Clarence Thomas accepted several luxury trips paid for by GOP megadonor

ProPublica journalist Joshua Kaplan speaks with CNN after breaking a story on Justice Clarence Thomas that reveals he accepted undisclosed luxury trips from a GOP megadonor over a period of more than 20 years. #CNN #News

Clarence Thomas accepted several luxury trips paid for by GOP megadonor


    1. @Combat Epistemologist LOL and it isn’t even a shiny squirrel. (Off topic, but I like your handle. So, to your skill set: If a republican is under fire in a foxhole, but there is no one there to listen, does his/her Hunter-Biden-Laptop exclamation resound any less stupid? : ) )

  1. Exposing conservative corruption has no impact on conservative voters whatsoever. Conservatives hate liberals more than they love democracy.

    1. @True Gilead Oil Yeh, we all understand that when one has no argument to debate with and thus, all one can do is troll and attack others, that is what one has to resort to.

      You get to make that choice. Not sure why anyone would make that choice – but you get to decide for yourself.

      Take care…..

    1. @SGT OG  now I think the context of the favor matters. Now, if it’s like lorretta lynch not prosecuting Hillary Clinton as a “favor” for Bill Clinton, then I can see your point.

  2. If the SCOTUS does not expel Thomas over this… Roberts can forget about reestablishing credibility to the court.

    1. @Bob Strayer Is it pure projection on my part…or yours? The irony is lost on you. What liberties? You vote for more gov’t control and overreach into every aspect of your life from media to education, to healthcare, to business, to security and so forth. When you cast your vote, you’re doing so in trust that gov’t will take the power you’re giving them and use it benevolently…and when in the last few decades have they given you reason to trust them?

    2. @Jao Bidan So you can’t name any liberties. Just ambiguous claims and fear mongering. How typical.

  3. I think the most disgusting part of this is Thomas’s interview where he says he loves Walmart parking lots and trailer parks. Shows just what a mocking-of-the-poor liar he is.

    1. Anne Duff * I agree with you, and only a crooked liar government employee like Thomas, who ” said he forgot to report vacation gifts for over 20 years. ” He should be relieved immediately of his supreme court duties.

    1. Multi-Billionaire best Buddy of Clarence Thomas called Harlan Crow has (report 7/2/03) “reportedly has 20 statues of leaders like Stalin, Mao, Lenin, Gottwald, Castro, Kun, Göring, Mussolini, Princip, and heroes of authoritarian regimes decorating his private garden. It is said, he wanted to get a statue of Pol Pot, Saddam Hussein, Rhodes, and others. If in doubt please read “Collecting Despots, Assassins and Such” by Simon Romero, NYTimes. By now he might have expanded his collection.

  4. Thomas and his wife are exactly what needs to be fixed with our system. Our courts need transparency to function correctly or else they become corrupt. Like they currently are…..

    1. It’s just way to bad that the Supreme Court Justices don’t have to report the same things that politicians do.

  5. Justice Thomas has one word missing in his vocabulary: integrity.
    My father was a lawyer and a chartered tax onsultant and when he died in 2000 had 4 partners and 60 employees in 3 locations. Nothing special but a nice little medium sized service company.
    My dad’s car never was a company car. He did not use the tax breaks for this car. My dad never attended lunch or dinner after a closing meeting especially considering tax issues. He never accepted any gifts and got mad when one his clients tried to deduct family dinners as company expenses and refused to except such bills. He had what Justice Thomas is missing: integrity.
    So Mr. Thomas – pack your bag and leave SCOTUS – you and your wife have brought enough shame to the judiciary and SCOTUS. I do not even mind whether you will be replaced by a conservative judge. You – Mr. Thomas- are unsustainable as a Justice at SCOTUS and our judiciary. Just get out.

  6. Unbelievable that you didn’t mention Sen Whitehouse campaigns for an ethics code for the SCOTUS.

  7. Thank you! Many of us suspected this but much better to have gruesome details laid out in the disinfecting sunlight! 👍 🇺🇸

  8. Josh you give me hope for the future of our country! You are so young and wise, and working on our behalf!

    1. I knew when he put on his righteous indignation act during his confirmation hearings that Thomas would be bad news for the Court and the Country.

    1. **—– Here in Canada, we don`t have term limits , but , we do force them to retire at 75 years of age . ( It is better than nothing . )

    1. @Tricia C I think that ” S G ” did understand that , there is always something ” in return” .

  9. The media should not allow this story to die, I’m aware that most stories have an extremely short time span.
    This truly should NOT be allowed to happen on a story this magnitude, this judge and his decisions affect us all.😮😮

    1. They’ve been friends for 25 years and the Justices on the Supreme Court don’t have to report the same things that politicians do.

    2. ​@Socrates 98 They don’t understand that Supreme Court Justices don’t have to report the same things that politicians do.

    3. @Socrates 98 Conservatives have only one value. ( Money and power). You can easily find the motivation for anything they advocate or propose. Just follow the money.

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