Former Senator Claire McCaskill highlights that Trump’s legal fights and concerns about voter fraud appear to be only in states where he has lost or is losing. Aired on 11/10/2020.
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#Trump #ClaireMcCaskill #MSNBC
Claire McCaskill: The Only Places Republicans Talk About Fraud Is Where Trump Didn’t Win | Deadline
Why is the American people still having to go through a farce like this?
WHY???Why do we have to live through a lie to appease a delusional
@Noreb well then the election is not over right? till everyone’s vote has been counted
The failure and lost opportunity of the Obama Presidency got us to this point.
Thanks Obama, for nothing.
@Andy Womack
@Pirate Fishermen IT’S OVER!
@Pirate Fishermen it is over when its literally impossible for one person to over come the lead of the other based on the available number of votes remaining.. or do you think it was wrong for donald trump to declare victory in 2016 when he had only 117 electoral votes “called” by the media?…
Did you expect anything else!
No but I would like a legal response no. I want this to end enough.
@LLC I don’t think it’s going to end until he kills more people than Hitler.
This is just a rebellion against the United States of America they need to be charged
No, this is just a toddler throwing a tantrum of epic proportions. We’ll get to the charges later, when the adults have the room
Charging handles is what it seems like you’ll get lol
If it was just a rebellion, no one would have bothered to vote him out.
Every republican president has given a recession but Trump takes the cake
When will Americans learn.
Republicans will never learn. They are supporting g a fascist that acts like a dictator. They’re stupid
@sk8queen Joe is biggest racist of them all
They never will.
@EsL 444 American Democrats are very smart they voted Joe Biden that has Alzheimer’s they very smart
Dems what to be kings and queens. They hate the constitution and they hate the American idea of working for their money . The elite left want people to depend on them with all the “free stuff” that they promise to give you. Watch what you wish for you just may get it! A warning from an old guy.
Homeless people in UK have better healthcare system than Americans.
Let that sink in, while you find out why. .
I can’t understand how the supreme Court can rule that a tax can be taken away from a law passed by Congress and signed by Obama,can be ruled unconstitutional.
Get out of my face, you’re a troll.
Who’s to say as Americans we need free anything? Free health care, free education, free food. Who pays for it? Socialism won’t work ask China or Venezuela.
It’s not free we pay taxes , and the weathy pay more we are not afraid of people Trump he would be in Jail for tax evation wake up.
On a percentage l bet l pay less than you and you get nothing.
This is just a shame and awful!
Republic0n Logic is Hard to Explain.
Because it Doesn’t Exist…..
I see little logic in Dem policy and politics.
They reject winning progressive message, accept losing centrist message.
Got to take care of their corporate donors who make them millionaires.
This isn’t about logic, this is how people who feel they shouldn’t need to justify taking what they want act!
They don’t have a lot of logic, but they have hypocrisy to spare
It’s exhausting that the American people still can’t get a peace order on this president and change the locks in the White House? Why can’t we get some law back up to help us?!
The Corporate Media is learning the difference between the “Projected Winner” of the #CCP Media [Them], and the Constitutional Winner of the American People.
You will learn too @LLC.
Not til January 20 at noon.
@TheBase1aransas – I think you need to study history more.
@Lotta Sunshine Go back to the Magna Carta sweetie. (Tell your #CCP programmer to give you an upgrade)
Trump is having a meltdown because he knows once he leaves the White House , is 90% possibility he might go to prison!!!!
Every dog has his day !!!!
You just know that Trump and the GOP committed voter fraud in the areas that they did win
@midknight ABSOLUTELY 100%
Yes that bloated orange dtogs is here.
@Zach Addington you can’t put all the blame on dump. Blame the people who followed, and continues to follow him and the government who are allowing him to do what he is doing and have been doing for the past 4 years.
@Sheetal M He can’t be pardoned of State crimes, NY will prosecute.
“Stop the count!” – t’rump supporters

“Count the votes!” – also t’rump supporters
I suppose context is unimportant if you’re just a political hack
@Jay Wolf Context like “if t’rump is ahead, stop the count but if he is behind, count the votes, and if you’re one of the other 45 states, there’s obviously nothing to object to there because …. well, just because!”?

Got it.
@Ro G The point wasn’t to permanently stop counting like you like to comically imply. It was to ensure that the election laws were being followed WHILE counting took place.
@Jay Wolf – What evidence do you have that they weren’t?
@Lotta Sunshine same evidence as always
Source: bro just trust me
A Pennsylvania postal worker whose claims have been cited by top Republicans as potential evidence of widespread voting irregularities admitted to U.S. Postal Service investigators that he fabricated the allegations, according to three officials briefed on the investigation and a statement from a House congressional committee.
And that surprises you?
That’s funny because he just put out another video on Project Veritas saying he did not recant and the whole WaPo story is a lie.
@Lizzie M … Did my comment mention being surprised?
Ummm dude retracted his story soooooo ummmmmn what else you got
No ones committing fraud here except Donald tRump & his crony’s! Add to the list of Donalds crimes including treason, treachery & inciting & promoting insurrection!
“The hill he’s going to die on” can’t wait for that moment !
Lucy Buehl yeah… I perked up a little when I heard that line…… . . . .
Going after the courts, even after putting in all those judges?
Trump need to disappear… or move to an island. I suggest Epstein’s Island.
Snake island, Agent Orange would fit right in
Devils island for the anti-christ
He knows every room blindfolded.
Riker’s Island will do just fine.
I wish they would throw four years ago in foxes face. The hypocrisy, is so thick
Dems should just charge election fraud in areas they lost especially in a couple of the senate races. Put them on the defensive.
The dems don’t want to sink down to their level. I think they should.
@Lisa Carr …not necessary….BIDEN’S won.
@DARK CENTURIANS I agree with you. I was just on a bit of a rant.
They did this already with a situation of drive thru drop off points in Texas and the court resolved the issue.
They would start by checking all of Ivanka’s voting machines she bought for daddy.
DJT flushed his “legacy” down the golden toilet looooong ago
He never had one.
He didn’t have any legacy. His legacy will be pain ,misery and corruption.
Donald ordered Sorting machines at the U.S.P.S. dismantled before the election in certain states! He is the one that should be accused of fraud
All of the GOP’s “let the people decide” was complete BS. Georgia really needs to flip the senate blue & strip all power from McTurtle. If they don’t, we’re toast.
You will be toast in 2022 when the house flips.
@Guy Overy The important thing is trump will be gone