Clinton Cash Author on Trump’s Conflict of Interest 11/19/16

Clinton Cash Author on Donald Trump' possible conflict of interest issues 11/19/16

Peter Schweizer Interview about the Donald Trump Organization and the possibility of conflicts of interest – November 19, 2016


  1. Shoot this rabid dog before he is rounded up for his rabies. Oh, that’s
    right, it’s CNN . . . okay, I understand now.

    1. Maybe he should call it the TRUMP Foundation … OF COURSE A White House
      “ETHICS” Attorney (Oxymoronic) talks out of the side of his mouth …

  2. Whiny liberals!!! What about the Clintons and their foundation. Depressed
    liberals that only try to tear down ones they don’t agree with. CNN-Clinton
    News Network.

    He is only accepting a dollar as wage because he has to.

  3. Pure speculation and fear mongering. Yes, Trump needs to distance himself
    from his business during his presidency but this is video clip is just more
    CNN garbage with Schwizer looking for more gotcha news and setting the
    stage for Trump ethics challenge.

  4. Hillary’s was money laundering. Donate to charity and we’ll kick some back
    to you in addition to buying influence.

  5. Wait so Trump should liquidate his assets for the off chance that another
    country offers him real estate, even though he has absolutely no history of
    any sort of business in the country’s mentioned? Sounds logical to me.

  6. CNN Speaks. Moron liberals regurgitate the same nonsense on their signs.

    These idiots don’t know the first thing about Steve Obannon, yet they are
    calling him a racist, an anti-semite.

    Never mind that he ran a JEWISH web-based news site that employed nearly
    100% Jews and that he has had meetings with Benjamin Netanyahu, the Israeli

  7. CNN should have it’s broadcasting license revoked and taken off the air. It
    is such a bullshit organization from the bottom straight up to the top.

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