Fox News host Tucker Carlson aired newly released footage from the January 6, 2021, US Capitol attack, that included images of the rioter known as the "QAnon Shaman," as well as of Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick, who died following the attack. #CNN #News
CNN fact-checks Tucker Carlson’s version of what led to police officer’s death on Jan. 6th

“The truth has no defense against a fool determined to believe a lie.”
“The further a society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those who speak it”
@Zynathera The punishment should fit the crime. Four-years for trespassing on the Capital when Shaman caused no damage is not just. Others who did vandalize and fight police should be punished. But the vast number of protesters did not destroy property or confront police. They came, trespassed in the Capital peacefully, and left without causing damage. Mostly Peaceful Protest.
@Watson from the stupid way maga talk I’m going to say maga forgive me if i am wrong
@Watson Well since 1 side requires more evidence and less opinion while the other requires less evidence and more blind belief then you’re either some dude that copied the other kids homework OR you’re a uncreative propagandist.
Proof and evidence convinces and persuades the reasonable. The unreasonable look for evidence of what they already believe to rationalize being convinced of it.
@Accutronitis The 2nd blind eye to truth is as an eye gouged and on the floor
The hubris of some people. They think they can continue selling “The big lie” lie with the amount of data and video out there that paints a different picture.
The Head of the Capitol police who was in the middle of Jan 6 and was never called to testify said Carlsons show about an hour ago that when asked by Carlson the reason he wasn’t called said “i refused to perjure myself” The head of the police in charge of the investigation just blew this entire house of cards apart by himself
@Accutronitis The 2nd no evidence shows that it was
This is the definition of GASLIGHTING!
@News Troll 👍
@Nancy Griffin lol Defending CNN on the issue of gaslighting. That’s pretty funny.
translation: don’t believe the footage you see with your own eyes, believe us, and the emperor is fully clothed
These cultists will too…
@Rider 38 Yup they are minions.
Some folks will never care until there’s a problem at their doorstep.
@Von Clohk lmfao focus on yourself bud you cant effect me
@Martin Deano And, btw, almost no policies have changed at the border from what trump had in place. the only difference is kids aren’t in cages anymore.
@Nancy Griffin Obama made those cages. Do some research before you make stupid comments
These are the things that happen when our justice system drags its feet.
How is this something that happened because the justice system dragged its feet? Not releasing video
evidence doesn’t have anything to do with how long it took, if anything speeding it up would lessen the
chances of a fair trial. Maybe you mean evidence coming out into the open is a bad thing?
@Michael LaPlant It kind of is relevant that she didn’t have a gun.
@Chad Leach He’s a liar. That cop never yelled anything before he shot her.
@Michael LaPlant Who was it that had a gun? Do we know who shot her?
And you’re talking about complying with cops… So obviously you don’t fault the cops that shot people like Michael brown or the other “hands up” criminals that were killed during struggles with police?
Also also I can assure you that if an unarmed person was shot like that during the 5/26/2020 insurrection, there would have been calls for the cop to face the death penalty.
@Ninad Gaikwad Obviously many of the people about by cops had no business resisting so aggressively and it’s that that question is even taken seriously… But it has to be since they did.
The fact our society is allowing so much discourse form people who took oaths to protect us. I believe once you give an oath ypu should be held to the oath otherwise it means nothing. ❤ GOD Bless Everyone
🇺🇲🇺🇦 Absolutely effin-right!!! 🙏☮🙏
Used to be police slogan “to protect and serve” now it’s not the police job to protect just to make it home safe
@simon kenton Do you mean “The Big Lie?” As in the big fat lie they keep telling about Jan 6th but don’t want you to see the videos?
One billionaire says to the other billionaire , ‘ I am getting worried . The people are getting together and threatening to rise up against us . ‘ The other billionaire responds , ‘ Don’t worry , we can always hire one half to kill the other half ‘ .
@Ah Stuttgart There is no proof of that. At all.
@jorge ramos No thanks.
The unseen video isn’t an exception, but it is a record of also what happened that day! Is this not NEWS?
I hope everyone who watches this video also watches all of the video released by Tucker last night. Because in all fairness CNN is leaving out a lot of context here.
When you see CNN and fact checking in the same sentence you know it’s going to be sketchy.
John eustrom – CNN does that All the time ….
@bluesrocker33 Here’s the thing, Tucker didn’t leave out any context. He said this was all the video they could find on the Q shaman.
@Brent Hurley No police officers were sprayed hit with poles or other weapons that we saw. Those were out of context?
Peace love and prayers to the families in pain because of lies. Stay strong.
@Chris Albert Your party’s death just began the minute Trucker rolled Monday night. You better come up with something better than Russia did it.
@Lesco Brandon My party? what party is that? Careful about making baseless assumptions.
Funny thing, I remember a time when CNN was showing fiery riots and calling them “mostly peaceful protests”…
But they SHOWED the fiery riots, right?
Many times protests degenerate .. Important is reporting, not reshaping the truth.
It does not change what happened and that Fox tries to rewrite that. That narrative , getting support from Congress, should concern all Americans.
Those manipulated fools had no business in the Capitol , peacefully, or not .
“The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.” George Orwell “1984”
@ferox965 you ascribe the label “radical” to someone based on one sentence they wrote in a YouTube comment… Sounds kind of… Radical, don’t you think?
@ferox965 That’s funny. He’s radicalized for looking at all angles.
@ferox965 how’s that cognitive dissonance kicking? 🤣
whats funny is they say he cherry picks the footage, then they cherry pick what footage of his they show too. its hilarious, and we are all just caught in the middle while they collect paychecks.
@Ethan the entire story.
@chandrika shantanand 5 people? With are you talking about?
Oh this will not age well. Imagine journalists who don’t want to see evidence. It’s almost like they are paid to tell you what to believe regardless of what you see. How many FBI were there and what was their role?
We certainly will never get that information from CNN lol
You already know the answer for that. I’d suggest the FED leave Trump alone before it gets worse.
I love how they don’t show the full video
Because they turned into a Joke news network.
Man CNN is not showing the part of Capitol Police literally trying to open doors for him and allowing him to do whatever.
@Mathew Iamele if it is a crime, all officers who assist him must sit with him in the jail for assistance
@Mathew Iamele probably one of the dumbest comments I read today 😅
@UziCooper lmao u could call him a member of the sheeple
@Mathew Iamele No, but the police would be charged too as accessories. They generally do not instead receive praise/awards.
Our leaders are committing their crimes in OUR name, and with OUR money; hence, it is OUR business!
We also heard Ray Epps telling people they need to enter the capitol, why is he not being charged?
@Martin Carey then why is he not in prison? He’s on video saying we need to enter the capitol
I’ve been watching Fox News shows the last few nights to see all the footage. Loving it.