CNN’s Pamela Brown and CNN politics reporter Chris Cillizza discuss the Trump-backed GOP candidates for Congress ahead of the midterm elections.
#CNN #News
CNN anchor calls Republican candidate’s flip-flop ‘shameless’

CNN’s Pamela Brown and CNN politics reporter Chris Cillizza discuss the Trump-backed GOP candidates for Congress ahead of the midterm elections.
#CNN #News
He’s toxic! If they hitch their wagon to that idiot it is a sure fire way to show their colors and vote blue

@EDUARDO what?
Question at the midterm debates: What proof of fraud exists and was resented in 60 or so courts?
@Zepparella Dakunish Spiro would be too hard for them.
Inflation, Recession. Crime, Dystopia ….
Democrats in big trouble !
“People that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves, liars and traitors are not victims… but accomplices”.
George Orwell
Please define realism
@Preston Pumpernickel
Name one of your morals
@Kevin Gillard Why? Are you unable to cognitively do the task yourself?
I think so
tis not the flip-flop. tis the deceit of the flip-flop…blessings to all
I have been thinking that I would make a proposition to my Republican friends … that if they will stop telling lies about the Democrats, we will stop telling the truth about them.
– Adlai Stevenson
@Mark Rinella ALTERNATIVE FACTS is what y’all have…
@Zepparella Dakunish nothing more to say about Republicans that hasn’t already been said .?? Huh, I guess the national media outlets haven’t gotten that memo yet…
Vance will not be popular with women who are, or have been, in abusive relationships. Another example of a man dictating to a woman how she should lead her life!
@Jack I’m stunned that a crash-test dummy is ahead of his opponent in the Georgia senator race!
‘I’ve met Trump many times. I worked as a model in New York. He would invite models to his restaurant in Trum p Tower. The food was crap. He would invite me to his private residence. I was 15. The age of consent in NYC was 17. He’s a creep.
Troll much?
You have made over a thousand comments on this channel since you created this account 8 months ago.
Ole Nicky has posted over a thousand comments on this channel in a month.
Very unlikely this is the only channel. Nicky must be trolling sun up to sundown or vise versa.
Herschel Walker struggling a Little Bit? That’s the Understatement of the year

Would this be the “incompetence” of :
1. Getting the first infrastructure that the country has seen in half a century passed–despite numerous obstructions??
2. Getting a bill passed that will finally, *FINALLY* cap the cost of insulin for Medicare recipients??
3. Overseeing an administration that seen record job growth that surpassed even the prediction of the economists??
4. Maybe you meant getting a **major** bill passed that will expand health care for first responders and veterans??
Was that the kind of “incompetence” to which you were referring??
@CJ people that are nobodies criticizing a man who came up from nothing to be a great man in sports & life . Amazing !
Walker has pulled ahead of Warnock which means he’s winning. LOL !
One must have humility to be humiliated and they have no shame. They’re knowingly playing an extremely dangerous game.
@eve blot That is hardly on the level of a violent attack on the Capitol and stealing classified documents.
@D.1.A_Mayby Thanks for proving how uninformed Trumpers are.
@D O 2 things that didn’t actually happen.
watch news other than CNN and you might learn something kid.
Trump is so dangerous. And those that defending should be held accountable as well. I’m so sick of this mess. LOCK HIM UP.
right now !!
“We are all born ignorant, but MAGAs must work hard to remain stupid.”

@Robert Mclane He doesn’t have eternity.
@Yukon Jack You spelled toxic incorrectly… It’s spelled A.C.C.U.R
Hunter ? That you? Put down the crack and get off Ashley …. It’s Jill’s turn
@Say When uh oh, someone got triggered…
@John David Wolf when tony, are you going to focus on the real issues impacting America?, the border, crime, inflation, etc?
You can’t lean on Jeanne to blink it away
My dad says if they take his social security he will sue the pants off the Republican Party.
@Jack Scott’s proposal is to vote on the annual funding of Social Security in order to better serve its contributors and recipients, not abolish or reduce Social Security benefits. You can read all about it if you choose.
Suing them is not what I have in mind
@Nick Nack Paddy Whack You Ain’t Black Jack You need to read Forbes, the true Republican Bible on getting rid of social security & what Mitch has been saying for the last few decades.
“It’s no longer a question of if the Former American President is a Traitor, but rather if Republican voters are still Americans.”
@mark Can we make GITMO an alternative PRISON for them?
Hey I think ur not an American I think u are UNamerican.
@Major Anthony Nelson Fascists or Commies is a good description of Democrats these days.
The fact that trump think he is Biden’s chief political opponent is hilarious and delusional.
Aiding the enemy used to be called Treason, and now it’s called being a republican!!!
@Jim Postiach
Surely the mere fact these people were “exported out of sight and mind, as in out of the way” shows that Christianity is a very flexible term in some places and sort of vaguely “colourist” …
Perhaps those sort of Christians are more fixated on the biblical smiting bit and haven’t had time to read the Parable of the Good Samaritan?
That’ll be it.
Last fight
@D.1.A_Mayby Kidnapping by inveiglement. It’s an actual crime….
No no no … patriotic
Let’s all vote this fall to Make Accountability Great Again!
Happy MAGA !
Doesn’t matter how often they flip flop, we have them on record
1 Steve Fortier Fuk what you saying it here
Felicidades, es un buen ejemplo.

5:25 Se deja ver que hay muy buenos resultados
Saludos desde la Cd.. de world

los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
The fact that we are discussing Hershel Walker as a political candidate shows just how bad off we are.
The fact a small half of your country saw Dump as a valid political candidate shows the state your country is in

Best wishes, sane majority
” creepy demented guy we have in our Oval office” That is an accurate description of the guy in the pretend oval office down in M-A-Lardo. The guy in the real Oval office is not a candidate, he won.
What some call
Flip Flop others call being Misleading & Deceitful.
A politician saying whatever they can to get elected?