Rep. James Comer (R-KY) talks to CNN’s Pamela Brown about the attack on Nancy Pelosi’s husband, Paul Pelosi, and GOP priorities ahead of the 2022 midterm elections.
#CNN #News
CNN anchor presses GOP lawmaker on reaction to Paul Pelosi attack

Rep. James Comer (R-KY) talks to CNN’s Pamela Brown about the attack on Nancy Pelosi’s husband, Paul Pelosi, and GOP priorities ahead of the 2022 midterm elections.
#CNN #News
My God, equivocation, deflection, gaslighting. Good on her for pressing him.
@Justice Hussein False, he did not
@Justice Hussein Nope
Sure she Denys the Democrat violence Quote ( I only want to talk about Republicans )
@7thpilot Where’s all the recent democrat political violence ?
@vincent marino EXCLUSIVE : GOD COMMANDS people not to bear false witness. He was heard to follow this commandment with “THIS MEANS YOU VINCENT MARINO” Amen.
Re those PPP loans, Comer, how much money did YOU have forgiven? A cool million?😳🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬
Along with all the other legislators who benefited. Why do you think the repubs voted for it?
He can’t stop whining about wanting it to be both sides when it’s just one side that has gone off the deep end with conspiracy beliefs
@Michael Albert what continues to amuse me is how people will defend conspiracy believers on my post as if those conspiracy Believers think that I actually matter in their lives. As if my opinion of them actually matters to them. It honestly makes me laugh anytime a conspiracy believer posts a complaint on one of my posts. I wonder if they’re ever going to get it through their head that I don’t read anything that they post more care what their conspiracy beliefs are because they’re all lies.
Haha, the facts are coming out now that Paul Pelosi’s attacker did not waltz into Pelosi’s heavily guarded house in his underpants. He’s a male prostitute who was doing prostitute stuff in underpants and things got out of hand, which is why Paul Pelosi called 911 from the bathroom to say “my friend David his is having an episode”. The police were responding to a wellness check, not a home invasion. They found glass broken outward, not inward. You really need to start questioning everything you know, because the liberal media is lying to you on a massive scale.
@Michael Albert That is weird, ill have to look up that part. Maybe Poppa P is gay?
@Gail Waters yeah yeah I know. Nobody’s getting all the facts everybody’s ignoring all the information. If only people would listen to The Conspiracy believers. Hugo Chavez is controlling everybody’s mind with the Jewish space lasers. We really should listen to Alex Jones and Marjorie Taylor green they are the only ones who are so intelligent to know the truth that they are trying to alert everybody too.
@Gail Waters and seriously 80 years old in the hooking up with prostitutes? I hope I’m that virile when I’m 80 seriously. If only Donald Trump had half of Paul Pelosi’s testosterone the us would have been in a far better place when Trump was in office
They get fired up because they do not want to find out how stupid they have been. The GQP embraces ignorance!!! 😎
What is Paul Polosis favorite thing to when he’s Not ” insider trading”?
If you answered Getting Hammered you are right
Yes, they talk and act stupid, and they are stupid because they fell for the Trump lie and now feel the need to continue it.
So the gay illegal immigrant addicted to drugs and living in a shed at a blm trap house was a republican? You are ignorant to think this wasn’t wasn’t case of a rich old man trying to kill a homeless addict like his best friend Ed buck used to do.
@RAD makes sense to those of us actually able to read past second grade level. Go back to school
As a non American. THIS IS INSANE!
@Sunshinewalker I’m an Australian. It too is a representational democracy …a western democracy.
@Eduardo Rodriguez No! The US is also a representational democracy!
@Eduardo Rodriguez Being a republic has nothing to do with being a western democracy. Many countries are republics and are run by despots and dictators. The US founded the first modern representational democracy. It chose a republic as its method of government.
@anita windbigler Both Russia and the Philippines are democratic republics. The US is a western or liberal democracy. Putin made it clear that he wants liberal democracies to fail.
@Justice Hussein Not quite! The US is a liberal or western democracy which means separation of powers, universal suffrage, and a coded constitution.
“Threats of violence” says Kevin who stated that once he had Nancy’s gavel, as Speaker, he would try not to hit her with it? My, my how easily HE forgets what HE HIMSELF says!!
@The Perfect Life 007 wow perfect life indeed.
@Former voter Why wouldn’t she?
Haha, the facts are coming out now that Paul Pelosi’s attacker did not waltz into Pelosi’s heavily guarded house in his underpants. He’s a male prostitute who was doing prostitute stuff in underpants and things got out of hand, which is why Paul Pelosi called from the bathroom to tell the police the man’s name and say “my friend David his is having an episode”. The police were responding to a wellness check, not a home invasion. They found glass broken outward, not inward. You really need to start questioning everything you know, because the liberal media is lying to you on a massive scale.
@George Woodard No she was not. Try to keep up.
He might accidentally hit her in the head trying to pry the gavel from her cold dry fingers. Or he might say “Okay if you like yo’ gavel you can keep it”.
Can’t finish one sentence without “what-about-ism”, wonder what political party they picked that up from?
GOP, wonder no more.
@Patches 15% increase in the stock market under Dems. Only 10% under Republicans.
@Boris Probotkin GOP is dead. The GQP loves their weak & gullible snowflakes
All they do is talk about policy and agenda, but never offer solutions.
The Demonrats solutions involve more joflation and death.
@David Eby
Joe Biden didn’t cause inflation in the U.S. and around the whole world. At least 50% of the inflation is because of corporate greed.
@HemiHead664 Biden caused death,misery, and joflation.
Because they run on problems.
Problems make people angry or “fired up”
They can’t figure how to inspire people with progress bc they don’t want progress.
That would take dark money out of their pockets and actually help Americans.
For those of us who would like to know how people can come together and change society for the common good, it is crucial to be aware that we now have the means of doing that quite effectively. It’s called the internet. Nothing holds us back from acting on our own and pooling our resources to build a democratic political structure that would give the general public a powerful voice throughout society.
We need to establish an online democratic political platform in which any concerned citizen can securely log in and participate in the political system in a highly constructive and meaningful way — which would help to ensure that whatever Congress does that it will always be in the public’s best interest — and this would translate into the ability of the general public to exert and wield real democratic power upon the government, and thus society itself.
Such a democratic structure, which would essentially be a public web portal, would serve multiple functions — including basic things like voting in an election, which has already been done successfully in a number of countries, or allowing people to express their opinions on any issue and have those opinions recorded and tabulated for government offices to see the results of and to analyze.
The political platform could also be a place where people educate themselves about our true history of imperialism, how society actually operates, about the nature of neoliberalism, how it began, and the devastating effect that it has on the poor and the working-class, or the history of class struggle in American history, or how American anarchists were the ones who were behind most if not all of the major social progress that was ever achieved throughout our history. All of this kind of historical information, which has not been part of traditional teachings, would do a tremendous service to the public by enlightening their minds and to give them a whole understanding and approach to what is possible.
The central function of this direct-democracy platform, however, would be the encouragement, promotion, and facilitation of the two most important activities that a free and democratic people could ever do — critical thinking about the society in which they live and engaging in rational, political discourse.
People would gather around a common cause — like a social injustice or some other systemic flaw in society — that they are passionate about, form into a group, or several groups, which would basically take the form of an online chat room but that would be set up in a highly constructive and intelligent way, and simply begin sharing their concerns and expressing their thoughts and ideas on achieving a logical, reasonable, and practical solution to the problem. The rational discourse would undoubtedly lead to some form of brainstorming sessions where a common sense solution could be produced. Once finalized, the people’s official proposal (perhaps known as a pop) would then be voted on by the participating public, and if passed with a majority vote, then it would be sent to Congress for special consideration.
This is how American people can harness real democratic power, and if it can be done here in this country. with all of its diversity and so much political divisiveness and so many distractions, it could be done just about anywhere where there is broad-band access. This is not a fairy tale. This is quite real, and we can do this.
Each member of Congress would receive some kind of rating based on how responsive the representative is to the general public — who would be regarded as the main constituents of Congress — and every time that an individual logs into the platform, one of the first things seen would be the rating of their Representative and Senators. The rating system would be an additional tactic to pressure politicians with so that members of Congress always act in the best interest of the people.
And so, this is what a public, online, democratic political platform could do. Such a democratic mechanism would be a political game-changer because then there would basically be no limit to what a concerned and engaged citizenry could achieve.
I am talking about an online platform, that’s it, that records, tabulates, and graphs the voice of the public so that any representative in government can simply log in and see how their constituents feel about the issue and learn about any specific ideas or proposals that they may have in resolving a particular issue. If the majority of people are dissatisfied with the representative’s response, then the people would have the ability to make that known and to be put on the democratic record of that Congress member.
Students, individuals, corporations, and organizations are continually establishing some kind of online platform or web-site in order to perform a particular function or set of functions for society, and the building of a direct-democracy platform would be no different except that it would be a platform that every citizen can benefit from. Participation in this platform would undoubtedly require a certain amount of time and energy from the individual, and this would be understood. Most people make time for doing all kinds of things in their lives that are not totally necessary, and so, I would think that making time to voice their concerns and ideas about how to advance human growth and human development in the most effective way possible would be something that people would definitely want to do.
We don’t need the government’s permission to begin working on such a grand, social project; we just need to start doing it. It would be helpful if celebrities in the mainstream media or perhaps certain organizations who specialize in producing public-interest campaigns could create a presentation to promote the establishment of an online democratic structure. Anyone involved in such efforts should expect some sort of backlash from the existing power structure, but if the public campaign is done in a very intelligent and strategic way, and if different prototypes are made for the public to try out and to get comfortable with, which would help to promote the overall concept of the project, then the powers that be will bend. A good name for such a democratic platform would be NOAM out of respect for the still living, renowned intellectual, thinker, and advocate for social change, Noam Chomsky.
A possible slogan for the activists of such a movement could be: Keep Calm, and Make the Logical Argument. When you hear voices from the media start downplaying and ridiculing the importance of critical and logical thinking, or accuse us of being reckless and irresponsible, that would be a good sign of the cracking of the existing power structure.
“Remember when I tried to take everyone’s healthcare? Those town halls were rowdy…why aren’t we talking about that time I was in danger???”
Interesting. I don’t recall my Healthcare getting better or more affordable. I just remember the government threatening to make those things happen. They also threatened to take money from people who didn’t comply with their plan. Sometimes I wonder if Obama care was ever going to be good. Did they even think it would be what they said it would be? I mean, you say that like somehow obamacare made Healthcare more universal. Hell, now everybody has Healthcare they can’t afford to use.
@Rich 85 how are those denied pre-existing conditions? Oh whats that?? Insurance companies aren’t allowed to deny you for that anymore? Sounds better to me.
Haha, the facts are coming out now that Paul Pelosi’s attacker did not waltz into Pelosi’s heavily guarded house in his underpants. He’s a male prostitute who was doing prostitute stuff in underpants and things got out of hand, which is why Paul Pelosi called from the bathroom to tell the police the man’s name and say “my friend David his is having an episode”. The police were responding to a wellness check, not a home invasion. They found glass broken outward, not inward. You really need to start questioning everything you know, because the liberal media is lying to you on a massive scale.
Passions flaring at Town Halls over policy is very different to attacking a lawmaker’s partner in their home or shooting a lawmaker while they are playing baseball.
One is citizens exercising their First Amendment rights, the other two are against the law (assault and attempted murder).
Rand Paul was attacked in his front yard. The Waukesha murderer mowed down people at a Christmas parade!
@Catherine Cole true it has been scientifically proven that dems drink the blood of not only their own children but also drain dead bodies which explains why they voted for biden and kamella
The shooting of Republican politicians while playing softball by a Bernie Sanders campaign volunteer had nothing to do with passion at a town hall, nor the man that drove to a Supreme Court judge home to shoot him.
Haha, the facts are coming out now that Paul Pelosi’s attacker did not waltz into Pelosi’s heavily guarded house in his underpants. He’s a male prostitute who was doing prostitute stuff in underpants and things got out of hand, which is why Paul Pelosi called from the bathroom to tell the police the man’s name and say “my friend David his is having an episode”. The police were responding to a wellness check, not a home invasion. They found glass broken outward, not inward. You really need to start questioning everything you know, because the liberal media is lying to you on a massive scale.
@Gail Waters so pelosi’s hubby is gay
“Well that’s big of you….” 😂
Loved that
@Gangster 404 well I’m glad to see you don’t mind people being attacked in their home!
@Jaffa T Happens every night in CA. What makes this any different? The American hating left loves violent crime and why you want to defend the police and glorify drug dealers selling drugs to kids like George Floyd.
He failed to mention tax cuts for the big corporate office and the rich
Haha, the facts are coming out now that Paul Pelosi’s attacker did not waltz into Pelosi’s heavily guarded house in his underpants. He’s a male prostitute who was doing prostitute stuff in underpants and things got out of hand, which is why Paul Pelosi called from the bathroom to tell the police the man’s name and say “my friend David his is having an episode”. The police were responding to a wellness check, not a home invasion. They found glass broken outward, not inward. You really need to start questioning everything you know, because the liberal media is lying to you on a massive scale.
Dear Kevin..I can only hope and pray Nancy thanked you well,for your part in allowing and planning , not only Jan 6 th,but the violence and continued support of 45…
Haha, the facts are coming out now that Paul Pelosi’s attacker did not waltz into Pelosi’s heavily guarded house in his underpants. He’s a male prostitute who was doing prostitute stuff in underpants and things got out of hand, which is why Paul Pelosi called from the bathroom to tell the police the man’s name and say “my friend David his is having an episode”. The police were responding to a wellness check, not a home invasion. They found glass broken outward, not inward. You really need to start questioning everything you know, because the liberal media is lying to you on a massive scale.
Pelosi planed Jan 6
@Kobe Westbrook If you’d watched the hearings you’d know.
@P C I’d never waste my time watching that nonsense. Once again where’s the evidence?
@Kobe Westbrook if you watched it you would know where the evidence are so sit down and keep quiet…
“We offered prayers to Nancy Pelosi”. When something disgusting happens (anything) the only thing they do is offer prayers. These people are just appalling!
@Debra Watson you are ignorant to the facts then and want another 4yrs of inflation and misery
@Jason C. the right incited Paul Pelosi to bring home a stranger for sex? This guy was far left not even close to the right. Nice try though.
Haha, the facts are coming out now that Paul Pelosi’s attacker did not waltz into Pelosi’s heavily guarded house in his underpants. He’s a male prostitute who was doing prostitute stuff in underpants and things got out of hand, which is why Paul Pelosi called from the bathroom to tell the police the man’s name and say “my friend David his is having an episode”. The police were responding to a wellness check, not a home invasion. They found glass broken outward, not inward. You really need to start questioning everything you know, because the liberal media is lying to you on a massive scale.
they offer prayers and kind words for the attackers, like trump did to the insurrectionists who tried to overthrow the will of the people install a dictator and kill people
@Val Kimura What initiated it? Pelosi called 911. Try ro keep up.
Why is this idea that you have to own all of congress in order to do anything? Why not bring up a bill that would help the American people or vote yes on one of the bills that is already being proposed instead of voting no on everything? Your names will still be on that bill even if the “other side” brought it up. They do realize they don’t have to obstruct everything, right?
Because bipartisanship is all but GONE from Washington….politics is a zero sum game now in this country now.
In a perfect world, but greed and love of money and control; these folks are getting their backs scratched by some of Americas biggest constituents/ corporations. When was the last time they passed meaningful legislation that bored well for Americans regardless of left or right
He can’t give the response that our 5yr old would naturally give BECAUSE HE IS APART OF THE PROBLEM. It’s not until it’s his wife or family member or himself being rushed to the hospital that he’ll understand
@Cory Griffiths lol, one side is completely fascist and anti-democracy, but you wanna lecture us about “hate on both sides”. Your take on this subject is ignorant, unhelpful, and brings comfort to the wicked.
@Cory Griffiths Were the maga supporters ( Albuquerque Head Tennessee, Kyle Young and Danny Rodriguez) who pulled a capitol police officer out of formation, held and beat and tasered him democrats? What about the maga supporter who threw a fire extinguisher down onto capitol police from a height? Was Ricky Shiffer MAGA who shot at the FBI with a nailgun a closet democrat? What about Republican politicians who encourage their supporters to be violent like Marjorie Taylor Greene on record supporting the assassination of Barack Obama and Nancy Pelosi? Or Paul Gosar who shared an animated video showing violence against Joe Biden and Ocasio-Cortez? Or Eric Greitens’ campaign ad where he hunts republicans that are not extreme enough? Unfortunetely, politicians like Marjorie Taylor Greene and formerly Trump have the Republican Party by the balls and with no real condemnation from Mitch McConnell, Kevin McCartjy or the Republican National Council, when Americans talk about threats/ violence /intimidation against American politicaians/law enforcement/criminal justice, they are talking about the threat from Republicans.
@Mark Middleton you’re a great example of why a conversation cannot happen. Immediately insult someone who has an opposing view. Your brain cannot function past your tribal bias…Clearly this was a bias interviewer too…She asks the guest if GOP has a plan to fix the economy so he lays out the GOP plan. Then she says: So does the GOP feel they don’t need a plan? HE JUST MENTIONED the plan!! Also, why can’t both sides be called out for the violence and divisiveness? Why should the guest be restricted to only condemning the republicans. One would think that if the interview was a fair a balanced discussion, then the interviewer should go along with the guest’s very reasonable response that EVERYONE should be responsible for dialing things down. Sorry CNN, just haven’t learned about how biased they are and how much they add to the divisiveness in America. American people, get your act together and self-reflect!!
Haha, the facts are coming out now that Paul Pelosi’s attacker did not waltz into Pelosi’s heavily guarded house in his underpants. He’s a male prostitute who was doing prostitute stuff in underpants and things got out of hand, which is why Paul Pelosi called from the bathroom to tell the police the man’s name and say “my friend David his is having an episode”. The police were responding to a wellness check, not a home invasion. They found glass broken outward, not inward. You really need to start questioning everything you know, because the liberal media is lying to you on a massive scale.
@Cory Griffiths Actually if you are still friends or keeping familial relationships with those who are opposed to democracy you are a part of the problem. It’s called enabling. And you probably have nothing to say to me about it but you are in fact guilty if that’s what you support
This gives me “fine people on BOTH SIDES” vibes.
Maybe because there’s good and bad people on both sides.
To bad that has been debunked over and over again.
Haha, the facts are coming out now that Paul Pelosi’s attacker did not waltz into Pelosi’s heavily guarded house in his underpants. He’s a male prostitute who was doing prostitute stuff in underpants and things got out of hand, which is why Paul Pelosi called from the bathroom to tell the police the man’s name and say “my friend David his is having an episode”. The police were responding to a wellness check, not a home invasion. They found glass broken outward, not inward. You really need to start questioning everything you know, because the liberal media is lying to you on a massive scale.
Dude couldn’t even spell accountability if he tried.
Comer’s a real piece of work.
Haha, the facts are coming out now that Paul Pelosi’s attacker did not waltz into Pelosi’s heavily guarded house in his underpants. He’s a male prostitute who was doing prostitute stuff in underpants and things got out of hand, which is why Paul Pelosi called from the bathroom to tell the police the man’s name and say “my friend David his is having an episode”. The police were responding to a wellness check, not a home invasion. They found glass broken outward, not inward. You really need to start questioning everything you know, because the liberal media is lying to you on a massive scale.
He’s spineless like the rest of the GOP leadership
I’m so tired of the “Both sides” argument whenever one party looks bad.
Yeah the Democrats have demonstrated their ability to wage war on America for the last 10 years. Their power is coming to an end
Right. It was False balance (bothsidesism) fallacy.
Being that it was a Bernie Sanders supporter that shot Steve Scalise, Nancy Pelosi’s daughter cheered when Rand Paul got beat up, a Democrat killed a reporter here in Las Vegas, a liberal tan over and killed an 18 year old Trump Supporter in North Dakota.
I love how she keeps him on topic
@BigBadJerry Rogers you went off topic and miss-understood my point. I simply stated that the interviewer asked a question about whether they have a plan and the guest answered here at 05.00 (five minutes into the video. You have ears and eyes and I’m sure watched the video and heard his response. SO THAT’S THEIR PLAN!!!. I’m not saying it’s a great plan or a detailed plan, but it’s still an articulated plan. It’s not NO PLAN…Only when the GOP get into power can you know if the plan works or not. Devils in the details. But you and other tribal thinkers like you are so blind, you can’t even watch a video and hear what seems like a plausible plan that could or could not work. Why go on a tangent and discuss corporations? Maybe you’re correct about Corporations, but that has nothing to do with the discussion about the press (and your) inability to listen to the other side. Hope that makes sense.
@Jovencio Frazao HEY! Ok I am responding to you. And I went back and watched this garbage just to directly reply. Drilling. That’s literally all this man had to say about what this magical Republican plan for solving inflation is. Drilling. Drilling. Drilling. 😐 Unbelievable. Ah yes and of course “uneccesary spending” which was done with ppp loans and unemployment, that is HISTORY! What is wrong with you?;?! Just get off the internet 🤡
@BigBadJerry Rogers Nice mature grown up response. What’s wrong with me is that I’m involved in an exchange with someone so blinded with hatred for “the other side”that they can’t even have calm discussions without insulting or banning people from the internet… I’m just going to assume you don’t comprehend the written word too well and that you’re otherwise a good person… LET ME TRY AGAIN: I wasn’t agreeing with his plan or defending the guest’s answer. I was merely pointing out that he articulated a plan. The fact that you repeated his stated plan back to me means that you heard his plan. I REPEAT AND TRY TO FOLLOW: my original point of my original post was an observation of the journalist’s lack of objectivity and inability to conduct an honest discourse. Your disproportionate emotional response is exactly what’s ruining America. Why insult me? Isn’t it possible for a person to share an opinion or observation and not be asked to leave the internet. Does this seem like a mature response to you? Be better.
@Jovencio Frazao HE DOESN’T HAVE A PLAN!!!! For the love of God, get off the internet!!!!!
@BigBadJerry Rogers Nah. I’ll stay on the internet. Only place I can meet brilliant conversationalists such as yourself. You should get off though. Take a nap. You seem unstable.