In protests around the world Friday, young people led the way in demanding action on the climate crisis. Many lamented that their parents' generation wasn't doing enough, leaving the task to them.
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~150.000 in Germany!!! Go on the streets it is worth it!
Chris Lee
@Dale Gribble “ocean vents give off more co2 every year than all of humanity has in it’s existence”
Prove it.
@DavesNotHereMan No. I’m not your mom or your teacher. To me it’s funny how helpless you are.
@Dale Gribble
You can’t because it’s not true.
@Dale Gribble
And I looked for it. That’s why I believe you’re lying.
Improve public transportation so that it is not a urinal on wheels.
@Eugene Balfour
You are a weak man.
Nothing here real to watch. Just a bunch of indoctrinated zombies. They will lose to me in 2020!+
you go do that.
@Maria Glass
I did that.
Try to find a public bathroom in NYC…. Then if you do, its cleaner to urinate in public. Answer: cities need to provide a lot more cleaner bathrooms.
or else you all are Cowards.
@Joe Hampton
Only Jesus saves, so stop being a ham, tons of fun and go Joe and blow me.
@Scot V Science huh? In your world how many genders are there?
@Dave Schultz just the common sense stuff. We need to protect the world from anyone who was dumb enough to vote for Trump.. And if those people own guns then that makes them armed and dangerous.
Too late. The permafrost is already melting and there’s at least two times more carbon and methane in locked up in permafrost as there is in the atmosphere.
Basically that means as more permafrost melts, it releases more greenhouse gases, which in turn accelerates the melting of the remaining permafrost.
So although we haven’t reached the point of catastrophic change yet, we’re well past the point where we can stop it.
Thanks capitalism
Almost make ya think this trap was set thousands of years ago.
Noises Half the planet was under a mile high of permafrost 12000 years ago and it has been melting for 10000 years without any climate catastrophe…… WHY??? Because methane decomposes in oxygen rich atmospheres and has never and can never ever build up our atmosphere. CC propaganda is overflowing with these kind of bogus claims and that is why most of these kids will also become “deniers”
@Hayu Wijayanti << Triggered inbred idiot hillbilly troll leveraged against russian trolls

Don’t worry because the earth is starting to experience a’ Grand Solar’ minimum, where the earth will cool. Already the ice sheets in Greenland and Antarctic are re-freezing. The media said a few weeks ago that they were melting and the did some, but now that’s changing, just like in years past. No, I think we have a( SUN )problem.
@mic williams << Another "Low IQ" inbred hillbilly troll pretending to be a climate scientist leveraged against russian trolls

The industrial filthy rich and their means for which they have become rich means more to corrupt politicians and government officials than the planet or our children.
anybody in the Southwest florida Area tryna plan something like this
Stupid channel for stupid kids.
Antonio the Wabbit, They all drown in the seal level rise Gore and other Warmists predicted.
Dearly Diane
ok diane
@Dearly Diane your comment alone shows your intellect.
Dearly diane. Just take your meds
All of you are awesome

Sue chineese govt also
They love our planet.
They love skipping class and being seen on F**kBook.
Outlaw private jets and yachts, these are big polluters and are totally unnecessary. Then watch the elites of the world change their mind about climate change.
@Anna Rock And look at how poor those people are!
Dave Schultz hahah I like that dave.
LowStuff OMG!!!! And you wonder why most people see through the CC lies when you just make sht up like the Climate propagandists
@NPC #103359 Haha very funny, the problem with that joke though is that healthcare is something everyone needs regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, social status, or religion (or lack thereof) but literally no one needs to own a yacht. So yes healthcare is a right, owning a yacht isn’t.
I was there for Earth Day when I was a KID!!! The World’s Fair!!!
Science has failed to show any evidence that the world is ending soon or is currently on fire.
@Alex Ocasio-Gomez I beg to differ… Global warming is REAL… I suggest you check out Dark Money by Jane Mayer. In this book you will learn how the radical right led by billionaire businessman such as the Koch Brothers have manipulated data by funding organizations that have been paid to discount original findings. On an end note… if you use common sense you have to conclude that human actions have an effect on the ecosystem and environment. Discussions with Jane Mayer are on YouTube…
@Pearl Barkley Is that why Obama purchased a $15 MILLION home on Martha’s Vineyard, an island????
Either Obama is more stupid than most American believe he is OR
Heussein well knows this is the biggest scam in human history with useful idiots like you??
The weather problem would go away if all the Weather deniers would quit talking and spewing all that CO2.
CO2 is what makes plants thrive

I can’t tell if you’re a complete moron who doesn’t know the difference between weather and climate or if you’re just joking
Weather is not climate change, neither is pollution, these must be separated from what climate change is and what is the cause.
mic williams I know what the difference between weather and climate change is. Pollution (specifically in the form of CO2, CH4, and other greenhouse gases) causes climate change.
This and MORE is what WE THE PEOPLE have to do to SECURE OUR ELECTIONS!

Yve Bella so very very true . We brought them into the world . It is our responsibility to look after them .
securing elections is exactly what CC is about
Yep! Trump 2020!
People who deny climate change are gutless cowards. It scares them, so they try to pretend that it doesn’t exist.
@mic williams And who are these “people who know the real reasons for climate change ..?” Name them. Because 98% of the top scientists in this world agree that climate change has been intensified by irresponsible human activities. Just Google it.
Not just cowards but conspiracy nuts who believe Alex Jones over scientists.
@Tessmage Tessera You are just parroting falsehoods. That was debunked years ago
@pneumatictrousers Debunked by whom..? Show me the actual data, or admit that you’re a weak little liar.
@pneumatictrousers maybe dice can tell you or perhaps he already has shaped your view :-DDDD …. your question doesn’t make sense witout very well defined specific context.
Thanks for such an amazing montage! Inspired by the people who will inherit this earth..
@Have a nice Dave see you in the after life brother. Maybe
Brad King Hey Wu Mao hun dan…..It is always such a pleasure triggering you Chinese low life bottom feeders. Your comment also suggests that Trump has ended any delusions you Chinese had with “2025” “BRI” and the “Chinese century”. I understand that your Govt has no foreign cash, companies are fleeing China aand that 10’s of millions are now unemployed
@Hayu Wijayanti
- what the f¥ck makes you think I’m in the US or Chinatown Mr/ Mrs Intelligence Agency 1970? Because your intel (like your intellect) is way off the paddy field-o-meter.
**yasss! let’s all belieb a grumpycat little kid because s/he’s “speshul”**
There’s another one on September 27 2019…. Let’s go world!!!
Look at all these young people educating themselves about the facts, now I understand why the Republican party is so set on a dictatorship before this wave of kids start voting.
They are afraid of the 74 million new voters that might hit 60% turn out, or more in 2020 to turn the political corporate domination control of election’s canidates, on its ugly head and give power back to the people. We are in a global crisis and those that are going to have to live in it, are standing up and helping all to ” do something, now !!! “.
@Bill Ainsworth
uhh, younger voters are becoming more conservative
give youth some credit for being able to recognize terminally ill “democrats”
@Hayu Wijayanti yes…you are right!!! We can now see the limitations of America’s laws as well as representative democracy…
And why they dont want the voting age lowered.
Our kids are smarter than our leaders…….our leaders are fossil’s
Joe, I’m 58, I hear you, I don’t understand why some adults do not understand the passion of these kids? They’re fighting for their future. Anyone making fun of them is acting out like a pre-schooler who can’t find there binky.
@Hayu Wijayanti I am on the board of my Resident Association and we need YOUNG BLOOD… yes they should be taught and mentored to become effective leaders!!! Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated at I think 36… he started young… As to the young girl from Sweden… she spoke eloquently and succinctly… We need young people to be involved..I am ecstatic!!!

On an end note… I used to teach and learned something new every day from my students!!!
@Hayu Wijayanti I strongly suggest you check out Dark Money by Jane Mayer… discussions are on YouTube. You will learn about the conspiracy to discredit the proof regarding climate change by the RADICAL Right
Why do these kids have a better vocabulary than Trump. Sentences are definitely more coherent!
@Brad king Hahahahah Brad, who names somebody Brad. Losers. Brad Brad Brad, sad. Brad Queen is more accurate. TRUMP 2024! Lets keep Brads(morons) in there mothers basements. Hahahahahahahahahah.
@143freespeech nobuts I know your father wishes he could shove you back up the c¥nt you slid out so she could abort ya noNuts – but he didn’t wanna have to stare at your toothless crackhead face during your reverse birth.
@Brad king
you seem triggered. maybe watch less fake news for reee-tardz?
Trump is arrogant enough to think he does not need to use his vocabulary… he caters to his base who in my opinion are a bunch of reactionary people who are ignorant….
There is a lot of Big Oil shills in the comment section I see.