"We have to keep our eyes on law enforcement"
Questions need to be raised about police forces in Canada using Clearview AI technology, says Ontario's former privacy commissioner.
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We have been used and traded as products by corporations. It is scary .
You are now less valuable than the data you produce.
Welcome to 2008+
Human gullibility should be traded on the commodities market.
What’s new?
When a corporation starts telling me who I’m allowed in my house and weather or not I can go to work or not I’ll be concerned. Taking my picture is nothing compared to what the government has done latley
They’ll bring it back eventually, they’ll say it’s to combat far-right extremism.
@DeadNorth 86 We were talking about that Russian guy who was jailed yesterday on a RT video. I was saying it put Putin in bad spot and he said he deserved it, to paraphrase.
@apextroll well I definitely don’t agree with reporters being silenced or jailed
That subject has nothing to do with this one
@Evan He wasn’t a reporter. He was Putin’s political opposition that was poisoned and went to Germany for treatment which broke his probation. He went back to martyr himself and was sentenced to 2 and a half years. Our Russian friend here is a dis-information agent doin’ his thing.
@apextroll The only disinformation agent here is you. It’s likely you’re just a bot.
@Teheru 17 People’s minds are way to fried at this point. They don’t need me to pile on. I assure you.
Ain’t technology grand?!
I wish there was a “sarcasm emoji” you could use to follow up a statement like that.
Two words from Stuart Russell: “Slaughter Bots”
We no longer have rights and freedoms. We’ve allowed countries to have our information by just being on these platforms.
so before the internet, you were in control of your rights and freedoms? lol that’s naive
Lol, what you gonna do about it, nothing.
Based on the last ten months I’d say our rights and freedoms were an illusion that we could of been snapped out of at anytime and there is nothing we would do about it
@Evan could have* you knuckle dragging mouth breather.
sanction that company and its executives. go for their banking get an interpol alert travel bans oh and F america because theyll complain if we do anything
Par for the course these days. These big tech monopoly companies need to FALL!
Maybe i.n.s.e.r.e.c.t.i.o.n. in the near future?
Yet, you’re watching a video using one of the services offered by one of the big tech monopolies…. The irony… This is exactly why they WILL NOT fall.
Just stop using their products if you don’t like them!
@Nicholas R.M.

The old women is late to the party, Pandora’s Box is already opened.
old women iss watchdog, dis her job that.
(Statistically speaking) she clearly has DECADES of life ahead of her. Anybody with that many years ahead……is NOT “old”. That is “older middle age”. There’s a difference.
RCMP already uses facial recognition. It’s stated right on their website.
no doubt, those bumbling idiots need all the help they can get… they prob use it in the office every day just to keep their colleagues/bosses/goldfish/potted plants seperate and straight.
Yeah, they bought it from clearview, that’s the point of this story. The images are sold to police.
trudeau is ok with this
Children forced into online learning and increased use of chrome books in school are constantly having their privacy violated and being monetized by big tech. They don’t own their data, everything is on the cloud, all their educational records, student ID data, MyPass, exams, quizzes, online “journaling” whatever images their device’s camera takes of their home and all conversations their microphones record. Whatever someone want to know about our children has been made vulnerable and if they thought they had a choice they would not consent. They are told not to worry or told you should only worry if you have something to hide. Something to hide like where you live and when you are alone in your house?
So when private company’s abuse my civil rights it’s wrong but the government can do it for what 10 months now
ive been saying for decades there will never be a time you can trust your government…..ever.
“If you have nothing to hide………….” They will say
without notice or consent, there is a terms of agreement…. also no body is forcing you to put up your face
and yet Canadians can’t carry to defend themselves. I’m ready for CCW.
It’s rare these days to see anyone sticking up for our privacy rights in Canada

This ‘news’ is as fresh as 6 month old pizza
I read this while eating a slice of meat lovers pizza………mmmmmm piiizzzzaaaaa
The Stasi would be proud.