Former Sen. Claire McCaskill and MSNBC's Nicolle Wallace react to the Kansas City editorial board's Op-ed titled "Hawley has blood on his hands." Aired on 01/06/2021.
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#McCaskill #ElectoralCollege #MSNBC
Claire McCaskill Condemns Sen. Josh Hawley's Objection To Electoral College Results | MSNBC
These senators like Hawley and Cruz are just as culpable as Donald Trump for what happened today.
Agreed. The insanity of Trump saying there will be an orderly transition on the heals of the insurrection he sparked is eclipsed only by the cowardice of those unwilling to apply the law and prosecute the insurgents.
The insanity of Trump saying there will be an orderly transition on the heals of the insurrection he sparked is eclipsed only by the cowardice of those unwilling to apply the law and prosecute the insurgents.
@Pat Mahinie
Oh bullsh*t. Just STFU.
The word ‘hypocruzy’ can by added to the US dictionary.
@Danny P I see you’ve snidely had a go at someone for misspelling a word. You misspelled “you’re” in another comment here. You might want to edit that.
Josh Hawley is a traitor to our country.
an absolute embarrassment to MO. traitor to the nation.
@TrenTacos You are Trumpist Cult, anti-democracy, traitor.
Benedict Hawley.
@Larry Jeffers
It’s very bad keeping people like him in the government, people get discouraged and tired and lose hope in government
@Vita Petrus Romans 13:1-2 says: “Obey the government, for God is the One who has put it there. There is no government anywhere that God has not placed in power. So those who refuse to obey the law of the land are refusing to obey God, and punishment will follow.” Well he can’t change the Will of God.
Hawley must be censured and ejected period.
Erdogan way, from the first to the last, including the attorneys
These Senators should be recalled for violating their constitutional oath.
@Elise Chartrand
I’m right there with you Elise! Let’s see what percolates overnight, after congress does it’s thing tonight.
For failing to uphold the constitution, they should lose their position as a member of the House and Senate and disqualify them from working in Congress in whatever capacity, ever, then we would reach the point of ambivalence towards this situation. But if this was treated as treasonous with the punishment (in public) that follows, we might start to get excited about that.
Missouri would never do that. They are really too stupid.
Fellow Trini?
Hawley just relegated himself to the manure heap of posterity.
His picture needs to be trending all over so that no one forgets, in case he ever tries to run for president. Monkey see monkey do, he’s probably as bad as Trump. Shame on him!
Hawley just objected to Pennsylvania’s electoral votes. I guess he’s what you call a slow learner.
Perfect place for such as him. The manure pile. NEVER in a place of power!
An Artist friend of mine in Florida is doing a painting with all the traitors and trump.
Hawley, Cruz, Jim Jordan, and Trump are on the first row.
2000 copies will be printed and sent to Schools all over the country to make sure kids know about these traitors to our country.
@Terry Williams Your friend should paint another Hall of Shame devoted to Fox News.
Who is to blame for not seeing that this could have happened TODAY?? They need to be held accountable.
I would say prosecuted would be a better adverb.
He should be charged with sedition and be expelled from the Senate.
He’s white
[“Observed said by a fake sockpuppet acct. #Busted
(Frenemy Leader Hermes T)”]
@wade stanton [“Observing…your a fake sockpuppet acct. #Busted
(Frenemy Leader Hermes T)”]
@Eternal Ouch, you got me good.
They should be REMOVED from their positions they insisted and encouraged a coup against their own country a woman died because of their ignorance. They should be held accountable
I just watched our local news, apparently four people died today. One died of a gun shot and three others medical conditions.
Man, the commies have really brainwashed you people. Trump can’t perform a coup on himself, stupid. He’s still the president. There is a coup underway though and it’s being carried out by everyone else in our government. Oh, you probably need me to explain it to you. A coup is when you unlawfully take over a government. Y’know like by rigging an election. Crack open a book some time.
@Kris You are the only stupid, brainwashed lemming here and too far gone for recovery. Oh, yes, you are also ‘special’, according to your cult leader…. your seat in the short bus is waiting.
Shut up you Trump parrot.
He should be the first expulsion
Hawley, Cruz, Scalise, McCarthy are all guilty of sedition. These are crimes against the nation and should be punishable to the fullest extent of the law.
Same with evey demokkkrat that supports blm
Hawley and Cruz should be forced to resign immediately for inciting the coup attempt. And then charged, tried, and incarcerated.
What they did is amazing and good for them
Congress must invoke the 25th amendment… Effective immediately.
Read the amendment: Congress cannot invoke it! It should be invoked, but it’s not Congress’ place. Alas it’s up to Pence and the cabinet!
The back and forth process would take at least a month.
Josh Hawley should be arrested alongside Trump. They can share a cell.
(scoff) Who cares????
But buddies likely
ALL the seditionists must be removed from government immediately.
so Joshie, you liking dictatorship so far?
All republicans and democraps must be removed!!!! Why? Because they don’t cares about poor people!
These thugs dishonored EVERY AMERICAN that died and served for our country.
Trump has made it clear he doesn’t think much of Gold Star Families and their loved ones who gave the ultimate sacrifice for their country– Bunch of suckers. It made me sick to see the flag I fought for being waved by a mob desecrating the Capitol.
@150flivver Thank you for your service.
Actually they’re standing up for everyone who died for our freedom. They don’t want socialism in the US…. As y’all willing hand away your freedoms due to extreme fear of covid.. Pathetic
@Ryan True Genius do you put your money in the bank? Do you plan on collecting SS when you get older? Will you be on Medical? That is basically socialism. So how are they sticking up for them? By destroying the nation’s capital? Well after listening to these senators when they came back into session. It sounds like it backfired on these idiots. Four people dead??? Yeah, that was worth it, right???
@Ryan True
Shut up you mindless Trump parrot.
“If we nominate Trump, we will get destroyed and we will deserve it.”
Lindsey Graham 2016
olrik parlez: Oh, I knew that was coming then too.
Those about about the Truest words ever to come out of his mouth !
Consider the destruction something you are complicit in, Lindsey.
@Lauri Rohr – This is true. However, until January 2019 the GOP had control of the WH, House, and Senate. Now……it’s all back to the democrats. Everything Trump touches dies. EVERYTHING. more seditious acts..this should bar him from running for office.
Those senators have ended their careers with this stunt.
Let’s hope so, 12 more days
Hope so
even lil marco rubio knew it would be career suicide if he got involved
They should investigate this guy…. i dont think he understand, that the vote were counted 3 times over and over…same result. Biden won!!
Hawley: Trump’s newest enabler. He’s as responsible for today’s events as Trump and his ‘supporters’. Blood on his hands.