CNN correspondent says Trump’s tax returns appear to reflect a ‘major failure’ from the IRS

CNN National Correspondent Kristen Holmes breaks down the release of former President Donald Trump’s tax returns and explains to Wolf Blitzer how it reflects a “major failure” on behalf of the Internal Revenue Service.
#CNN #News


    1. @Franklin So is committing tax fraud(Trump org was recently convicted) not ok until a YouTube commentator gets upset about diaper Don being found out?

    2. @tae fravis is trump in prison? No he’s not so what you think is right is wrong obviously right? So maybe what your thoughts are is irrelevant 😂 maybe you should start thinking of becoming an independent like some Democrats did…..I’m Republican and I’m even thinking about voting independent in 2024

  1. Politicians biggest donors are millionaires, billionaires and big businesses. The politicians give them the biggest tax code loopholes to protect them.

  2. I owed the IRS $60.00 from last year’s tax filing. They sent letters out to me weekly. I mean weekly and consistently until I paid them. The DOUBLE STANDARD when it comes to RICH and PRIVILEGE vs BROKE and POOR is real in the USA!

    1. Same. I owed them some $100 from my ebay selling side gig and they kept sending me letters until I paid them while trump pays $0 but they let go. Justice in America is all but a fantasy.

    2. just wait until 2023 when the IRS comes after everyone who used PayPal, ebay, Etsy, Offerup etc etc… you think they are going after millionaires and billionaires… nope.

    1. @recklessent216 they did fail. They illegally did not perform the required audit of the Presidents taxes as required by law in the first 2 years of their term.

    2. @FloRider LLC yes illegally. An audit of the Presidents taxes within the first 2 years of their Presidential term is required by law therefore failure to carry out the requirements the law demands is illegal. It’s really not that hard to understand.

    3. @FloRider LLC what does sides have to do with government officials not carrying out their required duties as required by law. It is a law, a requirement, a mandate, whatever you want to call it it is illegal and subject to prosecution for failure to carry out their required duties. You give away the “laws for the but not for me” mentality of the Republican party who thinks this is a dictatorship and they are above the law with your bullshit “your side” comment.

    1. @Krome SD LMAO how am I obsessed when the dementia patient is a complete failure and doesn’t know what he’s doing.

    1. @Peter Martell Trump is not a traitor. Biden on the other hand committed treason by violating the constitution with unconstitutional mandates. He also violated the Nuremberg Code as well. He is also the traitor who abandoned 10s of thousands of Americans to be slaughtered in Afghanistan, armed the taliban with their first airforce and released a Russian asset warlord. How with a straight face are you going to call Trump a traitor without the integrity to call Biden out? “Clap you stupid bastards” ~Biden telling our military to F themselves.

    2. @Jay Mass just because we have a corrupt system doesn’t mean that a higher tax system doesn’t work, it just means that we also need more transparency and closure of loopholes / insider trading etc. It’s our responsibility to provide foreign aid given that we’re one of the main contributors to most of the destabilisation across the world, including the south resulting in the increased immigration. Also investing in immigrants in order for them to integrate into our society and start working and paying taxes improves our economy. We get taxpayers straight away rather than having to pay for Americans whilst their children until their old enough to work. Immigrants are far more efficient for building a strong economy and are an investment. Also social safety nets are important because we can’t all know what’s around the corner and if there’s a net in place, it’s easier and quicker for us to recover and get back to work again instead of falling deeper into a hole that’s hard to get out of, that’s not good for the individual or the country

    3. @Jimmy Recard you’re right. ill walk into get my taxes done this year and declare i want to pay as much taxes as possible find me zero deductions i don’t want my pal jimmy standing alone. #payallthetaxes this will really catch on just wait.

    4. @tae fravis its been rebunked so youre running slow probably cause its tough keeping gas in the car these days thanks to sleepy joe so we understand.

    5. @Jaaa C Id pay more if everyone else was willing to, it’s a contribution we must all make towards progressing our country. Unfortunately politicians like to manipulate the working class into thinking low taxes are good so they can continue giving millions of tax breaks to their rich mates although clearly you think only the working class should be paying tax and millionaires like Trump don’t need to

    1. And Trump’s taxes shows that he got poorer being president but all these other ones they got richer and the other ones weren’t for the people but Trump was for the people. Fact check that

    2. Hmm! Everyone has but one, corrupt ex-#45 who kept lying to the country as he did with everything else during his one term administration! #SMH 🇺🇲 #LOCKHIMUP 😤👌

    3. @Filip dahlberg that’s right but this is the reason why corrupt ex-#45 claims that he didn’t want to be paid because he planned on getting rich as he did during his one term administration! #SMH 🇺🇲😤👌

    4. @Big Dave He didn’t set a trap. Setting a trap takes calculated planning, and we know Trump isn’t that smart.

    5. @Nina Costa  Do your research. Trump’s million has come from his father’s inheritance. Trump’s tax returns show how bad of a business man he really is/was. The most he ever made was from The Apprentice (72.9 million). Outside of that, he’s lost money on 26 businesses under his direction. Do your research.

    1. @tae fravis Are you calling deductions ….. refunds. A refund is what you get back if you paid tooooooo much in tax. Deductions are line items that you use to legally reduce how much tax you owe. Which are u talking about.

    2. @Norma Bilderback “his own account firm made a annoucement that he gave them the number and they are not responsible for the tax fraud committed!!!” You are not the sharpest pencil in the box are u Norma. Here is how it works… I will try not to use to many big words so you can follow along. People like Trump have large accounting firms that specialize in everything TAX related. Trump’s CFO gives all the numbers to said accounting firm and they file Trumps taxes and are LEGALY LIABLE for said taxes , as is Trumps CFO and all his accountants. You will not find Trumps signature one ANY of his tax statements. That is how big business is run.

    1. @gonefishn You can see the tax returns of all US Presidents after Nixon because they released them prior to being elected. And now there’s Trump.

    2. @gonefishn They’ve been released. The 45 admin is the only one that has refused. If you want to see the other’s taxes, look it up. It’s there for the public to see. I, seriously, can’t believe you didn’t know this. Wow.

    3. @gonefishn they have already been released to the public and audited as required by law in the first 2 years of their presidential term.

  3. We need to hold the chief of IRS accountable and fire him…including Dejoy who is messing with people’s jobs and lives.

    1. @Biden is Garbage …yeah, I usually get upset when people don’t do there jobs. Do you not get upset when people don’t do their jobs for you?

    2. @Biden is Garbage they were supposed to audit Trumps taxes for 4 years and didn’t. So either you have no idea what you are talking about or are intentionally being ignorant.

    3. @Will King you need to let this go already 😆 trump is clean and the irs did their job you just have to let this go already and focus on something else and that’s the Biden regime.

    4. So not surprised how trump boot lickers completely ignore how Biden’s taxes were already released. Of course to them, their orange god does no wrong. Sad really. And before they attack the dems, I am not crazy about them either. However they are much better in enough ways that I switched from the Repubes years ago.

  4. The fact of the matter is that these continued scandals, controversies, questionable behaviors (Sex scandals, Insurrection, Nuclear Secrets scheme, Fake Electors, Call to Raffensperger, Trump Organization Tax Fraud, Personal Tax Evasion and Avoidance, etc) have tremendously diminished his electability going forward.

    1. You want to bet? The people in his cult have not and will not abandon him. It’s scary, but very true unfortunately.

    2. Yet freakishly scary how millions of blind and brainwashed “Americans” still support him and will probably riot or worse if and when this sorry excuse for a human is finally (hopefully) indicted and put in an orange jumpsuit to compliment his skin color. Donny drained the swamp of the life giving water that sustained the fabric of democracy and left the stinking rotting stench and muck of the Corrupt GOP in its place.

    1. Hmm! Corrupt ex-#45 continues to get away with his criminal act while he wants president Biden investigated? #SMH 😳😤👌

    1. @Bobby Townsend for illegally not performing the required audit of the Presidents taxes in the first 2 years of their term as required by law.

  5. Born in 1950, it wasn’t like this when I was young. The ascension of the wealthy class, most notably since Reagan when tax rates for that class plummeted, has brought us to this point. Corporations, once taxed heavily, now run the show; politicians are bought and sold, Especially in one party, whose lock-step behavior and big buck backers (buy a cabinet position, like DeVos) is so very obvious. I recommend the book, DARK MONEY. Wake up Americans! The ruling class likes seeing us at each other’s throats and feeds the beast. Unfettered capitalism only goes in one direction. George Carlin called it the “big show.,” proclaiming WE ain’t in it.

    1. @ Gary Peacock – Roman Emperor level stuff. Bread and circuses. Genuine lunatic Nero trump. Fiddling while Rome burns in one case. Grifting while COVID rages in the other.

    1. I like “the rich get richer and the poor get babies”. That’s from a popular song in the 1920s. You probably heard it, part of the song, it also goes “ain’t we got fun!”.

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