As cases rise in Clearwater, Florida, Mayor Frank Hibbard joins Chris Jansing to discuss the impact of keeping the city open on hospital capacity, the ability for people to go back to work and reopening schools. Aired on 07/07/2020.
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Clearwater, FL Mayor: ‘We Don’t Want To Corral People Indoors’ | Stephanie Ruhle | MSNBC
If there is one thing you NEED to know about the GOP it’s this. Money is all that matters to them, they don’t care about you.
All I can hear coming out of his mouth is we care about money and power more than peoples lives and health.
@Dave Waldon Than maybe, they should arrest, those Republican rioters!!
I also, thought it pathetic, when they brought GUNS, to protest the lock down!!!
He’s the Mayor of Amity Ville from Jaws.
But I have to say I haven’t seen anything pointing to beaches being a problem where distances were kept.
Masks would help but you’d look silly with a corona mask tan.
@Dave Waldon Oh Dave see when people like you try to suppress peoples right to live during and after police interactions you need to consider yourself lucky they didn’t burn down your house.
Clearly you’re too stupid to understand why things have gone they way they have but a riot is the last resort of the unheard.
Can you hear them now?
They got your attention, are you smart enough to listen?
And he’s not going to have either.
Sick and dead and scared people are not productive. People without jobs, housing or insurance are not going to help the economy.
Bankrupt businesses are not going to help the economy.
The economy can only recover if you get the virus under control, and *then* open up. Until then you need to support people and businesses to stay afloat.
He’s from Trump’s Planet, Uranus, where Fukin Morons come from
Well, not corralled in their homes anyway. Corralled in hospitals is cool though.
Corralled in cemeteries, six feet under.
Yes We all watched the riots and looting that they called protesting . The I.Q level was below zero. I didn’t know that was possible
“We’d much rather corral them in the ICU…”
Oh b.s. the residents don’t pay campaign contributions like businesses do period.
Go on and keep trying to handle this the way the President of Brazil has.
See how that worked out.
Florida: 214,000 cases
Germany: 198,000 cases
Florida: 2.3 million tests
Germany: 5.9 million tests
Trump and DeSantis “The only reason Florida has seen so many cases is because it’s done so much testing”
@Bill Wilson patience…. just patience. 2-3 weeks and it will be curb-side treatment in Front of the hospitals. UNLESS they start a proper lockdown.
@Bill Wilson Listen more carefully and stop making up numbers. The MSNBC reporter referred to an article in the Tampa Bay newspaper that said 4 hospitals in Pinellas County were out of ICU beds. She said she thought one of the hospitals was in the Mayor’s town. He said there were beds available but didn’t say ICU beds bur instead beds were being freed up by stopping elective surgery…so not ICU beds. Also, show where you get your data that says only 1 in 4 ICU beds are for Covid 19 patients. That’s BS. Hospitals across Florida are reporting they are at or near capacity because of Covid 19. Florida Agency for Healthcare Administration reported today that some of Central Florida’s largest hospitals are out of ICU beds but are working heroically to create surge capacity. Meanwhile over 7000 cases reported today in Florida so hospital demand will only get worse since about 8% of cases in Florida get hospitalized…that’s close to 600 for today alone! And the number of deaths is being under reported. Happy to share data with you though I know Trump and his supporters prefer to invent their own.
Yes We all watched the riots and looting that they called protesting . The I.Q level was below zero. I didn’t know that was possible
@Dave Waldon And who encouraged teh Republican anti-lockdown protests back on April? Donald Trump I believe!
Funny how you all just conveniently forget about that………
@Lilac Lizard Sounds sensible; kudos from NZ.
Mayor Frank Hibbard of Clearwater Florida clearly cares more about the money than the lives of his constituents!
Yes We all watched the riots and looting that they called protesting . The I.Q level was below zero. I didn’t know that was possible
@Dave Waldon Not a single rioter who has been caught has turned out to be part of any of the organized protests. The rioters took advantage of the situation to riot and cause property damage and steal. Sadly, people who are against the protesters have attempted to link the two distinct groups together in their attempt to discredit the protesters. We have video evidence of the attack that Donald Trump ordered on peaceful Americans protesting in Lafayette Square in violation of the protester’s First Amendment rights but Trump supporters ignore that attack on American citizens by Donald Trump and the American government!
Personally, I would rather wear a mask than a ventilator….. think about that. Is it such a bad thing? It’s not rocket science.
Wearing a ventilator does not guarantee that you will survive. And if you survive, you will end up with a lot medical bills and health problems.
kids could get Kawasaki disease and toxic shock syndrome and may occur days to weeks after acute COVID-19 illness. this attacks your weakest link.
YES. The old , fat and lazy people are dying. They need to stay home
@Dave Waldon Then, why is Trump, out and about?
This pandemic is basically a worldwide IQ test.
The US, with their reputation of being very stupid, is failing miserably.
Smart people wear masks. Stupid people wear ventilators…
@Bill Wilson hospital systems are designed for average patient loads, not pandemics.
Yes We all watched the riots and looting that they called protesting . The I.Q level was below zero. I didn’t know that was possible
Yep. were at a D- pushing an F
That is unfair and misleading. Trump explained it best, “I tested very positively in another sense, this morning. I tested positively toward negative, right? So I tested perfectly this morning. Meaning I tested negative. … But that’s a way of saying it: positively toward the negative.’
Looks like no learned anything from NYC
Yes. Do put the old sick people back in nursing homes
Like solving a Rubik’s cube? LMAO. The only way a Repugnican can “solve” one is by peeling the color stickers off.
BS, they are not that dexterous, they use spay paint…
They use colored SHARPIES
@Scott E And whiteout. Ahhh, I forgot.
Vote Democrat like our lives depend on it…because they do.
@Bud Fudlacker Who is gonna vote for Trump..? Show us some numbers. Until you can do that, you’re just a sad, pathetic and hopeless little worm.
Yes. Yes We all watched the riots and looting that they called protesting . The I.Q level was below zero. I didn’t know that was possible
@Dave Waldon Russian FSB/GRU Troll
@Tessmage Tessera You mean like the 2016 numbers?

Bud Fudlacker better than traitor trump. I hope You traitors get the virus and suffer bigly and never recover
Florida needs to start electing SMART people.
Apparently in Florida, Georgia, Texas and Arizona those are in very short supply.
you did say FLORIDA, right?
Best of luck finding some
In other words his master Trump would’ve been upset
Grow up Tim. The deaths are way down
“I decided to follow Trump’s advice and let people gather and infect each other and now they have it so…oops!”
I dont think it was advice, it was threats and intimidation .
Yes We all watched the riots and looting that they called protesting . The I.Q level was below zero. I didn’t know that was possible
Dave Waldon you keep copy and pasting this comment, why didn’t you keep the same energy when people were protesting eating to go to prom and get haircuts they literally brought guns to stop a stay at home order.
Frank Hibbard and Ron DeSantis get their marching orders from the President. Enough said.
Now Florida is leading the nation in new COVID-19 cases and coronavirus hospitalizations.
Then your not the leader they thought you were!! People will die if you don’t lead! Or corral!!
He is whistling in the dark. Florida is a disaster
Deaths are down to early March numbers. Old people die
Republicans, have a habit of … whistling in the dark
Not one Florida official has addressed the fear seniors are living with. Every step out of our homes is a life and death decision.
@Jacqueline Jones Please dont think that. We know. We care. Vote dem down the line and get some human beings in charge.
I do plan to vote blue but dang all you hear is about how rigged the voting system and repub trying to surpress vote. This is awful and I am tired of the virus and being locked up in my home. People wear your mask, wash your hands, social distances and stay home so that this virus can go away maybe.
Anyone want to retire in Florida?
Bryn Carlson No, are you nuts. Politicians are killing people down here.
@Bryn Carlson I will never step foot in that state again.