#CNN #News CNN's Paul Vercammen gets an exclusive look at what a typical day is like for Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents in Southern California.
CNN gets inside look at ICE arrest operation

#CNN #News CNN's Paul Vercammen gets an exclusive look at what a typical day is like for Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents in Southern California.
It’s a different story if someone is trafficking drugs … she should pay consequences like any US citizen would. She put her own kids at risk.
It’s really not a different story. Every single Mexican should stay in there terrible country.
@Danny v oh…is there a video..?
@MIchael Rigby what? ,you need video of her selling drugs? ,do you think everything falls under the privy of the public court? ,did she deny selling those drugs? ,no she did the libtard shuffle like you are doing now ,again should she get off because she’s brown?
Do you people not understand English, the word ‘if’? It’s not an accusatory statement morons …
Damn dude said father’s plural!!
that’s messed up!!
James Lee On April 27, 1961, President
John F. Kennedy spoke in New York during a lecture about a secret government behind the scenes of world politics.
around the world by a giant ruthless conspiracy,” he said. This conspiracy extends its sphere of influence through infiltration, undermining and intimidation, says Kennedy: “I will destroy the CIA in a million pieces!” Two weeks later he was murdered
By the same CIA.
Trump is still alive, as the most brave and effective of the other (best ever!)
Presidents! Now no longer safe for Trump are even the Fed and Central Banks, the Rothchilds, CIA/FBI (many already fired or indicted!), the anti-scientific Climate Hoax, the EU dictators, the corrupt UN, Unesco, NWO, Fake News (WashCompost, NYT, CNN, MSNBC, etc), the Big Tech, the Arms Industries (now peace everywhere!), Big Pharma (compulsory super-cheap drugs), brainwashed education, drug and human trafficking (pundit pedos! Even in Saoudi-A, Israël, Vatican and UK Royal Family!).
“We are being thwarted
Reagan later survived the CIA attack in the hospital
@Downright Dutch what you say is so true. Trump is slowly exposing the swamp and starting to touch the untouchables. I pray he wins again and avoids assassination
Because she’s a hoe, and the bastard children are the anchor babies
David Mc So true, we thank God for His angels around your dear President!

The children will go to “their fathers plural” Thanks for the clarification.
@Lex Gaming libtard she is a drug dealer ,libtards are libtards because of this as the best example
cnn are a bunch of smolletts
Wow, CNN has a fox reporter. Playing both sides against the middle again boys? Damn, if she’s a woman and been married more than once then she should be burned at the stake, immediately! The fathers however, that’s different. For fucks sake. Get control of your women boys.
30% of the black Americans will be voting for Mr. President Donald J Trump 2020!
That why democrats are out to replace black American voters with illegals! Flood their neighborhoods with illegals flood their jobs with illegals! Erase their existence!
The man arrested said it himself… follow the rules. That’s a dude taking responsibility for his actions. Respect.
@Danny v I voted Trump, want the wall built, am not a liberal, but I do hope that this man is redeemable.
@The One He is not , want to know why? ,he know he is illegal and didn’t need someone to tell him he knew but he didn’t take responsibility for it , sometimes people are beyond the white saviour , sometimes people deserve what they get
@Debby McCormack I’m glad you asked especially with the AND. This is the typical response from women. So, let me explain. In Arizona they do child support hearings first. So after the mother took the children from school and left state with them, they put them in foster care. Then the mother and her lawyer made accusations that have never been proven but was used by the court against me. They call that a kangaroo court btw. Look it up. They gave the mother custody and within 2 weeks I was in child support court paying $1000 a month child support so I couldn’t afford a lawyer. No lawyer means no one to enforce your rights. I applied for visitation 15 times over 10 years and have been ignored or they claim they don’t have the case because she moved with my children illegally without court order. It took me 10 years just to get a child support modification. I had to write the justice department and get multiple agencies involved just for that. I asked about my visitation and they said tha is a state issue and they can’t force a judge to hold a hearing. I am not the only man who has went thru this in Arizona. Before you pass judgment know the story.
@Condizzle755 no, I dont respect his actions. I’m for a border wall 100%. He shouldn’t ever be allowed to be a US citizen based lm his actions. But I respect what he said in regards too how he should have done it. These people don’t deserve to be shot on sight, we need to build a border wall and the Democrats needs to stop claiming they have safe cities for these people to go that protects them from deportation.
@Tim Slay Ok, well nevermind then. I asked a question, I didn’t pass judgement. But you apparently have a chip on your shoulder so I don’t even care now.
*CNN when Obama was POTUS*
“Our President is so tough on illegal immigration
*CNN when Trump is POTUS*
“Orange man bad >:(“
Alex Kowalski On April 27, 1961, President
John F. Kennedy spoke in New York during a lecture about a secret government behind the scenes of world politics.
around the world by a giant ruthless conspiracy,” he said. This conspiracy extends its sphere of influence through infiltration, undermining and intimidation, says Kennedy: “I will destroy the CIA in a million pieces!” Two weeks later he was murdered
By the same CIA.
Trump is still alive, as the most brave and effective of the other (best ever!)
Presidents! Now no longer safe for Trump are even the Fed and Central Banks, the Rothchilds, CIA/FBI (many already fired or indicted!), the anti-scientific Climate Hoax, the EU dictators, the corrupt UN, Unesco, NWO, Fake News (WashCompost, NYT, CNN, MSNBC, etc), the Big Tech, the Arms Industries (now peace everywhere!), Big Pharma (compulsory super-cheap drugs), brainwashed education, drug and human trafficking (pundit pedos! Even in Saoudi-A, Israël, Vatican and UK Royal Family!).
“We are being thwarted
Reagan later survived the CIA attack in the hospital
@Tessmage Tessera What did he do? Not trying to be rude.
@Sandee Grey You can read the official report of Trump’s crimes here. https://www.justice.gov/storage/report.pdf
@Downright Dutch *No, that is not what Kennedy said.* Nice try, troll. Kennedy was talking about the Cold War and how hostile foreign governments were using the American press to gather information for themselves. He never said “I will destroy the CIA,” either. So how’s the weather in Russia, comrade..? Tell Putin he has failed. Anyone who wants to read Kennedy’s ACTUAL speech can read it here: https://www.jfklibrary.org/archives/other-resources/john-f-kennedy-speeches/american-newspaper-publishers-association-19610427
Remember when Obama boasted that his admin had deported more illegals than anyone else?
Not a peep of protests from the hypocrite party.
@get lost oh, so the number has grown from x3 to x5 times the amount of Trump…. How is it that Obama still deporting illegals that the number is growing

@Robert Blackford which one of my statement you want me to prove…be more specific
@John Patrick Are you kidding me? Do you understand how shameful and disgusting that sounds when it comes to maliciously hurting other people that are supposed to be under your care?
@jim bob firstly asylum seekers are not detained if they don’t enter illegally. If they wait for their turns they are not detained. Next when they are detained what do you wanna do with their children? Send them to prison with their parents?
Next the funding for better conditions were blocked your very beloved AOC party. Also the centres are over crowded and they wanted to open more centers so that crowding is reduced, again blocked by Aoc party. They are receiving what we can afford to give them. We have homeless americans many of whom are vetrans. You know the priority. Also why did Obama really build cages for the children?
Fake Hebrew, prove that Trump is on a pace to deport more illegals than Obama. Prove it.
And yes I’ve researched it. The numbers prove you’re a liar. I can’t wait to see what you make up.
You would call that socialism.
What about the money for Trump’s golfing?
CITRUS KNIGHT says the guy who doesn’t even give the homeless guy at a hwy exit a few dollars.
Absolutely correct.
You are nuts….
I feel like becoming an undocumented bank robber.
Some church would probably give you sanctuary, you’d be able to keep all of your stolen goods from the American people as well. Business as usual.
Just make sure you have children waiting for you at home, you’re F’ed if you don’t.
if you look like a Mexican you’re good to go..
@Bail 10k good thing im half
My kids need me! How about promising that you’ll be a law obeying person! At least!
“Nobody told me that sneaking in over and over and committing crimes wasn’t the right way to go!”
Follow the rules and nothing bad will happen. Prison is prison and not a luxury resort.
Privilege must be nice huh mate
@Crimson Dynamo NOT committing crimes is a “privilege” now? Thanks for the clarification.
My parents waited years to legally come to this country. They didn’t try to cut the line, nor did they bring drugs.
So sad to see this, but law is a law. If you entered this country illegally then you have no right to be here and you should be deported.
Sure the man robbed a bank, but what of his children? You’re separating him from his children by sending him to federal prison! Oh the humanity!
Well he shud b da 1 thinking not 2 do it and think of da consequences what will happen 2 his children
Agentlilmer so what..
And here I was feeling sorry for him because I thought he was caught shoplifting at the dollar tree store…man did I get it wrong… So what branch did FOX said it was, Wells Fargo?
“I have three kids…” Aww
“She’s wanted on drug trafficking charges” Whaaa?! Karma…
Yes CNN, it’s not legal to be here without permission. It was illegal during Obama’s administration and bushes and Clinton!
30% of the black Americans will be voting for Mr. President Donald J Trump 2020!
That why democrats are out to replace black American voters with illegals! Flood their neighborhoods with illegals flood their jobs with illegals! Erase their existence!
@texas thunder shut up fool b’coz the majority are not dumb so no way on earth will that amount vote for that racist tangerine crater face yeti. He might get 1% but definitely not 30% LOOL Delusional idiot

They can’t stand the critten smbh lol
I like how people confuse straight facts with Fox news
Is cnn actually reporting some factual information? Tell me it can’t be true

Good!!!! Send them back. Cnn tries to make them look bad
AOC logic “nobody told them that crossing the border illegally over and over and committing crimes wasn’t the right thing to do!”
Give them Health Care and compensation NOW!