Clarence Thomas calls on Supreme Court to revisit gay marriage decision

The Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, which established a constitutional right to have an abortion, by a 5-4 vote. Justice Clarence Thomas wrote alone in a concurring opinion explicitly calling for the court to revisit landmark rulings on contraceptives and gay marriage.

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  1. Oh, I imagine there are many decisions this Court will revisit. They’re just getting started.


  2. “This does not go beyond roe”
    No one believes you. How could they? With this decision why does ANYONE have a reason to believe that rights in this country cannot be taken away once granted? They just made their own words worthless in the eyes of the public.

    1. @Michelle Rahrig I think it’s a very weak argument to say abortion is in the right to privacy. I think it’s better argued as being somewhere in other parts of the constitution (liberty, EPC). Roe messed up by putting forward such a weak opinion and then making a whole ruleset around it instead of just stating that some undefined right to abortion was protected. This is a big reason why it has been questioned for so long. It was poorly reasoned and it was too much to create the ruleset it did.

    1. The most embarrassing thing to try to explain to people outside the US is the filibuster.

    1. @James Guy Photography Thomas was a black panther in the 60’s most black his age think the same. blacks are the first and real Conservatives.

  3. So now the Supreme Court chucks stare decisis out the window. From now on, when the make up of the Court shifts – so will the laws. Back and forth we’ll go!

  4. Would men who want a vasectomy to prevent pregnancy, then, be criminally charged for using a vasectomy as a form of contraception? Rights are under attack, but I’m sure it will only be women who has to have theirs taken.

    1. Wow, that is a REAL QUESTION for Thomas and Allito. Especially since it’s not in the Original Constitution. Well done, the best comment I read today!!!!

  5. Damn Mitchy he created this court damn him to hell. He needs to be voted out. One man should never have this much power. Wake up America. My he rot in forever. Thank you Kentucky. Your blindness condems us all.

  6. Thomas needs to be criminally investigated for his role in of “fixing” his vote through his wife on the 8-1 ruling previously done.

  7. “Yeah I just couldn’t stand Hilary”
    “Yeah….I don’t like either candidate”
    “Yeah I don’t believe in voting”

    You did this. ALL of you.

    1. @Spencer Gray It was probably enough.

      And sometimes you have to put ‘being upset’ aside, and do what makes sense, and play the hand you’re dealt.

    2. @countdebleauchamp while I agree – it’s up to leadership to be worth the effort. Hillary didn’t generate that. And I say that as someone that voted for her in Virginia which is purple but red leaning.

  8. I find it rather interesting that so many conservatives talk about how much they love freedom yet they vote for and support political candidates who want to restrict the freedoms they currently have.

  9. Years ago, when I was a Republican, I adamantly opposed Thomas’ appointment to the Court.
    Anita Hill? A bunch of he said/she said…not the Reason.
    He was asked during his confirmation hearing what he thought about Roe v Wade. With a straight face, he said, “I have not reviewed the case. So I cannot offer an opinion.”
    Once he was confirmed, I don’t care if he had four bean burritos with hot sauce for his most recent meal. He did not have enough time to make his seat warm before he came out & said R v W needed to be overturned. Either he is a JFK-calibur speed-reader and extremely decisive, or he Flat…Out…LIED!!!
    THAT’S why I was against his confirmation.

  10. “If you’re pre-born, you’re fine, if you’re pre-school, you’re screwed.”. George Carlin

    1. @Preston Phillips A form of government in which officials are elected by citizens to lead them as directed by their country’s constitution. The Founders proved equally adept later on in peacetime. When the federal government tottered under the Articles of Confederation, prominent citizens met anew to hammer out the U.S. Constitution, overcoming major areas of disagreement between large and small states and Southern and Northern ones to form a stable political system. Google is useful.

    2. @Linda Leal exactly and that’s the genius of the American system. We’re not a democracy. We give the right to citizens to vote for their state’s representatives under the constitution. The federal government never had the right to decide on abortions under the constitution, that’s up to the states. Good job

  11. Impeachment is needed when 85 % citizens don’t want power forcing the laws to fit them not your rights. Putting there believes ahead of protecting citizens. This is only one thing, authoritarian judges.

    1. @First name Last name says the dude in the right who makes decisions based on a 2 thousand year old book 🤣🤣🤣

  12. These judges are so concerned by the unborn but what do they do to protect the children killed at school ?

    1. Do what other countries do. Put armed security on the grounds. Why is it that kids can go to a concert surrounded by armed security but we can’t do the same in schools?

  13. Yeah right. These are the same justices who told us, under oath, that Roe was a settled precedent. If you believe ANYTHING the court is saying about interfering in other rights then you haven’t been paying attention.

  14. Imagine being so simpleminded that you refer to a document drafted almost 250 years ago for guidance on what to do today.

    1. Thing is every hundred years or so people get more and more depraved we need to draw a line and stick to it.

      Or else it will lead to bad outcomes like drag your kids to pride.

    2. I don’t want to be that guy but there are people who treat the Bible (a 2000 year old book) as if it’s law so yeah…

  15. By overturning Roe v. Wade, they are implicitly saying that many of the previous justices are wrong. This goes for all the other laws/bills that gave people more rights that they want to overturn.

    1. @Janet Rogers Tell that to people in red states that are pro-choice where the ban was in effect and now have the ability to legally enforce it on federal level.

    2. I like that you can just visit another state for it to be legal. Im prolife so, it makes me happy my state decided to ban it

    3. @Preston Phillips I think u don’t understand. Since Alitto quoted the Constitution and Under the Federal Constitution “All People are created equal”….meaning have the same Rights, it’s actually not that way, is it. Yeah the SCOTUS decision was NOT an overturn of Roe vs Wade but gives individual states the ability (it’s not a right, it’s an ability) to treat people as not ALL CREATED EQUAL. And we know this already happened in Alabama, Texas, Oklahoma etc. So the decision has 2 weight and measures. Oklahomans, men have more Rights than women. New York probably in the future both sexes will have the same Rights. Unless they force us, men to have a vasectomy or ban sex all together. We all live in one country and SCOTUS is a federal entity.

  16. “When governments fear the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny.” ― Thomas Jefferson

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