First Lady Melania Trump tweeted out a photo of herself, President Donald Trump and a baby who was orphaned after his parents were killed in the El Paso, Texas, mass shooting. President Donald Trump, who is flanked by the baby's uncle, gives a thumbs up while posing with the child.
#CNN #News
Ok get 2 more people with a different idea of an issue that matters and makes sense because this doesn’t
Damn y’all keep getting worse thanks for giving us 2020
you are a russian troll
#Yang 2020
Hmm, I’ve never seen this SNL skit before?
I thought CNN would have disabled all of the comment sections of all their videos by now
@squeento the #WHITENATIONALIST said.
@Merendo Bereglidditz – you are not just doing that but you leftists and your media outlets are dragging innocent people into your hate attacks. It doesn’t matter who gets in the of your hatred feeding attacking. That family doesn’t deserved to be outed by CNN. But you leftists don’t care.
Would your reaction be different if FOX NEWS reported this picture instead???
@Darn Cat where is you evidence? 2.5 years and still nothing! While on the other hand there is more than enough evidence of clinton, TRAITOR 44, Feinstein, and many other Actaully committing treason!!
The babies uncle is smiling too.
Who is that despicable uncle?
Covert money?
@Compassion Campaigner – could the uncle be smiling because they are happy the baby survived the shooting? Now they have hope through God’s grace? Why are you leftists so obsessed with attacking innocent people you know nothing about just because CNN outed them? This is the definition of hate. Shame on you.
Iceman WAUGH yikes.
You’re insane.
@Kay Bel Or it could be the uncle is one of the people Trump was talking about when he said people would still vote for him if he shot someone in the middle of the street. A blind, dumb, useful idiot. I guess having a fat orange racist billionaire who will never say another word to you as long as you live get a photo with you is a bit more important than the death of your brother or sister and the exploitation of their child.
He is evil for traveling and talking to the people effected.
Smiling and posing with a thumbs up right after the tragedy that took that baby’s parents more like. You people are thick as bricks. And dumb as rocks.
Luis Negron what a joke
And none of the victim’s want anything to do with the prick , and the kid had no choice and shame on those who forced it to so get your facts straight
@plasticpimps Half of your country don’t believe the Earth to be older than what the Bible says. Keep that in mind when wondering how reality became satire.
The quality of American mainstream news media is an absolute disgrace
Yes you guys have nothing better to do.No wonder why your network has such a low rating.
CNN reaching for straws. Is this TMZ news ?
TMZ is more credible.
Just when you thought news media couldn’t be more pathetic!
What you are going to do shoot them for being fake news
What are u going to do shoot them for being fake news
Trump and his “display wife” dont care about people . Such a horrible couple .
Oh come the F on!
“There’s an empathy gap here he’s just not a normal human being…”
~CNN panelist on Trump
Dom Von Hutch thats the CNN agenda against Trump before he got elected.
bngr bngr — They’re just completely 100% unequivocally anti Trump – anything he does – anything he says, is the absolute worst thing one can do or say. He’s an illegitimate President- he cheated in the election- he employed a foreign country to rig the election- he just is a liar who lies about everything- he’s a convicted rapist – he’s a misogynistic chauvinist who despises women believing he owns all women and they should serve and bow down to him – he’s an appalling racist who believes whites are superior to all races and all others races should be punished by death and segregation- he’s a phony who has the IQ of way below the average and he’s just acting the role of president- he has no work experience- he has no world experience- he’s unfit to be commander in chief, a lunatic who’s mentally unstable and will start a nuclear war with anyone and any nation on a complete whim – or start war and drop bombs on anyone who threatens his ego because he’s criminally and clinically insane and is a lifelong sufferer of narcissistic personality disorder- he’s the sole and only reason for the occurrence for these shootings- its his fault entirely he even basically essentially told these perpetrators to commit these crimes.
This is what CNN & the BBC have been pushing everyday single day since Trump won the election.
You hit the nail on the head. All of this is true.@Dom Von Hutch
@bngr bngr now I know why
@Dom Von Hutch and you still support him
No more prayers and thoughts:
I guess thumbs up is a new secret nazi dog whistle
It’s a common secretive gesture used worldwide by white supremacists
@Dom Von Hutch – I’m sure CNN said that Hitler used to do the same.
Dom Von Hutch
So proud made this baby an orphan with my hateful, ugly, words.
Maybe is a joy of God’s grace the baby survived and now there is hope. Why is it that you leftists jumped to hateful thoughts all the time? And you called for civility?
Boomer media falling out of favor. Sensationalize everything, whip up the masses. Less factual news, more opinion and innuendo. Lies, lies by omission, or media black out on things that don’t support their narrative.
This just in!….Picture of Trump….How can he possibly be in pictures, shouldn’t he be working?
Yall reaching a bit on this one. Im not a L or R but reaching is reaching
Yeah but fox is by far the worst
CNN creating news, if Trump had a hamburger in his hand, they’d create a story that he was racist.