Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Ilhan Omar have been talked about a lot more on Fox than on other cable news channels this year. The freshmen have even been getting more attention on cable than seasoned leaders of the Democratic Party.
#aoc #cnn #news
CNN analyst: Fox fuels Trump’s fixation with Ocasio-Cortez and Omar

ilhan didn’t say anything anti Semitic at all, she just opposed right wing apartheid administration of Israel, that’s all
@Elliot J You are ignorant. Anti-Trump is not anti-american you idiot. In fact it’s the opposite. Another cult idiot.
Mr jujube Even Jew haters acknowledge her hatred for an entire group of people. But shhh! Its ok for them to do it. If Trump farts he’s racist.
@Elliot J idiot. Just like you idiots are programmed to hate anyone who opposes the dotard in the WH.
No Dan trump is not a good showman FFS
He talks like an ignoramus at best
His vocabulary is limited and the media don’t ask him difficult questions
#tRumpForPrison2020 #tRumpIndictment2020
Lindsay, I think you are correct in your statements about Trump but I think Dan Rather is correct about Trump being a good showman. I think he is the reincarnation of P.T. Barnum. Now how people view that is a totally different matter.
@MrsMac I just watched a video of a speech by Trump that I think everyone should listen to.
It’s on RITT SUTTAMITH’s channel, titled “Never give up”. Everyone should listen to it.
Make up your own mind or be a sheeple…. Your choice.
But don’t most successful showman/salesmen have those same traits.
aoc… amazon nojobs…?
A racist, an adulterer, and a criminal walk into a bar…
The bartender asks, “What can I get you Mr. President?”
@Ann van de Kew *Sloppy Van de Kew has been slammed more times than a taxi door.*
@Jim Milne what argument, this is not cnn fake garbage, we state facts here
He doesn’t like it when people speak the truth against him and prove he’s lying.
@Muhammad was a pedophile caravan robber He pea brain, Amazon is going to open up shop in NY without billions of dollars in tax incentives. Looks like those jobs are coming anyway and AOC saved the tax payer billions to boot.
@Jim Milne How long did it take the pedophile dnc to condemn that ketih ellison praised antifa Hitlerjugends? How long did ittake pedophile democrats to condemn ilhan omar praising al quaeda?
Oh, they never did any condemning?
Doesn’t that tell you something about pedophile democrats?
@Jim Milne It’s also funny, is it not, that Trump supporters use speech… while pedophile democrats use extreme violence of their Hitlerjugends antifas to shut up opposing views?
Which is worst… speech… or violence?
No. He doesn’t approve of the bash America agenda. He also doesn’t approve of false claiming.
I LOVE how OMAR and AOC are now the voice of the Democrats.
Yeppers!!! we republicans love them too!!! KAG!
@20190 Who do you think Trump works for? He gave the elite a tax cut that overwhelmingly benefited them, he hired directly from Goldman Sachs to fill is swamp, he started a trade war that hurt his own base,. The elite must love you guys with your anti-climate change pro deregulation attitude to help them funnel the money upwards.
@Ernesto Torres no hes not that the Democrats job. Why dont you move then .onexless cry baby anti american low life freeloader in our country
@Skyprince27 may be they will all drop dead by smoking to much cocaine and no more dead beat anti american freeloaders blue sniffers blue and the world

stick your love for 

where the sun never shines
Send TRUMP BACK TO GERMANY. He is a confused NAZI Aryan ASHKENAZI. Build a wall after he has served his PRISON sentence here.
@Nimrod Quimbus no from Boston College.
@Nick Wiltgen so, they play cartoons in college and tell you that it is education.
NANJEMOY KURSI Donald Trump isn’t even German he is Scottish the guy doesn’t even know what nationality he is.
@UCPfIDaMlTTwrCUa1q4Ddryw Would be an awful shame to get rid of the Muslim culture. You wouldn’t be able to count the votes after the election, you probably wouldn’t know which the election was on either because you probably wouldn’t have a calendar. You do know the numbers you use are Arabic Numerals, don’t you?
His daughter-in-law started amping up the crowd about what Trumps tweets were about if the congresswomen didn’t like what’s going on in America they could leave!!! Sorry but as an American
that is OUR right to do hold OUR government to task!!! Trump is behaving like a dictator telling people that they can’t complain when he complains 90% of the time. Just look at how he
complained when President Obama was in office!!!! Wake UP America Vote Blue to Stop the Insanity in OUR country in 2020!!!!!
You are wrong she was not complaining she was attacking every American as usual check out what she has said in the past.
Well, we’ll probably hear a Brian Stelter voice over tomorrow from Mark Dice…

@88Gibson LesPaul democrats are living in a bubble hearing only their own smollett talk. Uhm. And fucking children. Look up:
*The sexual revolution and children: How the left took things too far*
Absolutely. He is good at it.
@88Gibson LesPaul That’s funny. Still, Trump2020
truck is ready to pick you up and drop you at the White House. It can fit your whole delegation too

Don’t feel bad Selected Imran khan if no one come to receive you. Our
send your under age daughters to tRumpf it’s the patiotic thing to do.
MARK DICE is watching you
*Oh wait what’s this, it’s the clown news network.*
gg gg Who?
Mark Dice is an idiot.
And thats about all whos watching you anymore CNN
Dan Rather has always been the best journalist ever, he calls it like it is, he was spot on! We need more Dan Rather’s reporting now!
@88Gibson LesPaul Mexico is paying for the wall, dummy. Mexico manned their southern border. Mexican imports to the US would be tariffed unless they stopped the illegal immigrants in Mexico. Mexico picked up 22,000 and 29,000 for deportation in two months. The refugees now have to apply at the first country outside their own. They cannot apply here, in the US, unless they have been rejected by Mexico. Mexico is paying for their own full detention centers. Try to keep up. I know it is difficult when you are slow. Try.
@jeff bates You first. Your drivel is painful.
Dan rather would be working for fox. He’s an old white man. Cnn hates them.
jeff bates Cranky old Rather is out of it unaware of anything important. He wishes there was no internet so normal people can’t have a platform, he is irrelevant just like Brian Stelter.
And trump has a long record and we even remember his daddy Fred
Republican playbook since Trump took it over: Constantly accuse your opponents of the very things you are doing. Create fake news and attack others for creating fake news. Lie and obstruct and blame others for lying and obstructing. Being inept and ineffective and accuse others of being so. Constantly say anti-american things and put down America and then attack others for doing the same and telling them to leave if they criticize (especially if they’re non-whites) The list goes on and on.
Yeah I don’t think CNN has any room to be calling out anyone’s fixation, we’re on week two of “the Tweet”
So you think having a racist president is ok. Gotcha.
Oh the Irony is so thick at CNN that you can cut it with a shovel.
CNN lay-off more than 300 employees and if they don’t change and will be lay-off more on the road. Go down and down CNN
Facts: Illegals are swarming the border. Antifa are trying to kill people.
CNN: Trump sends impolite Tweets.
Trump has already won 2020 election. DeMocrat is too splintered and too far left to beat trump. What a mess. Trump didn’t win in 2016. Clinton lost it. It is happening again in 2020.
Trump isn’t going to make it to 2020 much less 2024 lol.
Keep the “Squad” front and center! They are the new face of the radical left Democratic Party! The nation will embrace them and Corey will win 2020! Guaranteed!