1. @Olalekan Feyisetan
      Insanity is making the same mistake over and over again Voting Democrat hoping for a different result..Enough of Democrat they have done enough damage

  1. The entire Democrat talking point was “Trump and abortions”, no wonder why there’s so out of touch with the general populus.

  2. If people would stop voting party lines and actually care about the country as a whole, you would see change. Sometimes you have to vote for what’s BEST, and sometimes that’s NOT how you usually vote

    1. @Snoopy Girl he did went on air on live TV earlier he does seem more better. He had stroke back in May, it takes 6 months to get better and it’s only close to that mark. To assume that he doesn’t seem right, he got his degree in Harvard university. He is not stupid.

  3. You got alot of explaining to do when these people wake up in 13 days…im sure you’ll come up with b.s they’ll buy and keep watching those who lie to them..How many times can you be let down by a stations reporting

  4. As an Independent with both liberal and conservative views, I can’t in good conscience allow the Democrats to retain majority power as they’ve done too much damage to the country as a whole. I’m not ecstatic about the GOP either but when it comes to administrative efficiency? Red beats blue by an untouchable margin. My advice to the Democrats would be to force the Progressive caucus out of the liberal party and make them form their own separate party b/c the Progressive wing is destroying you.

    1. @Jao Bidan PLEASE research this –

      During Trump’s presidency, HE DID NOT “create the most jobs ever” – his monthly job numbers NEVER beat Obama’s top numbers.

      Coal mining jobs DROPPED by 8k (he said he would bring them back like never seen before)

      The trade deficit went UP by 40% (he promised to lower it, instead made PERSONAL business deals with those he waged a trade war with)

      Federal dept for the public went UP 50%

      Spending – he spent in 4 years almost what Obama spent in 8 (and Obama had a recession to deal with, HOW?)

      Gas prices (pre-pandemic) went up about $1 (during good times, and with them getting tax breaks AND producing more oil)…

      People without health insurance when UP

      Trump had some good numbers, but he also had very bad ones… That, including the fighting in the streets and attack on our Capitol IN HIS NAME over his LIES…


    2. @Jao Bidan 🤣🤣🤣 Those are the only 2 issues Democrats have to run on!!!! KILLING INNOCENT BABIES and LEGALIZING DRUGS. That is exactly why they are losing the House and the Senate this Midterms. Americans care more affordable food for their children and themselves, safety for themselves and their families, Lower Gas Prices and Much lower Inflation.

    3. Democrats, Vote out the democrats and tell them why. It’s the only way to save that party from the woke authoritarians.
      It’s amazing that the party that forces people to use made up pronouns is calling the republicans authoritarians. Just mind boggling!

    4. @beobe99 inflation is due to over printing currency. The devaluation of the dollar. That means, more money fluctuating around without backing.

    1. @m b Shouldn’t you be lurking outside a school with a dress and makeup on telling kids that they should be ashamed of their gender?

    2. @Dave Waldon Welcome to Roevember, where we’ll be aborting the GQP. The GQP is done in this country. Mango Mussolini is going to prison.

  5. 4:15. Looked like the CNN host AND Chris were a part of the scene where they heard or just figured out that “it’s gonna be a bumpy ride”, and if you thought of the movie character that says THAT– you’re AWESOME, for at least a second.

  6. Even CNN starting to turn on Biden, better now to say we warned you and have on record being truths side .

    1. They’re all, suddenly, starting to notice Biden’s gaffs and the tide.
      Get ready for ‘it’s Biden’s fault we lost, call the 25th!’

  7. Here in Denmark everyone who is running gets a set amount of money from the state and they are forbidden to use any more on their campaigns. They also only get 2 weeks to run ads.
    I hate the US elections where you have to be a millionaire to get anywhere in politics and the campaigns run for almost a year.

    1. @Tony Walton You pay for almost a trillion dollar / year military budget & don’t even get healthcare. Say no thanks to that and yes please to voting rights and a more robust democratic system.

    2. Denmark is a monolithic society, we don’t want that. I don’t want a single penny of taxpayers money on useless politicians.

    3. @Yoshi Bear When Democrats are trying to get rid of the electoral college in favor of mob-rule democracy, my comment does have meaning and a basis; so, again, we are a Republic. Words matter

    4. @Yoshi Bear My comment comparing populations also serves a purpose, as comparing a country with the population of a small state to a country with a population of 335M is illogical. Maybe next time you should ask the purpose of someone’s comment before making assumptions. Edit: By the way, AOC wasn’t a millionaire; she was a bartender. There are numerous examples

  8. HUGE BREAKING! Democrat Blows Whistle On Widespread Orlando Area Ballot-Harvesting Operation In Black Communities

  9. Senator Grassley is up by 7 points according to 538. The Cook Political Report still has the race listed as “Likely Republican.” I haven’t seen details on any recent polling for the Senate race other than the “Iowa Poll” Chris alluded to. However, I have never noticed the Iowa Poll to err on the side of favoring Republicans.

    Further, in July, it reported that the Democrat candidate was leading in only one of Iowa’s four Congressional Districts, and that only within the margin of error on a rather small sample size. In the other three districts, the Republican incumbents were all ahead, by margins ranging from ten to nineteen (!!!) points. How do those figures translate into a loss in the only statewide race? Sure, Sen. Grassley is no spring chicken, but he can still run verbal and mental circles around Joe Biden

    As to Ohio, the notion that Ryan and Vance are even is mainly the result of polls by Siena College, Marist and Baldwin-Wallace College (the “Great Lakes Poll”). However, these outfits have abysmal track records and their polling results should therefore simply be disregarded.

    For example, in 2020, BWC showed Trump v. Biden in Ohio – far less than the actual result. Likewise, just 3 weeks before the election, it gave Biden leads of from 5 to 7% in Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania — much wider than the final outcomes.

    Finally, the video promised us that he was going to “get to” the Pennsylvania race later in the broadcast. Where did that go? If he has any trace of honesty, he would have to admit that the candidacy of John Fetterman crashed and burned on Tuesday night.

    Looking for solace in Iowa and Ohio?? Not going to work.

  10. If people actually cared about the fate of the country then they’d vote Republican everywhere. It’s madness that the democrat party is so widely supported after they’ve adopted the woke anti-American platform.

  11. It’s stupid that the senate and congress have only two years to get things moving. Give them four years instead of two. Two years only gives them enough time to start projects, only just to be torn down two years after, due to a change in majority. No party is given a chance to actually finish anything.

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