During remarks given at the G20 summit, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky compared the battle for Kherson to D-Day while laying out his peace plan with Russia. CNN's Clarissa Ward reports. #CNN #News
Clarissa Ward calls Zelensky’s peace plan a ‘long shot’. Here’s why

Amazing and sad how after 9 months some people still underestimate Ukraine
@Pat Doyle it is well laid out response but misses the full picture.
Yes nukes are definitely an option, especially tactical battle field nukes. That is if Russia ever wanted the destruction of Ukraine. Which they clearly donot.
Did putin plan a full invasion of Ukraine, it’s an obvious no, in how unprepared and uninformed the army was when they were driving towards kyiv. He gambled on shock and awe to get kyiv to agree to terms. This blew up right back at his face. For this was just a bad gamble. Russian army was not at all prepared for war and paid a dear price for it.
Now the biggest miss in your answer is on the question of avoiding the war. This is the part no media actually tells in full, especially to the western audience. The blame for the circumstances that led to starting of this war is solely on Ukraine. Why? This story goes a long way before the war before crimea. The current group in power in ukraine has a dark side, it is ultra Ukrainian nationalism. Ukraine cannot be a nation state like those in Europe where each nation state is one people one language. Ukraine has Ukrainians and Russian. Yet these ultra nationalist went down a horrible path of banning Russian language and fining people using Russian in their own businesses. Time and time again all the way until 2014 this ultra nationalists have been trying to get this implemented. Which they did in 2014.
Now you see the problem?Ukraines east is Russian speaking populations, where the states language is Russian. Crimea was entirely Russian. Only the populated east was Ukrainian majority. So this became a majority enshrining laws against its minority into the constitution. And to get away with this obvious conflict creating situation they also passed the law to join NATO.
So did this ” nonsense Ukraine engaged in” leave Russia any option but to take back Crimea? No . Ukraine could still have settled this by letting it go as it was never theirs historically and was only given as a gift for joining ussr. Instead they chose to cut water to the population. Why did no media cry about doing something like this? Like they report attacks to Ukrainian electric grid? With this they laid further ground work for the war. Then instead of showing signs of negotiation they engaged in army build up.
In short, at every point of turn Ukraine kept escalating the situation when they had an opportunity to deescalate it. Did Russia blundered by thinking this leadership will bend over at the sight of all yhe tanks, YES.
Now, given what we know now that this Ukrainian leadership is a foolish one with no intention of peace or negotiations. This war in winter will take a ugly turn for the people of Ukraine as, Russia without declaring war cannot mobilize its industry or reserves gets pushed to a corner and starts attacking the entire grid of Ukraine. If Ukraine still does not come to the negotiating table. Then Russia will be pushed enough to do terrible things.
@Pat Doyle You obviously don’t know that the Ukrainian military is wiped out and Russia has sever hundred thousand new troops just moved into Ukraine. It is a lost cause, unless NATO sends hundreds of thousands of troops in to die
Ukraine no longer exists. US/UK/IL engineered a Coup in 2014. They installed a puppet regime in Kiev. That Junta immediately looted all the gold bullion from Ukraine Treasury and sent it to their pals on Wall Street, then issued $50B in junk bonds and privatized all the best industries and farmlands. Ukrainians were drafted to fight and die and starve.
@S N Afghanistan had absolutely NOTHING to do with 9/11. Iraq had absolutely NOTHING to do with 9/11. Libya and Somalia and Sudan and Syria has absolutely NOTHING to do with 9/11. *But they all had OIL, and Pentagan had your TAXES.* If you thing Operation Enduring Freedom was ‘preserving democracy’, you are NUTS!
In my opinion, right now, it doesn’t matter much whose fault it was. Our leaders are only concerned about votes, so we must show them we need peace. By now, watching this conflict since the beginning, I am pretty convinced our leaders don’t have a plan, they play it as we go. This is an opportunity for peace.
After the letter from the 30 Democrat Lawmakers to Biden, we know that even the Democrat Party wants peace. Now, only Ukraine wants war to push the Russian invasion away, which is impossible, but I suspect there are almost no men available in Ukraine, I have been watching many women in battle lately.
Also, we are facing now a reconstruction cost of 7 times more than the cost of the war, so far.
The sooner we start to negotiate peace, the better. Biden needs to step from behind Zelensky to step at his side and together they must meet Putin, face to face. This is what men do, they step up when they have a problem, they don’t cower down. And Biden has been growing in my ledger, since he met Xi Jinping this week, after not speaking face to face for more than 5 years.
If a man breaks down your door, takes over your living room, and then keeps your family members hostage, would you be likely to hold peace talks with him? Perhaps after he runs out the door with a bullet hole in his back.
@Daniela Hoti So do Ukrainians and worse. Do you think it’s one sided. That’s what they want you to think
If a Mil.Gov Elite force you to be their tax slave for your entire life, so you end on tea and crackers SS’ing to your landlord, then enriching the hospice kennel where they euthanize you, how is that different from the WW2 work camps, …except you can leave, and starve. They’re going to digital money now, auto-deducting a third of your wages for Deep State.
Is not that simple if that man has a bazooka and just opting not to use it and it is also obvious he just wants your kitchen are you going to risk it all? Praying that your rich friend will also risk his family for you. And if you are the u.s. rich friend of the man getting attacked are you going to go mutual destruction for the sake of your friend? Knowing you have a bazooka and the attackers have it too. Are you going to go all in knowing your kids new york and Washington could die as well? The answer is yes if you are 100 percent sure that the attacker will attack you next but if not it is a stupid thing to do. Unless you love this friend of yours more than your own family.
@Joe Biden is Your President!!!!! Get Over it!!!!! Then why aren’t Biden and the last 6 American presidents and America’s top gererals not in prison? America commits more war crimes, than all other countries combined. Because it fuels and causes majority of the conflicts in the world.
@Joe Biden is Your President!!!!! Get Over it!!!!! Are you aware of American history and the conflicts it is/has been a part of?
My heart sobs for all those affected

The major problem of threat Russia poses to khason in mediate time i can’t even say later is the destruction of the city by artilleries missiles drones this is the most difficult situation for that particular settlement
Peace be upon the people of both countries.
Well, in Russia peace be only upon those who do not actively support the Kremlin mafia and its war.
And Victory to Ukraine and Death to Russia.
Start giving Ukraine what it needs to win the war instead of pushing for negotiations
@Danny Martinez death and suffering will never end ever.
@Gary Smith well, it’s will end to the scale we’re seeing it. Russia lives and tens of thousands of lives are saved. Millions can return to their families and start rebuilding and the world can breathe a little easier not having to worry about Putler ending the world. So while there will always be death and suffering it’s extremely stupid and shortsighted to not end this conflict if it saves so many. Imagine what this would would be like if we all just thought well there will always be suffering so I guess we shouldn’t aspire to do better
@Danny Martinez seems like we should go directly after Putin save time money lives etc
Pentagon blew $2,500,000,000,000 of Workers savings fighting 250,000 Tango hillbillies, _who had nothing to do with 9/11._ That was the Saudis. Cheney could have flown those Tango to Boston, paid each one for a Harvard Law degree, interned each one for a year at USAID, then be sent back to AF as agents for IMF-WB money-changers. You were robbed!
@Gary Smith the US would end this quickly and it would save lives and suffering. But our country doesn’t have the appetite for that. And I get it, it is complicated. “Why should we help Ukraine?” Is a question not everyone would agree to. And it is, the two sides in the conflict as so apart that I think the world is on for a long conflict.
Russia should take Zelensky’s deal. In the coming winter months more than 50,000 ill-equipped Russian troops might freeze to death in the trenches.
@andy99ish Ill-equipped Russians will freeze to death in Ukraine. Except, of course, for those who get fried by Ukrainian drones and artillery.
Russians are not afraid of the cold.
@throughstruqqle any fool can freeze and many drunks do.
Make America Great Again. Популистский лозунг Трампа в избирательной кампании 2016 года был обращен в сторону «суверенизации» реальной экономики и реиндустриализации (переноса промышленности обратно в США).
Не удалось, разворота тренда не произошло. Доля обрабатывающей промышленности в экономике США в 3 квартале 2016 составляла 11.6%, легла в дрейф на 6 лет и к 2 кв 2022 доля составляет 11.3% по сравнению с 13.5% перед кризисом 2008.
Более выраженная тенденция в доле промышленного производства без учета производства компьютеров и комплектующих. В 3 кв 2016 эта доля в ВВП была 10%, сейчас 9.5%, перед кризисом 2008 – 12.3% на максимуме. Тенденция уверенно нисходящая последние 15 лет.
Ускоренное снижение началось с 3 кв 2020 и продолжается по текущий момент на траектории экспансии цифровой экономики.
США – это типичная постиндустриальная модель экономики в терминальной стадии. Ресурсы тратятся не на создание реальной-материальной добавленной стоимости внутри США, а на контроль и создание технологий, цепочек снабжения, финансовых потоков и производственных мощностей по миру.
Чтобы создавать промышленность внутри США американцам необходимо конкурировать с азиатскими рабочими по уровню дохода и производительности труда, что невозможно.
Технологии и имперский статус позволяют создать общество паразитов (в буквальном смысле), когда малая часть населения создает технологии и контроль над экспансией технологий, а основная часть общества пользуется благами цивилизации.
Поэтому США не откажутся от власти доллара и своего доминирования, т.к. это будет означать смерть прежней конструкции миропорядка. Отказ может только принудительным.
@Awibrahor yep imagine with billions of dollars in help and winning for 8 months against poorly equipped russian soldiers Ukrainians are underperforming they should be conquering siberia by now. If you do propaganda it will really come to point that you cant reconcile it with reality.
Peace through victory

Victory to Ukraine
The UK was the first to come to Ukraine’s side. And Estonia (
) has given Ukraine the most aid, per capita. Followed by Poland.
Ukraine will be more destroyed before your dream Ukraine victory hahahahaha Z
@The people of Europe
Russia is the only nation being destroyed here, you Orc.
Ukraine will rebuild and prosper with EU membership.
Russia will never, ever be welcome in any trade markets, and will suffer the consequences of its actions for ar least 100 years. Especially when it will pay for everything Ukraine needs to rebuild.
You need too try for peace deal even through its a long shot
It’s more painful for Russian interests, unless you’re a delusional dictator. Press on Ukraine, state terms as you have and press on.
There are people self chosen idiots that would say something for someone to do despite they wouldn’t do it for themselves…
Pressuring Ukraine to appease Putin is not only shameful, it is also breathtakingly short sighted. In what universe is Putin going to stop acting like this if he perceives it as a win?
The world needs to back Ukraine to the hilt and do everything possible to hamstring Russia. Putin needs to be driven back to behind internationally recognized lines and Russia needs to be made to pay for the damage they have caused.
Make America Great Again. Популистский лозунг Трампа в избирательной кампании 2016 года был обращен в сторону «суверенизации» реальной экономики и реиндустриализации (переноса промышленности обратно в США).
Не удалось, разворота тренда не произошло. Доля обрабатывающей промышленности в экономике США в 3 квартале 2016 составляла 11.6%, легла в дрейф на 6 лет и к 2 кв 2022 доля составляет 11.3% по сравнению с 13.5% перед кризисом 2008.
Более выраженная тенденция в доле промышленного производства без учета производства компьютеров и комплектующих. В 3 кв 2016 эта доля в ВВП была 10%, сейчас 9.5%, перед кризисом 2008 – 12.3% на максимуме. Тенденция уверенно нисходящая последние 15 лет.
Ускоренное снижение началось с 3 кв 2020 и продолжается по текущий момент на траектории экспансии цифровой экономики.
США – это типичная постиндустриальная модель экономики в терминальной стадии. Ресурсы тратятся не на создание реальной-материальной добавленной стоимости внутри США, а на контроль и создание технологий, цепочек снабжения, финансовых потоков и производственных мощностей по миру.
Чтобы создавать промышленность внутри США американцам необходимо конкурировать с азиатскими рабочими по уровню дохода и производительности труда, что невозможно.
Технологии и имперский статус позволяют создать общество паразитов (в буквальном смысле), когда малая часть населения создает технологии и контроль над экспансией технологий, а основная часть общества пользуется благами цивилизации.
Поэтому США не откажутся от власти доллара и своего доминирования, т.к. это будет означать смерть прежней конструкции миропорядка. Отказ может только принудительным.
I think they supersede Putin internally; the Russian people did not want this war.
Never negotiate with those who have robbed you. There must be justice.
Mind Begs the Question:
If in a World
X oppose Occupation – Heroes
Y oppose Occupation – Terrorists
World governed by – Righteous,Evil?
Mind Begs the Question:
If deploying Weapons,Troops
In USA backyard (Cuba) – Not Allowed
In Russias backyard (Ukraine) – Allowed
Russia invaded Ukraine after they gave up their weapons and promised not to join nato. There’s a slight difference can’t you see?
‘Free Kurdistan!’ (Clinton) Go USA! USA! USA!
“Free Donbas’ (Putin) Down with PUTIN! GLASS MOSCOW!!!
Never Forget the Brave Who Fought at the Battle of Grenada!!! Lu-lu-lu-lu-lu!!
Freaking pathetic……after 9 months of Zelensky’s leadership, critics still not giving him a chance!! Nations need to stand behind Ukraine, period!!
Well said.

No they don’t. Not NATO country. We don’t have to do anything and that would of been best.
Glory to Ukraine – Glory to the brave Ukrainian soldiers
“A long shot”? A long shot is holding out against a sudden invasion from 3 sides by a country 3.5 times their size. Russia was the 3rd largest army in the world. Keeping them out of Kiev was a long shot. Stalemating them last summer was a long shot. Reclaiming all that territory in the north and south was a long shot. But here we are.
But Ukraine has been winning since February
‘But here we are…drafting Ukraine youth to fight and die for US/UK/IL arms deals.” FIFY
Glory to Ukraine, Thank you for standing for the free world
I think Clarissa should stay in her pay grade. Interviewing civilians on the ground, not world politics. President Zelenskyy has carried through on every thing he has ever said. He just keeps having to say it over and over because the rest of us are dumb.