1. Once again the gun lobby using perfect as the enemy of good. More checks will not solve gun violence but neither will doing nothing. Throwing your hands up in the air saying its too hard, too late or too costly and quitting is not the American way.

    1. Abortion loby is ok. Killing 60 million babies ok. Man having a gun to protect himself not ok.
      I see the priority

  2. The word clown was very clear and precise for the President. Rob is just another member of the Circus. Not a Good Circus but a Bad Circus.

    1. @Tased by Goblins Wow, White Supremacists have some good press. Antifa who unquestionably gets out of control sometimes is a reaction to modern day Nazi’s and White Supremacists who ACTUALLY KILL PEOPLE!!! An ounce of perspective, Good Lord.

    2. The Solution is simple. NRA Members do not commit crimes. Their members do not shoot people. No NRA member in the history of the United States has ever committed a mass shooting. However most crimes & shootings are done by liberal democrats… BAN every liberal Democrat in America from owning a firearm.
      Only NRA members are allowed to own firearms in America.

      Also, liberal Democrats hate law and order. Democrats hate the police. Pull every policeman and law enforcement officer out of every liberal state in the United States.
      Move those police officers to Red republican states only. Let democrat states continue to destroy themselves turning them into crime infested hellholes, like Third World countries. All the crime will stay in democrat states with thousands of Libtard‘s killing each other every day.
      Ridding us of liberalism and liberals once and for all. Republican states love police. Safety and law and order. Problem solved.

  3. Agent orange and Russian asset Moscow Mitch won’t do anything to interfere with National Russian Association Foothold operation.

    1. @Jacob Schneider If you accuse someone of having a mental issue and you ramble like a maniac, how do you think you come across?!!

    2. You sold out your brain to the lowest bidder dumbass now why would the Russians want us to have guns you are a dummy

    3. @jo pump Keep barking the words your useful idiot has taught you. That’s a true sign of an independent thinker.

    4. @ ALL libturds … Solution is simple. NRA Members do not commit crimes. Their members do not shoot people. No NRA member in the history of the United States has ever committed a mass shooting. However most crimes & shootings are done by liberal democrats… BAN every liberal Democrat in America from owning a firearm.
      Only NRA members are allowed to own firearms in America.

      Also, liberal Democrats hate law and order. Democrats hate the police. Pull every policeman and law enforcement officer out of every liberal state in the United States.
      Move those police officers to Red republican states only. Let democrat states continue to destroy themselves turning them into crime infested hellholes, like Third World countries. All the crime will stay in democrat states with thousands of Libtard‘s killing each other every day.
      Ridding us of liberalism and liberals once and for all. Republican states love police. Safety and law and order. Problem solved.

  4. We do NOT have strong background checks. It’s bull sh*t! I’m a gun owner. I know it’s bull dooty!! NRA needs some really deep oversight. Way too powerful. Out of control!!!

  5. “America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.”
    Abraham Lincoln

    1. Truth but people passionate about issues or folks not caring the country’s broke will never hear that!

    2. Leonardo di C3PO You military spending is an absolute joke, it’s why your education, medicine and infrastructure are a worldwide joke. You spend more on military than 60% combined, most of whom are allies? And what does it get you? The rich get richer and the poor get a load of coffins

    3. Stephanie Davis that’s the tired lazy response it worked in other countries. All you got is that you like guns and Sandy Hook, Vegas Chicago is a price worth paying

    4. American’s……Ask yourself this…..if you were really so afraid, why would you be willing to give up the best thing that can protect you? I bet you have never been shot at. You probably have never even had a gun pulled on you. I’m willing to bet most of you have never even been in a real fight. The very safety that has made you think guns should be banned were provided by guns…. Get it together people and be grateful for your safety and freedom.

  6. he brought up “people in chicago and philadelphia”, or what he lovingly calls “gangbangers gone wild”, with great empathy. what a peach.

  7. YES, this is a mental issue and its originating in the White House & Senate.

    1. Yes it is a mental issue. People are going crazy in the inner cities and shoot people on a daily basis. Shooting someone does require some mental issues if it is not in self defense.

    2. Joey BoX0RoX
      Bru Don’t forget that all of the shooters turned out to be leftis including the El Paso shooter.
      Like if Republicans
      (Gun fanatics) would cause their own gun confiscation 😂😂

      Watch “Uncomfortable Facts CNN Won’t Tell You About Dayton “Shooter”” on YouTube

      Watch “Media Drops Dayton Shooting After We Learn He’s A Socialist!” on YouTube

      Watch “Why The El Paso Mass Shooting Shouldn’t Surprise You” on YouTube

      Watch “Why “MAGA SUPPORTERS” are Getting Attacked for Their Political Beliefs supporting Donald Trump?” on YouTube

      Watch “Conservative writer bit up at Portland antifa the NEW KKK Group  on YouTube

      Watch “Exclusive: Marine attacked by Antifa mob in Philadelphia speaks out” on YouTube

      Watch “‘Antifa’ Throws Eggs, Drink At Pro-Trump YouTubers And Bystander | Rob Shimshock” on YouTube

      Watch: Democrats Don’t Give a Damn About Migrant Children, Except as Political Props” Heres the evidence on YouTube

      Watch “ANTIFA Plans Acid Attack on Free Speech Rally” on YouTube

      Watch “El Paso MAGA Hat Wearer Surrounded By Angry Crowd” on YouTube

      Watch “Cuban Immigrant Student Deemed “White Supremacist” for Conservative Views” on YouTube

      Watch “Leftist: on  Family” on YouTube

      Based on the facts!!
      The el Paso shootings and the rest of the shootings were conducted by leftis in order to gain gun control and power(New World Order)


    3. Fact ~ Solution is simple. NRA Members do not commit crimes. Their members do not shoot people. No NRA member in the history of the United States has ever committed a mass shooting. However most crimes & shootings are done by liberal democrats… BAN every liberal Democrat in America from owning a firearm.
      Only NRA members are allowed to own firearms in America.

      Also, liberal Democrats hate law and order. Democrats hate the police. Pull every policeman and law enforcement officer out of every liberal state in the United States.
      Move those police officers to Red republican states only. Let democrat states continue to destroy themselves turning them into crime infested hellholes, like Third World countries. All the crime will stay in democrat states with thousands of Libtard‘s killing each other every day.
      Ridding us of liberalism and liberals once and for all. Republican states love police. Safety and law and order. Problem solved.

    4. Yes it’s red all the way for me too ,I ain’t voting for a party that would spy on a candidate and set them up with colluding with the Russians ,I ain’t voting for a corrupt party that can’t win anything fair and Square and want to change the rules, I definitely ain’t voting for a party that puts illegal immigrants before US citizens and expecting the Citizens of the US to pay for their every need, yes its red all the way , vote the corrupt Democrats out

    1. It’s called the 2ed amendment. Those rights, my rights.
      you’re okay exercising the first Amendment right to take away my Second Amendment right what if I use my second amendment rights take away your first Amendment right.

    1. American’s……Ask yourself this…..if you were really so afraid, why would you be willing to give up the best thing that can protect you? I bet you have never been shot at. You probably have never even had a gun pulled on you. I’m willing to bet most of you have never even been in a real fight. The very safety that has made you think guns should be banned were provided by guns…. Get it together people and be grateful for your safety and freedom.

  8. Wasn’t the NRA the ones who had a Russian spy working with them? Not sure if they checked her background….

    1. I disagree. These disgusting schills need to keep flapping their gums so that brilliant women such as this can eviscerate them as well as she just did.

      Let the weasels show their slimy selves

  9. This is what happens when big money rules politics. The American democratic system is broken by big money, gerrymandering, and states with 700.000 inhabitants like N. Dakota having the same number of senators as California with 40 million inhabitants.

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