The Secret Service postponed a Sunday rehearsal because of increased chatter around that date – according to Acting Deputy DHS Secretary Ken Cuccinelli. Democratic Congressman James Clyburn of South Carolina, joins Katy Tur with more. He is Majority Whip and chairs Joe Biden's inaugural committee. Aired on 01/15/2021.
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About Katy Tur: Katy Tur is an NBC News Correspondent and anchor of the 2 p.m. ET hour of “MSNBC Live.” A dogged journalist, Tur emerged as a breakout broadcaster in 2016 while covering the entirety of the Trump campaign across all platforms for NBC News and MSNBC.
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#JamesClyburn #KenCuccinelli #MSNBC
Clyburn: 'We Have Some Sympathizers In The Congress That Probably Ought Not Be There' | Katy Tur
Treason needs to be fully exposed and punishment should be harsh
@Al that would be joe dementia biden.
The similarities to recent developments in Germany are crazy. We also had a mob attempt to storm the Reichstag (our Capitol) by a mix of far-right, conspiracy theorists, Corona denialists and straight on Neo-Nazis. Luckily they didn’t get inside but only to the doors, but police was also totally unprepared and overrun. A total desaster. . Many western societies at the moment seem to be facing homeland terrorist activities rising. These people are radicalized here at home, on social media and and used by radical political arms for their purposes. We all need to be vigilant
We arent in a declared state of war with any entity involved so it cant be called treason.
I mean, that’s only if the definition of words matters more than your emotions.
This was a seditious insurrection.
@zenoist2 you need emergency medical assessment
@Tim Kozlowski you need immediate emergency medical evaluation.
Psychosis is a real problem.
We have a sympathizer in the White House that ought not to be there.
Don’t worry, he leaving.
What about congress. They are there also. This is crazy
Uh…gee, ya think?
“Ali Alexander, [who claims he was ] the organizer of the rally that preceded the siege of the Capitol on January 6, said GOP Reps. Andy Biggs, Mo Brooks, and Paul Gosar helped him plan it, The Washington Post reported.”
Just one?
That’s why Republicans don’t want any investigation. They just want to move on and talks about healing. Many of them are behind this attack on capitol building.
And some of them would probably be able to vote on impeachment, or have. Gee, I wonder how they’re going to vote?
So what will you do to republicans then? There are likely more than 100 million in the United States.
all the sworn witness’ in that building at all times… the truth will come out!!
@E Toma Washington Post reported ‘Ali Alexander, the organizer of the rally that preceded the siege of the Capitol on January 6, said GOP Reps. Andy Biggs, Mo Brooks, and Paul Gosar helped him plan it.”
@Mr. Majestic They are some sick people over there.
Fighting domestic terrorism should be our first priority
Starting with Fox news!
Absolutely. It MUST BE TO MADE INTO LAW that domestic terrorism IS A THREAT to NATIONAL TERRORISM. So be it, Biden. Ya HEAR?!
@natalie harless don’t worry, Biden will do the right thing’s, terrorist’s and Covid must be dealt with, they’re both a threat to all of us.
The similarities to recent developments in Germany are crazy. We also had a mob attempt to storm the Reichstag (our Capitol) by a mix of far-right, conspiracy theorists, Corona denialists and straight on Neo-Nazis. Luckily they didn’t get inside but only to the doors, but police was also totally unprepared and overrun. A total desaster. . Many western societies at the moment seem to be facing homeland terrorist activities rising. These people are radicalized here at home, on social media and and used by radical political arms for their purposes. We all need to be vigilant
why wasnt antifa & blm a priority?
Question Jim shower boy jordon. Ted Russia Cruz.
What about that one from Colorado the white chick that loves her gun.
@Christine Welford Boebert–see above. She needs to go.. She texted to the rioters.
@Barbara Jolley no my typing screen was over it and yes she does. They also need to find out who and why the panic buttons where ripped out of some Congress officials rooms. This is the thing our government was talking about when they wrote our constitution and declaration of independence.
@Christine Welford I agree thoroughly:).
Agree with all his words of logical ethics spoken
Hope they bring back Walter Schaub onto the ethics committee and put Richard Painter somewhere useful – those guys are phenomenal
About time someone told the truth, the election was not stolen, Biden won
@Stephen Werner ha! Kinda sounds that way when you play it forward too
Trump has been lying for 4 years, he isn’t going to start telling the truth now.
@Polly Aqua ES&D are used in Kentucky & South Carolina. Imagine that.
But Trump has been planning to steal the election for months before the votes were cast. Trump rubes don’t know truth from fiction. Nor do they want to know. They’d rather drink the right wing media koolaid and live in their bubble of complete insanity.
Needs to start at the very tippy top! President Trump is the number one instigator!
@kimber newman Uluru
Trump and fox news everybody on Fox are white supremacists instigators. Very seldom do they have anybody normal on there.
@Princess Tiarra Tucker Carlson’s Wite Power Hour is coming to an end!
Not just an instigator, traitor!
The similarities to recent developments in Germany are crazy. We also had a mob attempt to storm the Reichstag (our Capitol) by a mix of far-right, conspiracy theorists, Corona denialists and straight on Neo-Nazis. Luckily they didn’t get inside but only to the doors, but police was also totally unprepared and overrun. A total desaster. . Many western societies at the moment seem to be facing homeland terrorist activities rising. These people are radicalized here at home, on social media and and used by radical political arms for their purposes. We all need to be vigilant
I really don’t understand how anyone thought choosing a lunatic, user and self righteous con man would be a great candidate for President. Then be surprised when he turns on everyone.
I’ve been SCREAMING this since he announced his candidacy. It’s disgusting.
Find the republican traitors. Throw them out of office into prison.
@Gaylord Focker , Fox is nothing but a propaganda tv station. Once in a blue moon, they tell a true story. But it is rare. They’ve lost good people from their staff lineup because of propaganda.
@Gaylord Focker You mean General Flynn? He registered as foreign agent, spent time in jail, was pardoned by Trump (who first fired him). Yes, he lied, many times. He was the first to “hint” about the martial law. Stop reading/watching channels spreading conspiracy theories. Interestingly, now right -wing Fox News is not “right” enough? Fox had to retract it BS when the voting machine company threatened them with defamation suit; then, they admitted their lies on air. Check it out. Newmax did too.
@Rabert’s World In what way is patriotism a problem? The people who stormed the capital weren’t patriots. They were Antifa and blm:
You see, I don’t think you quite understand how comprehensive and drawn out these lies have become. (And it’s also expensive which is why they sparked COVID to shut down the economy and milk trillions from the middle class).
The elites have long since paid off the senate, Congress, state houses, and they have the judges in their back pockets.
Trump is shaking up the system. He’s the first person to do it since JFK. What happened to jfk after he mentioned secret societies and corruption in the fbi? He was murdered in an operation concocted by the CIA. What about MLK? He was killed a day after his mountaintop speech (his last speech ever). His speech entailed corruption in government agencies and secret societies.
-Your experiencing the reality that THEY want you to so just keep acting sheepish, sheep.
@Gaylord Focker The only people getting locked up so far are republican traitors. There’s many more to come.
@V nope, special forces have Nancy Pelosis laptop, and hunter Biden has been arrested. You will hear NOTHING about this in major media and thats by design.
We have sympathizers in Congress who displayed a floor plan of the Capitol to Trump Supporters.
Guys, girls, I am sorry, but is that story verified? Let’s not be like them!!!! This already SOUNDS like something MADE for us to pick it up EAGERLY. Has anyone ever been given a CREDIBLE source for that? Again, let’s NOT be them!!!
@KCohere33 Guys, girls, I am sorry, but is that story verified? Let’s not be like them!!!! This already SOUNDS like something MADE for us to pick it up EAGERLY. Has anyone ever been given a CREDIBLE source for that? Again, let’s NOT be them!!!
@MysticFiddler1 Guys, girls, I am sorry, but is that story verified? Let’s not be like them!!!! This already SOUNDS like something MADE for us to pick it up EAGERLY. Has anyone ever been given a CREDIBLE source for that? Again, let’s NOT be them!!!
@Deanna Delmar Guys, girls, I am sorry, but is that story verified? Let’s not be like them!!!! This already SOUNDS like something MADE for us to pick it up EAGERLY. Has anyone ever been given a CREDIBLE source for that? Again, let’s NOT be them!!!
@KCohere33 Guys, girls, I am sorry, but is that story verified? Let’s not be like them!!!! This already SOUNDS like something MADE for us to pick it up EAGERLY. Has anyone ever been given a CREDIBLE source for that? Again, let’s NOT be them!!!
The truth is not too much to ask. In fact it’s mandatory.
I never do business with people who can’t be square with me
I agree, but they are now afraid of how much angrier the mob will get when they find out they have been lied to and used.
Exactly and the money they gave him that could have gone to something tangible.
Don’t forget Greene because I heard she part of Qanon.
Gone as in arrested, prosecuted, and incarcerated? I agree!
DHS needs reorganizing and shrinking. Let it focus on domestic terrorism.
I would not refer to them as “sympathizers”….collaborators with terrorists makes more sense to me.
I applaud Clyburn’s insight. “Tell the truth.”
I’ve just come here after listening to Steve Schmidt – both of these guys are in a league of their own.
The standard that everyone should live their lives by, unfortunately there are many “human beings” who either can’t, or won’t.
A surgeon attempts to remove a cancerous tumor. Why are these cancerous and Seditious co-conspirators still here? Charge & remove.
The traitors should be thrown out. Unseat them
Congressman Clyburn = Truthteller.
This is insane. The so called “militias” are domestic terrorists and they need to be broken up, disarmed and put in jail.
They need to made an example of because they are making a return visit.