CNN's Ana Cabrera speaks with former US Border Patrol Chief Ronald Vitiello about the rise in migrant surges at the US-Mexico border and the plan to address them laid out by the Biden administration. #CNN #News
CNN anchor presses ex-US Border Patrol chief about Biden claim

If you keep providing benefits, more will come. Reference what happened in Europe
“Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!” cries she With silent lips. “Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shite Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”
Them to you leave wen xue that’s not true I’m tired of people like you
@Jannett Snow Why? He spoke the truth!
@Joey S The Statue was a gift from France…’s not OUR LAW!
@Joey S a poem on a statue isn’t our immigration policy
I’m a left leaning person who believes that illegal migration needs addressing.
denman, Left leaning Person: Do you believe illegal migration is NOT being addressed?
Vitiello gives his answer to stopping illegal migration that has worked in the past. Do you agree with the left leaning CNN interviewer that he is wrong, and the problem is not the Biden policy as he claims?
@fifty9forty3 why so many questions?
@denman It’s how I learn.
ARE THESE PEOPLE BATHING…WHERE THE TOILET PAPER GOING…WHERE THE FEMININE NAPKINS GOING…ARE THEY VAXED…HAVE THEY BEEN IMMUNIZED…CAN YOU IMAGINE THE DESEASE AND GERMS…ITS SAD FOR THESE PEOPLE…what would happen to this woman if she tried to visit another country without a passport…would she be held out or let in…we all no what would happen
What a mess.
American’s realistically homeless and hungry. Yet there is an ongoing problem with at the border. Separation is a much problematic issue.
It is so refreshing when the reporter actually has a grasp of the facts and can call out these ideological fools on their nonsense.
LOL, based on CNN’s reporting….. game over!
ANA knew NOTHING about the border.
She don5 live near the border for a reason
The reporter was simply WRONG!
He must’ve been watching something else she did a very poor job there was no defense for an open porous border that we can’t and don’t control as a Democrat I have to admit that
Vitiello acts people just started coming over the border two years ago. This is been a problem for DECADES, and it’s becoming increasingly worse as people flee authoritarian regimes, gang violence and things like crop failure because of climate change.
Not according to the delusional MAGAts. They’re coming to bring drugs, ruin our country and replace us, must be that alternative facts they’re always talking about. Facts are they’re fleeing death in most cases, that’s why they go through that f-ed up journey, get treated like garbage at the border and still stay and wait. We have to do better as a nation.
She did an excellent job. I bet she wouldn’t have let Kirsten Sinema walk all over the way Tapper did
What would be a good deterrent to keep illegal migrants out? Arrest Americans who hire them. Why is this always ignored? As long as there are jobs they will come. Make it clear they can’t work illegally by arresting Americans who hire illegally, and none will come here illegally. This is the ONLY conversation we should be having. NOT walls. Not borders. Nothing but, who are the Americans that hire them and why are they not all in jail?
well said
She did a poor job. No real facts.
Do you also ask Ana and other CNN “journalists” to press, grill, be argumentative and combative and aggressive and interrupt Democrats and push them and make sure they’re not allowed to lie or misinform viewers when they come on the show 24/7 having cotton candy questions hand it to them like “tell us more why republicans are such horrible people”

they don’t even fucking try to pretend they’re not biased or political and not pushing a democratic narrative and agenda and you’re acting like she’s brave for misinforming you and pretending she’s reporting news hahaha 

Does it even cross your mind that nobody on CNN ever questions Democrats while they proudly post in the video title how they grilled and pressed and pushed the person being interviewed only when it’s a Republican? I mean they don’t even try to pretend like they are journalists reporting news and you guys could care less and think she’s doing a great job for misinforming you with an politically driven agenda & misinformation that they call “news”
You know what would help border patrol do their job? Reducing their jurisdiction from 100 miles inland to maybeeee 5-10 miles
(Please help me) 
*”Why are taxpayers bearing the burden of non-citizens, while America has over 1 Million homeless veterans?”*
Sincere answer…
Because people with money and power have made people think we can’t address multiple issues at the same time… it’s a false choice made to obfuscate the fact that the powerful don’t want to share the wealth they have hoarded.
Infrastructure, immigration, healthcare… all of this requires money and when more than half the country has less combined wealth than either of the 2 wealthiest people in America… that’s a problem.
We are being being Communized into Communism. Check your history books.
@ML Nags
The horror of healthcare and education as a human right… that basic human needs should be subsidized by our government at a higher rate than corporations that make trillions in profits…
History please teach us how to avoid the dangers of social safety nets and looking out for the poor and powerless, and seek to protect the rich and powerful… for they are the only ones worthy of such affections.
Homeless population is disproportionately black and racism makes it easier to ignore homelsssness
@Tacit Tern Taxpayers include non-citizens. Sincere request… Stop using veterans in your political games. We aren’t your pawns nor should we ever be used as pawns.
The world isn’t as simple as many would like to believe. Talking points are just that.
This has been happening for 2 years now…CNN is a little late on this coverage I suppose it’s better late than never right
The problem with Title 42 is that has CBP expels them back to the Mexico side of the border, which just results in them crossing over and over, a revolving door. Southern border encounters doubled as soon as Don the Con started his Remain in Mexico policy in Jan 2019. According to US Customs and Border Protection, the total for 2018 was 396,579 and for 2019 was 851,508. Title 42 created a revolving door, with repeat crossings jumping to 27% in 2020, up from 7% in 2019. Both policies were failures.
If that is so, why not finish the wall and make it big and not able to penetrate???? I guess they don’t really want to secure the border.
Wow! That one guy to interview who is out of the real loop!
Great job CNN – Try and remember you’re a NEWS agency – just the facts through, please – It’s been a long time since you guy’s did the real news
No other country on earth just allows people to walk in. Why do we allow it?
Because of Biden. He just won’t go to the border or even try to stop it.
We don’t
America and other western countries are expected to capitulate and be ran over. Nationalism is very demonized there.
She mentioned the separation of families , and said that it was illegal. When a you U.S. Citizen breaks the law, if that person is found guilty is then separated from their family. What is the difference?
They know that they are breaking the law, why then reward them?
The US is under obligation to follow UN protocols that came into effect after WW2 and can’t claim emergency protocols when the emergency is gone.
That being said 6000 asylum seekers a day is obviously a big problem and need to be addressed. It doesn’t benefit anyone to have only two sides: closed or open.
This lady is doing a good job with this guy and his misleading and false statements. The key word he keeps saying is STOP them close the boarder. Not create legislation that will help. These people are looking for a better life that is why they are coming. They need help.
We are not the worlds soup kitchen. It would be beneficial if these people would clean up their own governments.
I’m an immigrant so I support all immigrants, only we know what we’re coming from. Anyway, this is not the way to do it, this system is not sustainable, no country can take so many people in and make it work. We need to find the way to do this slowly and organized. The way we’re doing now doesn’t work for us nor for them. We should make them apply online from their countries because 90% of these migrants don’t qualify for assylum and will have to be deported… if you find them.