Rep. Emanuel Cleaver (D-MO) tells CNN's Alisyn Camerota he walked out of the bitter House debate about a formal rebuke to President Trump's tweets because it was embarrassing. #CNN #News
Cleaver: Walked out of debate because it was embarrassing

Rep. Emanuel Cleaver (D-MO) tells CNN's Alisyn Camerota he walked out of the bitter House debate about a formal rebuke to President Trump's tweets because it was embarrassing. #CNN #News
CNN are the biggest ButtHurt news media in the world….BBC comes after them
And yet you were first one here ……😒
What a fucking moron you are mouth breather
You need this
CNN is Fake News…The left are anti America
God bless Trump….Trump 2020 No doubt, No contest
Cousin Jeff f u c k y o u
You might need this.
Leave my country.
Nothing racist about his Tweets. CNN can push this narrative like they have so many times before and it won’t change a thing. Sorry snowflakes
Free Freak Show courtesy of the house democrats.
Conservative folk need to leave America.
They don’t belong here.
nancy palosy and the 4 demon children are the true racist. all of them
are anti semitic, all of them are anti- christian and they all hate
Americans. none of them condemn al-qaeda, or isis They are trying to
find a way to make their beliefs relevant so that they can truly make a
new holocaust happen starting with antifa. the real concentration camps will start with them
your family members will not be spared. don’t believe me just wait, this
will happen if people do not put in end to them.
nancy palosy and the 4 demon children are the true racist. all of them
are anti semitic, all of them are anti- christian and they all hate
Americans. none of them condemn al-qaeda, or isis They are trying to
find a way to make their beliefs relevant so that they can truly make a
new holocaust happen starting with antifa. the real concentration camps will start with them
your family members will not be spared. don’t believe me just wait, this
will happen if people do not put in end to them.
nancy palosy and the 4 demon children are the true racist. all of them
are anti semitic, all of them are anti- christian and they all hate
Americans. none of them condemn al-qaeda, or isis They are trying to
find a way to make their beliefs relevant so that they can truly make a
new holocaust happen starting with antifa. the real concentration camps will start with them
your family members will not be spared. don’t believe me just wait, this
will happen if people do not put in end to them.
nancy palosy and the 4 demon children are the true racist. all of them
are anti semitic, all of them are anti- christian and they all hate
Americans. none of them condemn al-qaeda, or isis They are trying to
find a way to make their beliefs relevant so that they can truly make a
new holocaust happen starting with antifa. the real concentration camps will start with them
your family members will not be spared. don’t believe me just wait, this
will happen if people do not put in end to them.