CNN's Jake Tapper speaks with Emmy Award winning actress Julia Louis Dreyfus about the upcoming US election. #CNN #News
CITIZEN by CNN: Julia Louis-Dreyfus says Democracy is ‘a fragile thing’

CNN's Jake Tapper speaks with Emmy Award winning actress Julia Louis Dreyfus about the upcoming US election. #CNN #News
Vote early and in person if you are able to, make sure to remind friends and family members.
~ To register or confirm your registration :
~ You can also change your affiliation from ‘D’ to ‘R’ if you live in a red/swing state & are worried about Voter role purges in your state. You can vote ‘D’ even if you’re registered as ‘R’. Then switch back to ‘D’ after the election. Looks like ‘R’ might be safer. If you want to do that, here you go:
Let’s TikTok them!!
~ Voter registration deadlines :
~ Early voting by state & start date :
~ Early voting calendar :
~ Voting in person in a red area?
Wear a red hat or something else red
~ Lastly, want to contact ALL your legislators about something (like the USPS tampering)?
Just type in your zip code & they are all there for you :
*Thank you to Ad Astra Magdalene for that useful link
Vote in person if you can.
If not, vote really EARLY (the first day of mail-in voting).
Stay safe everyone.
Please share!
BREAKING NEWS. Florida Gov Ron Desantos will make Floridians not liable for injuring or killing protesters with their car. Now that’s leadership.
She needs better meds! WOW!
Vote RED
I don’t think science knows” person who claimed there were airports in 1776.
@Rd owg thanks. Your comment made me laugh out loud!!!!!! Damn I am still laughing!
Turd Mentality
@TRUMP FAILED but how was I misinformed if I never heard about the airports?
Christ, tone it down a bit, just because someone missed one of Trump’s 1000 blunders doesnt mean I’m watching fox or misinformed lol
You are not going to hell Elaine
love Julia 
But RBG sure is.
Doug Hilton
Complete LIE ..
no such place ..
@Jennifer Quinn oh stop it fool .
@Tracey Wu How is a question a lie Grasshopper?
USA have such a party, they full of scoundrel, shrew, liar, pedophile, fabricate evidence of crime, false accusations, entrap,sexual assault, child molestation,
murderer and they’re also CCP’s close companion— Democrat! If Republican lose the election,they’ll learn their lessons, if Democrats lose, then they’ll destroy the country! Americans should be ashamed of having such a party! More than 20years,too many of them have been colluding with CCP, they have too much corruption case in CCP’s hands! (look at-The AI organization) They dare not to trace ccpvirus’ source.They used “political correctness” ,”racism”
to control the media and brainwashing people to attack trump, they forbidden people to tell and know truth! They prohibit using HCQ-the most effective medicine,let people die more, so they can accuse trump! The Congress’s Boss– Pelosi–really like a crazy dictator! USA is really SOS! Republican is too gentlemen, too restricted by rules. It’s hard for a gentlemen to contest with a shrew, besides, they are a group of!
————a foreigner
Perhaps democracy is not quite so fragile as some might hope
Joe Biden called Obama the “first African American who is articulate and bright and clean” and said “poor kids can be just as bright as white kids” and called the African American community monolithic and that if they didn’t vote for him then they weren’t black. He also said that if the Republicans won then they’d “put them back in chains” to a group of African American supporters. We can also talk about how he opposed school integration many years ago, voted for the Iraq war, sent all of our jobs to China, how he assaulted a woman (just ask Kamala), only talked about violent riots when his polls went down (riots that are hurting small businesses and especially minority groups such as Hispanic Americans and African Americans), and to top it off has to read from a teleprompter because of his dementia
USA have such a party, they full of scoundrel, shrew, liar, pedophile, fabricate evidence of crime, false accusations, entrap,sexual assault, child molestation,
murderer and they’re also CCP’s close companion— Democrat! If Republican lose the election,they’ll learn their lessons, if Democrats lose, then they’ll destroy the country! Americans should be ashamed of having such a party! More than 20years,too many of them have been colluding with CCP, they have too much corruption case in CCP’s hands! (look at-The AI organization) They dare not to trace ccpvirus’ source.They used “political correctness” ,”racism”
to control the media and brainwashing people to attack trump, they forbidden people to tell and know truth! They prohibit using HCQ-the most effective medicine,let people die more, so they can accuse trump! The Congress’s Boss– Pelosi–really like a crazy dictator! USA is really SOS! Republican is too gentlemen, too restricted by rules. It’s hard for a gentlemen to contest with a shrew, besides, they are a group of!
————a foreigner
Not democracy is fragile but Democrat party, political correctness, celebrity, athletes, journalist n atheist. This election Trump will win both popular votes n electrol college.

@lipingsky duerer the Imposter in Our white House is not a Republican, not a real one. He’s a Narcissistic fascist republikkkan
I LOVE when “Life” creeps in during .
Happy to watch any sane person speak on these topics whether they are a celebrity or not, just to feel like there are good, sane people still out there!
Milton cares about Celebrity Opinions like a teenage girl
@David Foster they have. Look up the name Roosevelt and Obama
@Swagman21 Then you’d think they’d have fixed something, wouldn’t ya? But no! The world still looks the same as if did 50 years ago (except for the blue-haired cell-phoneys, of course).
USA have such a party, they full of scoundrel, shrew, liar, pedophile, fabricate evidence of crime, false accusations, entrap,sexual assault, child molestation,
murderer and they’re also CCP’s close companion— Democrat! If Republican lose the election,they’ll learn their lessons, if Democrats lose, then they’ll destroy the country! Americans should be ashamed of having such a party! More than 20years,too many of them have been colluding with CCP, they have too much corruption case in CCP’s hands! (look at-The AI organization) They dare not to trace ccpvirus’ source.They used “political correctness” ,”racism”
to control the media and brainwashing people to attack trump, they forbidden people to tell and know truth! They prohibit using HCQ-the most effective medicine,let people die more, so they can accuse trump! The Congress’s Boss– Pelosi–really like a crazy dictator! USA is really SOS! Republican is too gentlemen, too restricted by rules. It’s hard for a gentlemen to contest with a shrew, besides, they are a group of!
————a foreigner
@lipingsky duerer Hey, you learned to copy /paste! _GOOD FOR YOU!_
yes it feels good!! I love JLD, and she has a lot of margin, considering her family is worth 5 billion dollars, very real person though, hoping she uses her resources in positive way, looks as though she is..
@Bernard Moser Not only was this interiew in 1984 ! Now they have got exactly what is described by this Russian so called expert, line em up, shoot em???? WTF Trump, doing exactly what he describes as Stalinism? Yet, again 7 years ago, lets have a more relevant view wouldn’t that be a correct analysis? ED, I concur with Ancil, just go back to your den, no one cares about rhetoric from 7 years ago, that has come true in YOUR OWN PARTY!!!! GET THE IRONY DUDE?????
Americans is too poor, too simply.

Democrats’s mainstream media using “political correctness”, “racism’s trump,” to brainwashing people. they forbidden to tell the truth. a lot of media’s money is coming from CCP. USA is too sick now, as long as the Democrats wins this election,the world will be ruled by CCP and Obama’s globalization. Obama hates USA! He let nearly a million CCP’s spy and illegal immigrants to enter USA and let a million Islamic to enter EU.he hates christianity culture (he had even doesn’t let Americans to say “marry chrismad”! his purpose is to destroy freedom world and to realize his father’s communist ideals! so many of The idiots Democrats is just CCP’s running dog and puppet! The globalizatin is making the “politicians”, “elite” more richer, and the workers more poorer which just like china. *Americans even didn’t know except coronavirus– the biological weapon, CCP has already using BGY to control USA’S dems and world. —– BGY B=blue: buy off and control of the internet, media (like cnn–china national news. Now York times. Washington post. Twitter.YouTube. Facebook)
G= gold: buying influence, politics.
Y= yellow: control with sex & seduction
USA have such a party, they full of scoundrel, shrew, liar, pedophile, fabricate evidence of crime, false accusations, entrap,sexual assault, child molestation,
murderer and they’re also CCP’s close companion— Democrat! If Republican lose the election,they’ll learn their lessons, if Democrats lose, then they’ll destroy the country! Americans should be ashamed of having such a party! More than 20years,too many of them have been colluding with CCP, they have too much corruption case in CCP’s hands! (look at-The AI organization) They dare not to trace ccpvirus’ source.They used “political correctness” ,”racism”
to control the media and brainwashing people to attack trump, they forbidden people to tell and know truth! They prohibit using HCQ-the most effective medicine,let people die more, so they can accuse trump! The Congress’s Boss– Pelosi–really like a crazy dictator! USA is really SOS! Republican is too gentlemen, too restricted by rules. It’s hard for a gentlemen to contest with a shrew, besides, they are a group of!
————a foreigner
@Bernard Moser LOL – You and Doughy have been Thunderstruck (a common condition displayed by generic Useful Idiots unable to cope with the realities of being beaten to smithereens…at every step…for over four consecutive years…by just ONE man).
Democracy should represent the totality of the people.
Livon Diramerian- Democracy is a voting system by the people for the people. In a Democracy the people choose how they are governed. The US is a Republic not a Democracy therefore the people do not have totality the Electoral College does. The people are not given the freedoms you assume they have.
@Mary Jean Jones True. It’s *supposed* to be a democracy, but the e.c. ruins it.
@TRUMP FAILED – The Founding Fathers of the US hated Democracy that’s why they chose a Republic for government. The Electoral College makes the final decision in an election because too many people do not vote, are not educated or do not understand politics.
USA have such a party, they full of scoundrel, shrew, liar, pedophile, fabricate evidence of crime, false accusations, entrap,sexual assault, child molestation,
murderer and they’re also CCP’s close companion— Democrat! If Republican lose the election,they’ll learn their lessons, if Democrats lose, then they’ll destroy the country! Americans should be ashamed of having such a party! More than 20years,too many of them have been colluding with CCP, they have too much corruption case in CCP’s hands! (look at-The AI organization) They dare not to trace ccpvirus’ source.They used “political correctness” ,”racism”
to control the media and brainwashing people to attack trump, they forbidden people to tell and know truth! They prohibit using HCQ-the most effective medicine,let people die more, so they can accuse trump! The Congress’s Boss– Pelosi–really like a crazy dictator! USA is really SOS! Republican is too gentlemen, too restricted by rules. It’s hard for a gentlemen to contest with a shrew, besides, they are a group of!
————a foreigner
We are a republic
Vote, the World need´s you
The world needs you

Yea the world needs your money, Biden will give away billions! Nothing in return.
Vote Trump
I wanted to see the puppy to brighten my day.
seeing a false idols puppy on a fake controlled msms news channel would make your day? Wow you need to go outside more. Also thete are 1000s of videos of puppies if you really need to see a puppy
I’ve worked the polls and it is so much fun and rewarding!
Oh I bet you have.
Great for you!! You should be proud.
USA have such a party, they full of scoundrel, shrew, liar, pedophile, fabricate evidence of crime, false accusations, entrap,sexual assault, child molestation,
murderer and they’re also CCP’s close companion— Democrat! If Republican lose the election,they’ll learn their lessons, if Democrats lose, then they’ll destroy the country! Americans should be ashamed of having such a party! More than 20years,too many of them have been colluding with CCP, they have too much corruption case in CCP’s hands! (look at-The AI organization) They dare not to trace ccpvirus’ source.They used “political correctness” ,”racism”
to control the media and brainwashing people to attack trump, they forbidden people to tell and know truth! They prohibit using HCQ-the most effective medicine,let people die more, so they can accuse trump! The Congress’s Boss– Pelosi–really like a crazy dictator! USA is really SOS! Republican is too gentlemen, too restricted by rules. It’s hard for a gentlemen to contest with a shrew, besides, they are a group of!
————a foreigner
Me too! It’s a really long day but it is interesting, fun and you meet so many great people and learn a lot
Glad to hear. I’ve been paranoid level worried about the Covid exposure but signed up to work the polls anyway. Even for nursing homes.
I figure if I catch some corona without lime and die (heart prob) my vote will already have been counted weeks earlier and therefore is legit.
I’m also hoping for some leftover stickers! It’s the little things. All in baby
Amen to her
Jake tryin a slide in there. We see you jake.
Love you Julia. From Denmark.
JLD: it seems like it’s getting worse.
It’s because it IS. Every day is a new horror.
Melissa Sullivan next we’ll have an Alien visitation
@Sally…..let’s hope they scoop up all the Democrats and take them to the fantasy world they think they live in now.
Smoke weed, relax. Problem solved, Melissa.
Love her, Love her, Love her.,
Even though I’m very fond of
Julia Louis Dreyfus
I am still master of my own domain.
What do you mean? You have a housebroken dog?
Well Look at you grown up already.
USA have such a party, they full of scoundrel, shrew, liar, pedophile, fabricate evidence of crime, false accusations, entrap,sexual assault, child molestation,
murderer and they’re also CCP’s close companion— Democrat! If Republican lose the election,they’ll learn their lessons, if Democrats lose, then they’ll destroy the country! Americans should be ashamed of having such a party! More than 20years,too many of them have been colluding with CCP, they have too much corruption case in CCP’s hands! (look at-The AI organization) They dare not to trace ccpvirus’ source.They used “political correctness” ,”racism”
to control the media and brainwashing people to attack trump, they forbidden people to tell and know truth! They prohibit using HCQ-the most effective medicine,let people die more, so they can accuse trump! The Congress’s Boss– Pelosi–really like a crazy dictator! USA is really SOS! Republican is too gentlemen, too restricted by rules. It’s hard for a gentlemen to contest with a shrew, besides, they are a group of!
————a foreigner
Nice to see Jake with a smile… I was beginning to worry ! … Thanks Julia ! – Farley A.
Julia : democracy is a fragile thing.
Founding fathers of the usa : thats exactly the reason we created a constitutional republic.
@D K there is no argument. It is a statement of fact that we live under a constitutional republic. Democracy describes a broader subject. the US is in fact governed within the guidelines of the 18 articles of the constitution. i.e. a constitutional republic, by definition.
@D K “Republic” refers to elected representation also, hope this helps!
@Finn McCool we were founded as a oligarchal white supremacist constitutional republic. Later, the 13th, 14th, 19th and 21st Amendments all democratized the US.
That’s why protofascists hate those Amendments.
@Jay Ess democrats aren’t the ones in power,
Repukkklicans are
Merrium Webster Dictionary
Fascism: a governmental system led by a dictator having complete power, forcibly suppressing opposition and criticism, regimenting all industry, commerce, etc., and emphasizing an aggressive nationalism and often racism
Encyclopedia Britannica
Although fascist parties and movements differed significantly from one another, they had many characteristics in common, including extreme militaristic nationalism, contempt for electoral democracy and political and cultural liberalism, a belief in natural social hierarchy and the rule of elites.
hmm interesting
Love you, Julia!–Pls VOTE:
Biden/Harris 2020!!–Save
America, Bring back Truth,
Sanity, and Hope back to
Heal America!!
Trump was lying to the American people even before he stole the election & also wants to change being able to serve as potus to 12 years instead of 8…. he’s a dictator so please help vote him out
Kimberly Robertson did you not read the memo? No Russian Collusion. You should have ran someone besides Hillary. Now you have Joe. WTH is wrong with the democrats? You need to get rid of Nancy and the rest of your leadership if you want a viable party. Someone not selling us to China. Someone that loves America would help. A viable 2 party system would help. 3 would even be better