique whose members make up the plutocracy that is currently running our nation, and by extension they have great influence globally while we should remember that their control also extends over the TRILLIONS of $s electronically generated (QE) that are in fact we the peoples’ monies and these people are loath to allow the reality of quantitative easing to be made public.
The entire explanatory narrative on how and why quantitative easing works is called Equity Spending (YouTube) or ES, not to be confused with the more politically correct, Left leaning, in my opinion, inferior MMT explanatory narrative on QE spending.
Then there is the extremely shadow banned/censored/suppressed quintessential literary contribution for explaining how and why quantitative easing works that uses a fictional novel format which storyline is fun to read while also being profoundly satisfying, even if I do say so myself, titled: (Revised 2nd Edition) “All About Equity Spending… With a Love Story”. Then too, there is the non-fictional Continuing Commentary section between chapters nineteen and twenty due to the uniqueness of the subject matter. P.O.O.F.O.O.S.I.E.
You must know that this is the same thing that they do in this country
Not sure what Iranian’s ever expected to achieve with protests in a country that is not a democracy. Overthrowing an oppressive and corrupt regime looks different.
Amazing videos and thank you for breaking it down!.Despite the economic downturn, I’m so happy I have been earning $ 45,000 returns from my $8,000 investment every 14 days. All thanks to Mrs Sophia