CNN's Nina dos Santos sits down with European Parliament President David Sassoli to take the mood of the EU Parliament as it prepares for Brexit on January 31, 2020.
#CNN #CNNi #News #Brexit #Trade #EuropeanUnion #EU
CNN's Nina dos Santos sits down with European Parliament President David Sassoli to take the mood of the EU Parliament as it prepares for Brexit on January 31, 2020.
#CNN #CNNi #News #Brexit #Trade #EuropeanUnion #EU
Good morning!
Why the fukk would you go to CNN serpent nest of treason? Did you not know that the democratic party is the devils legion literally and the same serpent line that enslaved the black race?
Shes a draconian gutter maggotwho porks Omar the serpent worm with a n autographed Snookie flourescent vibrator
I hope Britain extend the freedom it gained from the EU to the freedom seeking Scotland from the UK!
Holeinone Nazis are everywhere, the war never ended over 70 years ago
Anthony Burke , polls lol , how about Strikes and Protests in France , and anti EU parties surging in nearly every EU country !
Beachdudeca Polls also showed we would vote remain
philip bucher Scotland voted to remain part of the UK
Newsreader is really pretty.
More of a double amputation than a wound mate see ya.
Nah,more like a flesh wound. Whereas it’s deadly for uk
Alfa&Omega 00000
Uk freedom,!! Italy ,France, Poland and Hungry, come on in ! The waters fine .
EU insolvency starts February 1 2020
I have been watching this crap for years. If there’s a “wound” from this, it must be the wealthy that will receive it. If it was the common person, this would have been over a long time ago.
Oh I think the common person will feel a ton of pain from this. Both in the UK and further a field
Gethsemane Lol you shill
Putin loves BREXIT
And? Putin isn’t the master of evil the US and EU government thinks he is. Germany doesn’t even believe it.
Putin is by himself now. No one in gov to order around. Duffus nuked his own motherland. Karmaaaa
Good bye globalists . Your new world order is finished.
Good riddance English. uk crime syndicate will fall
Not pretending FeelsWeirdMan
Good luck GREAT Britain!
KALASHNIKOV bless you)))
The EU was never meant to be. It was meant to only ever be a common market. That’s why we signed up, but that wasn’t enough for the corrupt and greedy EU mafia.
putang ina mo e.u.
Globalism was fine in the beginning until it started forgetting about the people at home. If you could’ve balanced between the 2 then everyone would’ve been fine with globalism. A lot of good came from globalism but sadly it’s choking the poor folks.
“To think of London as far from Brussels or Rome”
It’s interesting how he, like the majority of the higher ups only really seems to be interested in talking about London, our financial capital. There is no interest in the UK as a whole, just the money we have brought to the table, year after year. They won’t mourn us leaving as much as they will miss our massive financial ‘contributions’.
now you know how the US feels about the UN. we contribute 22% (the most of any country) and we get nothing in return but complaints for more. i hope the UK thrives under the new agreement, it’s not your job to carry Europe!
I think you’re right. The EU is more interested in the money they’ll be losing after Brexit. Money makes the world go round!
@bingo_fuel I feel your annoyance. The US is also intrinsically tied to a similar position in NATO. I’m all for seeing the rest of Europe contribute more, but most other nations can’t even commit a minimum to that. Instead most of them just scoff at the UK for investing in our armed forces and having a nuclear deterrent or chide the US for not carrying even more. I hope one day they wake up and realize that holding hands and singing about unity alone won’t be enough to stop Russia, China or Iran.
Oh I suppose it wouldve made more sense saying that hed miss Swindon then stating the capital. Dont blame the EU for Londons status in the UK. Go read some history books starting from the 70s to date.
I just hope it’s a fatal wound
school : west liberty salem pleaseee
What he means is a shot to the head. The brain is dead, but the body doesn’t know it yet.
Off course CNN is pro Soviet European Union. CNN is establishment cancer. Globalist cancer.
The UK, US, Australia, Canada and New Zealand would make a strong trading bloc.