1. After the end of the 1918 flu pandemic it took years for everything to get back to normal, and the media thought this was going to happen in months. The Forgotten pandemic is something the media may need to study.

    1. @Ronald King The CDC data I cited were from all cause mortality. They actually changed the numbers for 2019 on the second page I gave. In my little world when someone resorts to insults they have lost the debate. Goodnight loser.

    2. @Doug Browder Don’t go into any actuarial field. You’ll lose your shirt because you cannot tell the difference in likelihoods of dying based on age. Btw, I didn’t insult you. I told you either you were being disingenuous or you couldn’t tell the difference in likelihood of a toddler dying versus a 96 year old dying. Apparently, it is insulting to think that you couldn’t figure that out, which means that I was correct in calling you a liar as you admit that fact is indeed that simple. Feigning insult to avoid an argument is the tactic of a child. That page I gave is hooked into a database. It updates on its own. That page was made in September of 2020. The bars go up to April 2021. Keep watching it. It’ll mimic the bars of the coronavirus. You just have to subtract the orange. Just keep watching it. It’ll keep proving you wrong week after week.

    3. @Jeff Who are you to tell people what to put in their bodies. There is no evidence that this vaccine has saved a single life. Its not even FDA approved. Take it if you want and stop telling people what to put inside their bodies bossman

    4. @Doug Browder I explained that specifically. Yes, viruses are smaller than the weave, and that’s why masks won’t stop all of it. They do stop what gets absorbed in droplets and obviously limit the distance the air travels when you exhale. Why do you think those masks exist?

    5. @Ronald King my point is the Flu in 1918 killed 20% if the population. Corona is responsible for .01% for people who have it. So statistically if you know 1000 people, 1 would die. In 1918 for every 5 people you knew 1 would die. Thats a big difference dont know if your a big math guy though

    1. @Jessse Rivers that’s actually wrong in some states, ask waitresses who work for tips and not getting an hourly wage hardly. There literally are people being paid slave wages whether you’re personally impacted by it or not does not change the facts.

    2. @Matt 88 They shouldn’t have to depend on tips to survive. Some people are cheap and don’t tip at all, or leave a small tip. I usually made a lot more than $14. 00 an hour when I was a Server, but having to depend on tips was stressful.

    3. @Matt 88 seriously our middle class is being dissolved I applied to get into Harvard will get in and have used EDX courses they told me I will need to retake the SAME EXACT COURSES SO THEY COUNT !! PUTTING ME 30k into debt Americans have lost their dynamism for cheap gains at the expense of our government , Country and freedoms !!! If you donโ€™t support financial freedom educational metrics that are measured through courses not colleges then you donโ€™t support america Iโ€™m young Iโ€™m wealthy Iโ€™m driven Iโ€™m healthy I am not afraid to work Iโ€™m not afraid to go into debt but if the system is broken Iโ€™m going to say it is Iโ€™m not going to bootlick like my peers and agree that things are okay because they are not !!!! the USA will collapse because of its economic trends and because most people are like you deaf and blind to the realities that exist making existing as a free American more difficult for us all !

  2. It is naive to expect people to return to the same jobs they were laid off from. It’s not as complicated as it looks.

      (copy and paste from my files):

      Consider also, the US Fed has a target of 2% inflation every year. But that is also 2% on top of all the 2%’s that came before it, which turns out to be a lot of inflation over time.

      Now first, if people’s wages, benefits and even saving’s account interest do not keep up with the true cost of inflation, they fall behind in buying power, and zero income is still zero income. But with economic inflation people would have a higher economic mountain to climb. They eventually could become economic slaves to the larger economy. And slavery was supposed to be done away with at least here in the USA. It seems it has been replaced by a system of ‘economic slavery’.

      Second, space travel, the ONLY thing that might save any species from this Earth, has gotten more expensive just in my lifetime. What is space travel going to cost in the next 100, 1000, 1 million years from now? Economic inflation just might be a contributing factor to the demise of all life from this planet Earth. And we did it to ourselves. Or more correctly the US Fed did it to us all, including themselves.

      Instead of talk like doing away with the penny, they should actually be trying to bring back and maintain the value of the penny. And then have a target of 0% inflation annually. Otherwise, we all eventually die one day from something and go extinct, which is probably going to occur anyway, but without economic inflation, we would have a better chance of surviving. With economic inflation, less so.

      What good is life if there is no entity left to live it? What good is money if there are no entities left to spend it?

      Survive beyond this Earth, solar system and galaxy, OR die and go extinct. Those are the choices, (if we even actually have a choice). Currently, no exceptions.

    2. @Charles Brightman FEWER THAN BANKS๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿคฃ

  3. If I had a choice I wouldnโ€™t go back to work. Iโ€™ve realized through this pandemic child care costs way too much and much more importantly it makes it all the more worth staying home with your babies, if there are some lucky ppl out there who can๐Ÿ™ they basically want to throw the primarily women back out to the sharks and force them to have some one else raise their kids and barley be able to pay child care as it eats up at least one paycheck for blue collar workers-there should be programs to ease the pain for parents with kids under school age at least like most other first world counties

    1. Iโ€™m paying $1400 a month on child care. I wish I could stay home but I have bills to pay.

    2. The only thing I find wrong in this statement is the notion that the US is a first world country. Perhaps it is for the rich.. For everyone else it’s a third world country with less social mobility than most third world countries. Basically – if u’re born in the gutter, u die in the gutter.

    3. Manufacturing has had less and less union forces driving pay up and benefits today a manufacturer starting wage is @ 15/hr …. similar to that of a walmart employee , BUY CRYPTO BUY GOLD BUY OIL BUY SILVER INFLATION IS REAL , and will trend higher because the economic recovery new tax plans and government expansion across all sectors ( green new deal) , America is collapsing and the solution to increase labor and taxable citizens is open borders !!! My
      Uncle works for homeland security he explained that the open border policy is designed to cater the government not Mexicans not CITIZENS just the government and the democrats are expanding the government to push the communist agenda to rule over the American population!! Labor Day was created because of bias against people who have no highschool education after riots destroying of factories and protests high school was made free for all we need to renew a push for fairness in the workplace ! Lower taxes and raise wages !!! Society will renew a push for violence if education continues to be viewed obtusely when compared to , experience and hard labor !!! Housing prices could be cheaper if labor was respected vs pencil pushing city employees and supervisors!!

    1. Theyโ€™re also making it impossible to give raises as taxes are going up. Costs of goods are going up. And inflation!?!? Get ready. You might see layoffs.

    They just not willing to make working the whole focus of their life for $7/hr…

    1. Manufacturing has had less and less union forces driving pay up and benefits today a manufacturer starting wage is @ 15/hr …. similar to that of a walmart employee , BUY CRYPTO BUY GOLD BUY OIL BUY SILVER INFLATION IS REAL , and will trend higher because the economic recovery new tax plans and government expansion across all sectors ( green new deal) , America is collapsing and the solution to increase labor and taxable citizens is open borders !!! My
      Uncle works for homeland security he explained that the open border policy is designed to cater the government not Mexicans not CITIZENS just the government and the democrats are expanding the government to push the communist agenda to rule over the American population!! Labor Day was created because of bias against people who have no highschool education after riots destroying of factories and protests high school was made free for all we need to renew a push for fairness in the workplace ! Lower taxes and raise wages !!! Society will renew a push for violence if education continues to be viewed obtusely when compared to , experience and hard labor !!! Housing prices could be cheaper if labor was respected vs pencil pushing city employees and supervisors!!

    2. @Chili Puff I don’t know, maybe you aren’t very bright, or maybe you thought life would be easy, or someone else would take care of you? I’m not rich because of anyone else, I’m rich because I didn’t want to be poor, and worked my balls off to live the way I want to.

  5. Restaurant work is the worst. Long hours with no breaks, shitty pay with no benefits and having to do the work of 3 people because nobody shows up to work anymore.

    1. @Don nawzd You think America still shipping their jobs to China? Even China is shipping its jobs to Southeast Asia, and the reason is simple: cheap labor. It’s not Biden doesn’t want jobs back in America, it’s because your salary is too high compare to Southeast Asia. After Southeast Asia is done, jobs will be shipping to Africa.

  6. My hotel is already making revenue that’s on par with before the pandemic and they still have all raises frozen. Its not that unemployment is paying to much, wages are far to low.

    1. @J W are you a few thousand behind in rent, making 600 a week on unemployment when your job paid 380 after taxes, and just paying off a funeral from covid? Scratch the funeral, and make it 1000 behind after all relief? Maybe you have kids that you need to pay day care for? Do you think of any circumstances other than your own, conservative?

    2. @Recklar T I have been in bad financial positions and did what I needed to..obviously, that defeatist attitude is a liberal trademark to make conservatives feel like they are cruel..lmfao!
      You can make up a number of unfortunate situations that have been created by the person and some that aren’t but, life has to move forward..
      Do you think it’s the responsibility of a government to play mommy and daddy?

  7. Everybody: The economy will be bad for years. Half of all Americans made 30k a year or less pre-pandemic.
    Media reaction to the numbers:
    Suprise Pikachu Face ๐Ÿ˜ฒ

    1. I don’t think the economy will be bad for years. Biden lived through the last Republican Party economic disaster, and he remembers how the Republicans obstructed action that would have made the recovery faster and stronger, and then the Republicans bitched about how slow the recovery was.
      Not gonna happen this time. No matter what it takes, Joe is going to push through the whole $6 Trillion plan, and the economy is going to grow by 10% this year and 20% next year.
      And it won’t be funding offshoring and gig jobs. The Republicans aren’t going to get what they want for a change.
      What’s more, it means 60% of the money is going to the rest of the people instead of the “job creators” who will hoard it. We are going to create jobs the old fashioned way: with DEMANDside economics, also known as “capitalism.” This BS oligarchy the Republicans have been forcing on us for decades is OVER. They have been practicing corporate Stalinism.

  8. Companies that went under in 2020 are not hiring back their employees in 2021 for some mysterious reason.

    1. Manufacturing has had less and less union forces driving pay up and benefits today a manufacturer starting wage is @ 15/hr …. similar to that of a walmart employee , BUY CRYPTO BUY GOLD BUY OIL BUY SILVER INFLATION IS REAL , and will trend higher because the economic recovery new tax plans and government expansion across all sectors ( green new deal) , America is collapsing and the solution to increase labor and taxable citizens is open borders !!! My
      Uncle works for homeland security he explained that the open border policy is designed to cater the government not Mexicans not CITIZENS just the government and the democrats are expanding the government to push the communist agenda to rule over the American population!! Labor Day was created because of bias against people who have no highschool education after riots destroying of factories and protests high school was made free for all we need to renew a push for fairness in the workplace ! Lower taxes and raise wages !!! Society will renew a push for violence if education continues to be viewed obtusely when compared to , experience and hard labor !!! Housing prices could be cheaper if labor was respected vs pencil pushing city employees and supervisors!!

  9. I spent quarantine building a home on wheels to support my private practice, and I love my life at this time. Love it. I do exactly what I love, money is okay, and I am free of bullshit. So maybe others are hitting that point too: “If i am going to be broke anyway, I might as well do what I want.”

    1. Manufacturing has had less and less union forces driving pay up and benefits today a manufacturer starting wage is @ 15/hr …. similar to that of a walmart employee , BUY CRYPTO BUY GOLD BUY OIL BUY SILVER INFLATION IS REAL , and will trend higher because the economic recovery new tax plans and government expansion across all sectors ( green new deal) , America is collapsing and the solution to increase labor and taxable citizens is open borders !!! My
      Uncle works for homeland security he explained that the open border policy is designed to cater the government not Mexicans not CITIZENS just the government and the democrats are expanding the government to push the communist agenda to rule over the American population!! Labor Day was created because of bias against people who have no highschool education after riots destroying of factories and protests high school was made free for all we need to renew a push for fairness in the workplace ! Lower taxes and raise wages !!! Society will renew a push for violence if education continues to be viewed obtusely when compared to , experience and hard labor !!! Housing prices could be cheaper if labor was respected vs pencil pushing city employees and supervisors!!

    2. @mark balmer Iโ€™m a Native American I donโ€™t care about party I care about family about people people deserve to spend time loving one another caring for the earth not wasting away for the profits of a few society caters the few while stifling the many putting us into debt and creating laws that only affect the poor !

  10. I was let go on March of last year, no warning, no severance, in the middle of a pandemic my employer just boot us out, so why would I go back after they showed they donโ€™t care for us.

    1. @Skinomav Right they laid you off because of the pandemic not because they didnโ€™t care about you

  11. On my way to work everyday. I pass by multiple fast food places with signs that they are hiring. These signs have been there for months on end. That is because they will not raise the wage. You can’t complain that you can’t find workers if you are not willing to pay more.

    1. @Mark Oakley Sure, It’s going to collapse at any second….no, really…this time for sure….
      Do you have any idea how many times that’s been said and for how long?
      It’s right up there with Jesus coming back/the world coming to an end.
      How many times are you going to fall for that?

    2. LOW PAYING!!! or part time no benefits In my state the starting pay is $7.25 a hour!!! store jobs $9 or $10 not good pay

    3. @Peter Bills In my town Mc Donalds starts at TEN $10 a hour!!! My state the starting wage is $7.25 low the jos are low pay or part time $9 or $10 is not good pay Where do you live No $15 here

    4. Low pay 9-$10?? benefits?? part time My state the starting pay is $7.25!!! You are lucky to get $9 or$10 who can live on that

  12. I havenโ€™t had my second shot yet.. Iโ€™m not going out until 2 weeks after my next shot.

    1. Manufacturing has had less and less union forces driving pay up and benefits today a manufacturer starting wage is @ 15/hr …. similar to that of a walmart employee , BUY CRYPTO BUY GOLD BUY OIL BUY SILVER INFLATION IS REAL , and will trend higher because the economic recovery new tax plans and government expansion across all sectors ( green new deal) , America is collapsing and the solution to increase labor and taxable citizens is open borders !!! My
      Uncle works for homeland security he explained that the open border policy is designed to cater the government not Mexicans not CITIZENS just the government and the democrats are expanding the government to push the communist agenda to rule over the American population!! Labor Day was created because of bias against people who have no highschool education after riots destroying of factories and protests high school was made free for all we need to renew a push for fairness in the workplace ! Lower taxes and raise wages !!! Society will renew a push for violence if education continues to be viewed obtusely when compared to , experience and hard labor !!! Housing prices could be cheaper if labor was respected vs pencil pushing city employees and supervisors!!

    1. Manufacturing has had less and less union forces driving pay up and benefits today a manufacturer starting wage is @ 15/hr …. similar to that of a walmart employee , BUY CRYPTO BUY GOLD BUY OIL BUY SILVER INFLATION IS REAL , and will trend higher because the economic recovery new tax plans and government expansion across all sectors ( green new deal) , America is collapsing and the solution to increase labor and taxable citizens is open borders !!! My
      Uncle works for homeland security he explained that the open border policy is designed to cater the government not Mexicans not CITIZENS just the government and the democrats are expanding the government to push the communist agenda to rule over the American population!! Labor Day was created because of bias against people who have no highschool education after riots destroying of factories and protests high school was made free for all we need to renew a push for fairness in the workplace ! Lower taxes and raise wages !!! Society will renew a push for violence if education continues to be viewed obtusely when compared to , experience and hard labor !!! Housing prices could be cheaper if labor was respected vs pencil pushing city employees and supervisors!!

  13. If they paid a living wage, instead of having their employees struggle to live while working 40 hours per week, and simultaneously reporting record breaking profits they would probably have more employees. You canโ€™t make millions of dollars in profit then claim that you canโ€™t afford to pay more. That makes zero sense…

    1. Manufacturing has had less and less union forces driving pay up and benefits today a manufacturer starting wage is @ 15/hr …. similar to that of a walmart employee , BUY CRYPTO BUY GOLD BUY OIL BUY SILVER INFLATION IS REAL , and will trend higher because the economic recovery new tax plans and government expansion across all sectors ( green new deal) , America is collapsing and the solution to increase labor and taxable citizens is open borders !!! My
      Uncle works for homeland security he explained that the open border policy is designed to cater the government not Mexicans not CITIZENS just the government and the democrats are expanding the government to push the communist agenda to rule over the American population!! Labor Day was created because of bias against people who have no highschool education after riots destroying of factories and protests high school was made free for all we need to renew a push for fairness in the workplace ! Lower taxes and raise wages !!! Society will renew a push for violence if education continues to be viewed obtusely when compared to , experience and hard labor !!! Housing prices could be cheaper if labor was respected vs pencil pushing city employees and supervisors!!

    2. There are fast food restaurants in my community that pay more than most manufacturing companies. After, our state and county provided enormous tax breaks to get them to move here.

    3. @Terry G seriously our middle class is being dissolved I applied to get into Harvard and have used EDX courses they told me I will need to retake the SAME EXACT COURSES SO THEY COUNT PUTTING ME 30k into debt Americans have lost their dynamism for cheap gains at the expense of our government Country and freedoms !!!

    4. @Mark Oakley I agree the middle class is being disolved. We must stand up to those who are helping that happen.

  14. People are making more money working under the table on their own ! The trainer that worked for peanuts at the big corporate gym is now working for themselves with online training !

    1. Manufacturing has had less and less union forces driving pay up and benefits today a manufacturer starting wage is @ 15/hr …. similar to that of a walmart employee , BUY CRYPTO BUY GOLD BUY OIL BUY SILVER INFLATION IS REAL , and will trend higher because the economic recovery new tax plans and government expansion across all sectors ( green new deal) , America is collapsing and the solution to increase labor and taxable citizens is open borders !!! My
      Uncle works for homeland security he explained that the open border policy is designed to cater the government not Mexicans not CITIZENS just the government and the democrats are expanding the government to push the communist agenda to rule over the American population!! Labor Day was created because of bias against people who have no highschool education after riots destroying of factories and protests high school was made free for all we need to renew a push for fairness in the workplace ! Lower taxes and raise wages !!! Society will renew a push for violence if education continues to be viewed obtusely when compared to , experience and hard labor !!! Housing prices could be cheaper if labor was respected vs pencil pushing city employees and supervisors!!

  15. My neighbor is a general manager at a factory and says they can’t fill $12 an hr jobs. The company has no 401k plan, limited insurance and 5 PTO a year for 5 years. Imagine that.

    1. Covid is job loss alot of jobs are low pay -stores, fast food THE STARTING WAGE IN MY STATE IS $7.25!!! Alot of jobs part time or low pay no benefits

    2. @Radicaleyes My state the starting pay is only $7.25 a hour!! just par time or low pay no benefits Some places $9 or $10!!!

    3. @david hale American labor conditions are thirdworld and the pay scarcely better. the rest of the western world pays TRIPLE the minimum wage.

  16. I’m no longer waiting for the stimulus check because I earn $24,230 every 14-16 days recently got myself a new ride

    1. Congratulations that’s a great thing. Don’t forget about those who haven’t landed that great job yet. You may be able to relate to the way it used to be for you.

    2. @toasteh all the accounts are clearly operated by a single guy.

      Lol ๐Ÿ˜†

      Hilarious how it’s here on cnn fooling the gullible. Fake news + fake posts + fake people

    3. @Joel Babu People who consume mainstream media are the thickest and most gullible, and Im sick of them ruining the west with their ignorance and acting on misinformation. I detest the normie.

  17. “Look for a job? Why would I look for a job when we’re gonna get a stimulus payment of at least $500 in 4 or 5 months. I don’t need a job.” SAID NO ONE EVER. Their arrogance is astonishing

    1. @Free Indeed Plus, they are needlessly closing the schools, forcing parents to stay at home. Biden’s visit to the school the other day showed how insane the teacher’s union has become with the plastic enclosures placed on top of the small desks, making the work space about the size of a postage stamp and trapping kids within a plastic box. One of the enclosures fell off a desk while Biden was speaking. The kids are less likely to get sick from Covid than a traditional flu. Others who want a vaccination can get one. There is no reasonable excuse to keep these obstacles in the way of getting back to a much more normal life. Unfortunately, politicians do what politicians do. Posture, preen, and create narratives that suit agendas meant to give them more power.

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