CNN's Jim Sciutto talks to former National Security Council adviser for European and Russian affairs Fiona Hill about Russian interference in US elections. #CNN #News
CITIZEN by CNN: Fiona Hill on election safety and Russian interference

CNN's Jim Sciutto talks to former National Security Council adviser for European and Russian affairs Fiona Hill about Russian interference in US elections. #CNN #News
It can take an outsider to see how good we have it. Hill’s not an outsider but she can share that kind of perspective with us.
@Jennifer Quinn He was waving to Jeff Epstein’s Ghost and thanking him for the tapes and audio he’s gonna use against trump maybe?
Jennifer Quinn joined Sep 15 2020 to spread Trump propaganda and lies about Joe Biden (typical behavior of accounts belonging to Putins Troll factory). If you paste everywhere the same – others can do that too.
@Steffen Hellmich Danke. @dopatap
@Jennifer Quinn the film crew dummy.
Diplomacy does not make Trump money to pay back the oligarchs
@Bubbles dumbturd!!!
Make Libtards Cry Again wtf that sounds like a literal copy and paste of an argument against republicans from like 10 years ago.
@Make Libtards Cry Again Five weeks ago the Senate Intel Committee, led by Republicans, released a 1000+ page report which documented and confirmed every allegation and fact as presented in the Mueller Report. It is in the public domain and you can read it.
On April 18, 2019, a redacted copy of Mueller’s report was released to the public. The Mueller report builds on the U.S. intelligence conclusion that there were two campaigns to elect Trump— one run by Trump and one run by the Russian government. The Mueller report clearly identified connections between the Trump campaign and Russia… A total of 272 contacts between Trump’s team and Russia-linked operatives were identified, including at least 38 meetings. We now know that at least 33 high-ranking campaign officials and Trump advisers had or were at least aware of contacts with Russia-linked operatives during the campaign and transition, including Trump himself, Don Jr, Manafort, Flynn, Jared, Papadopoulos, Rick Gates, and Roger Stone, just to name a few. But what’s worse, is the fact that they all lied about these contacts. None of these contacts were ever reported to the proper authorities. Instead, the Trump team tried to cover them up, every single one of them.. The question every American should be asking is why were there so many contacts(272) between Trump’s people and Russian officials and operatives, and why did Trump and his people lie about those contacts? Helsinki July 16, 2018. Trump: “My people came to me, Dan Coates came to me, and some others, they said they think it’s Russia, I have President Putin, he just said it’s not Russia . I will say this, I don’t see any reason why it would be. I have great confidence in my intelligence people, but I will tell you that President Putin was extremely strong and powerful in his denial today.” Make no mistake, Putin is America’s enemy, and not because we want him to be, he’s America’s enemy because that’s what he has chosen to be. Trump is a Russian asset, and not because that’s what we want him to be, he’s a Russian asset simply because that’s what he has chosen to be. We should treat them both accordingly with the choices that they have made…
Fiona Hill is an example of when Trump really did have ” “the best people “. He pushed her out the door & replaced her with Fox &Friends.
@Pam Deshane lol….anyone that tells Trump the truth about how asinine he is becomes either a “disgruntled employee”, or whatever immature name he learned from the playground.
@Make Libtards Cry Again what draining? Trump made the swamp deeper but I’m guessing that you ate your share of paint chips growing up.
My Democrats failed to unify the party Progressives in 2016 or 2020. Clinton’s emails showed her criminal activity and her Blackberry was copied onto Weiner’s laptop. Laptop was never investigated by the FBI, the same way we have been stonewalled by ABCNews on Epstein and Clinton. I could care less about Russians. I do care that Democrats still have not been checked like Trump was for election fraud on the Clinton Putin dossier. Biden refused cognitive tests after aneurysms:
The US needs many more political parties, to give more citizens their voice, their power.
A democratic republic. Only two opposing philosophies are allowed.
But in the end, after voting down to two people, we’re back there.
Defund the parties! haggen/fife 2020
Ranked choice voting can help with that…
You dont even need the Intel. Community to tell you just listen and watch what Trump does and says. Compromised for sure!
Why do you morons always forget about Biden’s son getting paid 1.5 billion from the Chinese government??? elect Biden, China’s main man!
Flash Man because, moron, that figure is false. Biden’s deal is murky, just like those involving Javanka, for example, but the number you cite is laughably spurious. You people are dumb as rocks and even less informed.
@Just Me You never read the Mueller Report. tRump was definitely guilty.
@Just Me Five weeks ago the Senate Intel Committee, led by Republicans, released a 1000+ page report which documented and confirmed every allegation and fact as presented in the Mueller Report. It is in the public domain and you can read it.
On April 18, 2019, a redacted copy of Mueller’s report was released to the public. The Mueller report builds on the U.S. intelligence conclusion that there were two campaigns to elect Trump— one run by Trump and one run by the Russian government. The Mueller report clearly identified connections between the Trump campaign and Russia… A total of 272 contacts between Trump’s team and Russia-linked operatives were identified, including at least 38 meetings. We now know that at least 33 high-ranking campaign officials and Trump advisers had or were at least aware of contacts with Russia-linked operatives during the campaign and transition, including Trump himself, Don Jr, Manafort, Flynn, Jared, Papadopoulos, Rick Gates, and Roger Stone, just to name a few. But what’s worse, is the fact that they all lied about these contacts. None of these contacts were ever reported to the proper authorities. Instead, the Trump team tried to cover them up, every single one of them.. The question every American should be asking is why were there so many contacts(272) between Trump’s people and Russian officials and operatives, and why did Trump and his people lie about those contacts? Helsinki July 16, 2018. Trump: “My people came to me, Dan Coates came to me, and some others, they said they think it’s Russia, I have President Putin, he just said it’s not Russia . I will say this, I don’t see any reason why it would be. I have great confidence in my intelligence people, but I will tell you that President Putin was extremely strong and powerful in his denial today.” Make no mistake, Putin is America’s enemy, and not because we want him to be, he’s America’s enemy because that’s what he has chosen to be. Trump is a Russian asset, and not because that’s what we want him to be, he’s a Russian asset simply because that’s what he has chosen to be. We should treat them both accordingly with the choices that they have made…
Fiona Hill is a welcome and informed voice.
You are right. It is an amazing contrast listening to a person like this with a wealth of knowledge and experience in international affairs and that of people in this WH! The fact that other countries now pity the USA is something I thought I’d never hear, but sadly this is the case.
By informed what you’re really saying is she buys into leftist conspiracy theories and aligns with your political ideology. She’s a moron
InCogNito – not really, she just doesn’t buy into right wing propaganda.
Jesus, she is sooo incredible and chooses her words carefully! Would be great if she was in a different position….I love her
Did you know that Peskoff has British Russian dual citizenship? And he spends his vacations in London.
A hardscrabble upbringing in County Durham in the north. She’s too tactful to say anything predudiced but I bet she ran afoul of southern England upper class twits.
@Bob D a bit like half the media with israeli dual citizenship?
butch carter do you know who is Peskoff?
I thought all caps, was considered rude.
At least someone who inspires sanity and hopefulness, thank God!
Get Fiona on here more often! Great Intellect, has great experience and integrity.
Unlike 99% of the people who appear on CNN. Who have no integrity at all.
Future Secretary of State of the USA.
Aha Democrats will win but Americans are wise now , media is liers
@daniel woldu Yuri should check the grammar on his bot.
Intelligent, hard working, credible, knowledgeable…. Yes.
Great interview!!!! Interesting and smart topics with clever responses!!! We need to hear Fiona Hill all over the news’ channels!!! Every day until Nov. 3rd !
she is a mi5 red coat
She is an awesome lady!
Eloquent and intelligent woman. She’d make a fabulous Secretary of State for Biden/Harris. Very impressed with her during the hearings.
V oh
Agreed. She would be welcomed overseas, especially after Pompeo.
Indeed… especially when compared to the current bumbling dumbass and the 2 other preceding him in the current administration!
You mean Harris/whatever. They will take Biden out in the first month.
Your country has been witness to a “cold” invasion by a foreign power! Unbelievable really
Not for me, and I live here. I’ve been expecting the Russki invasion since I first saw Rocky & Bullwinkle. America can’t let go of such a worthy adversary.
VOTE as if your life and America’s

life depend on it.
PASS IT ON!!!!!!!!
@Bryan Machin you just need to answer if Absantee ballots are available to every voter with the excuse as covid.
@Doesn’t Matter So you tell me: why do they need different methods? Is it so more people will vote rather than stay home? What would be the problem with more people voting, exactly?
@Doesn’t Matter you are right. You don’t matter.
@Janice Martin Because requesting a ballot, is an established process. The new “thing” for democrat criminals, is to mail ballots to all registered voters, regardless of weather they are dead, moved, or planning to vote in person. Entirely two different things. So much room for dirty dealing, no one will except the result. Is there any one thing, about this country, the democrats are willing to allow the Americans to do their way.
@Bryan Machin Absantee requires verification like photocopies of your ID at a minimum. The step they skip is crucial. Absantee is requested and that’s the first verification to match your address and catch a duplicate request from the same name or address. Fraud from the people sending is easily caught. Absantee fraud can be caught easily. The dems don’t want verification and don’t require it. Can you seriously defend their motive?
She may be a hill but she sounds like a MOUNTAIN! Go Fiona, bold and unafraid.
Imagine if we elected minds like Mrs. Hill to high office.
George Petlowany She’s coherent, articulate and comprehensive in her response to each question. Nice!
What a wonderful idea! Or should I say ideal. Intelligence, what a change.
So refreshing to hear complete and concise sentences, all while remaining extremely professional and articulate!
Only if we could.. Fiona’s very intelligent, non political and will do a great job but she’s will not be able to unless the constution is changed to allow Naturalized Citizens to run.
Brilliant woman! I hope she is back “on guard” for us soon
French King Louis XIV, “L’etat c’est moi” ….not a good policy, particularly when the ‘me’ is an idiot fascist.