CNN's Kaitlan Collins speaks with Food and Drug Administration Commissioner Dr. Robert Califf about the ongoing shortage of baby formula in the US and when he thinks the supply will return to normal levels. #CNN #News
CNN anchor presses FDA chief on baby formula shortage. See his response

Shortages should be blamed on corporations that manufacture it. The government is beings use as a scapegoat.
@JOHN Danenberg – Pot calling Kettle black. Quote “The government is beings use as a scapegoat.”. Ok English Major Genius!!!!
@Mike Benkowhat ? Your not going play the Racist card
now I am surprised
@Jehovah Witness calling the kettle orange is more appropriate.
@Jehovah Witness your post is riddled with grammar errors, too. This is YouTube, not a dissertation.
The EU formula is made to a much higher safety and nutritional standard (because of course it is) and break the stupid artificial oligopoly.
We knew it’s finally it’s here
@Mama G you are sad
They are doing that already
I am mad a the manufacturer’s what a great opportunity to increase the price… private sector must be responsible to consumers
Who loosened the regulations on safety standards and inspections? Why did it take a whistleblower to draw attention to this contamination in the first place? And why do so few companies have so much control over the national supply of baby formula or any other necessity?
@Bob Cob it’ll be closed long enough to cause harm to American infants. They can’t just starve indefinitely. They’ve already said that it’ll take them till the end of the year to be back at full capacity.
So they want to save the unborn child so they can starve to death their first year
Who are they?
This is a national security issue as much as any other shortage of basic necessities- private suppliers don’t care about anything but their shareholders and their short term profits.. blaming anyone else is stupid- change the system..
There’s no shortage. It’s all been sent down to the us Mexico border for the caravan migrants prioritized ahead of Americans. I saw the video. There’s never been a shortage it’s just that there’s just been such a massive increase in migrant voters coming into the us illegally.
Repent to Jesus Christ
“Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus,”
Romans 8:1 NIV
Hey @repent…etc
Matthew 6:5
Pick up your own book some time
@Kelly Tom grow up
Unpredictable is a lie you could do simple math to get that answer they could have figured that out in three days how that would have affected the market
“The world is in more peril from those who tolerate evil or encourage evil than from those who actually commit it.” -Dr. Albert Einstein, March 30 1953
He never said this..
@Saf Momin did you try googling it? 3 pages worth of indexed comment sections, lmao. It’s always the 2020-2024 accounts man…
Repent to Jesus Christ
“Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus,”
Romans 8:1 NIV
I really like this interview
There’s things that we could always do better… but right now our focus is on…
That’s the standard answer to everything these days. I’ll answer it for him. One major necessary action is to do something about how corporate politicians have rigged the system in favor of corporations. They set it up for the benefit of one single, or a very few manufacturers. So that they can have a monopoly. Which means that when the one facility that manufactures the product has contamination present, or is leveled by fire, tornado, earthquake, or hurricane, the supply dries up. If the production of a product is in one location, of course something like this was bound to happen. Corporations also purchase laws and regulations that ensure that they and they alone have the only FDA approved product, which prevents getting a comparable product from overseas, among other things. Because of monopolies it seems likely that we’ll see more and more of this. When it’s a critical good affected, we’re just screwed.
Yuppers….and with all the regulations a certain someone rolled back….we can definitely expect this from many more industries as well in the future. Like seriously….they should just blanket say “everything he did is gone…right back to how it was before he got in” but they can’t do that…..but I wish they could
Last fight
Yes, you are spot on
So glad that my baby will be able to eat in a few weeks. I just love going to 2-3 places daily to try and find formula, ending up paying 3 times as much for formula my baby has a bad reaction to. Bribed politicians rules screw us again, no reason we shouldn’t be able to import from countries with solid safety rules like Canada or western Europe.
@Deborah Freedman everything you said is true. Except I think the primary reason more people are using formula is because it’s darn near impossible for a family to live on 1 average person’s income. Moms got to work, and keeping up breastfeeding while working 40+ hours a week is a challenge to say the least.
@Nando it’s a good thing for the planet, however. In fact, not having a child is the single greatest way any one person could reduce their carbon footprint. That’s before we get into the fact that if one brings another life into this world, they are also dooming it to suffer and die, somewhere between quickly and over a long time. Some suffer less, and some suffer more. If you really want to bring a fresh child into this world when there are millions of children waiting for adoption into a permanent home, then you should be rich. Otherwise, it’s just selfish, and even then, it’s probably still selfish. You could take an orphan out of a potentially terrible life situation, but instead, you leave the orphans to suffer.
What’s the worst thing you can say to me for this opinion? “Never have children”? Yeah, I don’t plan on it. My partner isn’t that keen on adopting, but I’ve made it clear I’m not having biological children.
I’m certainly not going to make my partner give birth to a child that’s going to most-likely end up slaving for corporate overlords one day. That’s not thinking for the children, and it’s not thinking for the world we live on.
Just because we could feed 10-12 billion people doesn’t mean we should have that many people. We’re already at the point where 9.9% of people on this planet were undernourished in 2020 (according to Action Against Hunger), even though we have the food necessary to feed everyone.
…but yeah we should still 100% go after the politicians that are making it such that there’s a whole movement of people like me, encouraging the choice of adoption over birthing a new child, because of what is going on in the world.
There was a reason why slaves were allowed to have families. Children are free, new slaves to replace the ones worked to death.
Chattel slavery ended, and gave way to the race to the bottom for wages, to replace the loss covered by no longer being able to pay only the price to buy a slave. Frankly, our modern system is slavery for rent money. Give the slaves just enough not to kill themselves. Otherwise, allow no further freedoms, restrict access to knowledge, and discourage learning.
Why else do you think abortion has only been a major public issue since the decline of the baby boom around the 1960s?
I’ve been buying formula like crazy and sending it the Ukraine! Those babies are in a war zone! God bless
Having done some work in a baby milk factory in the UK, I have seen the extreme care they took to make sure everything was super clean!
Changing overalls to the correct colour code going from one section to another, wearing hairnets, wearing footwear covers, washing hands, constant washing of floors and equipment, daily sampling and testing of the product in the lab.
So if the company had been lax in their procedures, they need to be prosecuted!!
@Daniel Hew Do you think this debacle was because of over-regulation, or under-regulation? …’cos I kinda think if safety was ignored, and a public recall is underway, that safety regulations should have been in place, but weren’t?
Last year there was a recall of UK produced infant formula, because pieces of blue plastic were in it. Nestle had to recall its formula, in Germany in 2018, due to metal contamination. Europe is not immune to contaminated infant formula.
Repent to Jesus Christ
“Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus,”
Romans 8:1 NIV
Monopolies kinda suck, don’t they? I’m sure that Abbot corporate executives were every bit as concerned with keeping equipment safely maintained, as they were about paying out all those nice shareholder dividends!
@Kyle Nolan you just don’t understand investing if that’s what you believe. Which is actually a sad reality for most people nowadays. The 2008 crash destroyed a lot of people’s confidence in the market even though had they just stuck through it they would have recovered. Now hardly any middle aged people are getting IRAs or 401Ks. Anyone under the age of 55 at this time are going to end up relying on a small check from social security thanks to the demonization of the market by people like you. Thank God market participation by the retail market has gone up. Maybe people will finally see the value in buying into their country’s future.
So far, there is no monopoly on mothers’ breasts. Why is it that, breastfeeding is more common in blue states? Why do educated mother tend to breastfeed much more? Why are formula manufacturers allowed to bombard expectant mothers with misleading advertisement, to talk them out of breastfeeding?
@Deborah Freedman it’s their choice….
Well, blue states tend to have more people who can breastfeed because of better social programs. That’s a big part of the puzzle in and of itself
She missed out the point,
He said they took decisions with unpredictable consciousness, not they didn’t predict the demands
From what I understand we only have two major formula manufacturing plants in the United States. They’re responsible for 80% of the dry formula used in the United States. One little tornado away from another shortage!
FDA cannot regulate to plants at once?
She needs to ask questions that educate the public about how monopolies work and why allowing big corporations to create them used to be illegal.
Agreed, Johanna.
So big cooperations fault? Gas prices oil company/Russia fault, inflation let me guess the wealthy fault? You guys are similar to those dolls with the pull string in the back, you guys have five liners & that’s it

@Nando “let me guess the wealthy fault?”
Guessing is for games. Your guess is incorrect, however. Inflation has nothing to do with wealth or wealthy individuals. Understanding how and why there is inflation requires some education.
Judging by your reply I conclude that you do not have much of it. Not even for an educated guess.
@Marco R The wealthy fault (Sarcasm), go read Thomas Sowell [Basic Economics] or matter of fact you can find it on YouTube audio addition. I can guide you to other books as well “educated one”.
Pre-recall, the supply chain was 90% full. Post recall, the supply chain fell to 79%? How much incremental profit is being made with the reduced supply chain? Not, those companies (3 or 4 right?) conducted major stock buy backs in the last year? Sounds like they “fixed” the system with but back and didn’t maintain their production lines then profited from their actions. The DOJ should sue for damages. All incremental profits should be surrendered plus a substantial fine, if found guilty (and we know they won’t be), for Markey manipulation.
“If it’s not my baby, who cares??” Love the attitude. How about the babies STARVING today? Those babies DO NOT HAVE A CHOICE. HE SUCKS.
1 Lynne Barrett Fuk what you saying it here
Felicidades, es un buen ejemplo.

5:25 Se deja ver que hay muy buenos resultados
Saludos desde la Cd.. de world

los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
It seems like he can hardly stay awake! He is bogged down by the FDA bureaucracy :/
It’s insane that one company has the entire baby formula market on lock to the point this could happen.
No it’s crazy the fda didn’t think it was a problem to put the inspections on hold
don’t forget the dementia patient in the White House, what’s his name? Brandon?
@LibertiesDefender right. Ultimately the buck ends with him. However he’s too preoccupied sending the formula we DO have down to the border
Why is the news beating up on the FDA instead of Abbott, which allowed the contamination to occur by failing to maintain and update their equipment? Abbott should be investigated, fined, AND have to pay compensation to all the parents and infants affected.