Bob Costas talks to NBA Commissioner Adam Silver about the league's experiment in creating a "bubble" to allow play to resume during the coronavirus pandemic.#CNN #News
CITIZEN by CNN: Bob Costas and Adam Silver on NBA’s ‘bubble’ experiment

Bob Costas talks to NBA Commissioner Adam Silver about the league's experiment in creating a "bubble" to allow play to resume during the coronavirus pandemic.#CNN #News
Thank you letting us know about the cases. from Independence Academy!
I understand…but at the end of the day I’M the only one that can save you.
2020 NBA Championship will be the Los Angeles Lakers
Joe Biden called Obama the “first African American who is articulate and bright and clean” and said “poor kids can be just as bright as white kids” and called the African American community monolithic and that if they didn’t vote for him then they weren’t black. He also said that if the Republicans won then they’d “put them back in chains” to a group of African American supporters. We can also talk about how he opposed school integration many years ago, voted for the Iraq war, sent all of our jobs to China, how he assaulted a woman (just ask Kamala), only talked about violent riots when his polls went down (riots that are hurting small businesses and especially minority groups such as Hispanic Americans and African Americans), and to top it off has to read from a teleprompter because of his dementia
@Jennifer Quinn very true on your comment
@Scott Hill Both candidates are idiots. One is a “demented fool” and the other is a “complete moron”. Good luck America.
@Miguél I’ve always called Trump Crazy Grandpa and now Bide. will be Crazier Grandpa
No one cares for the NBA, the players are snowflakes
24:37 minute clip.
they need to experiment with not letting their employees damage their brand by running their mouths.
And R aping people.
ADAM the NBA should be in a CHINA BUBBLE for their hypocrisy of supporting players and coaches who speak out on human rights issues within the United States, but not in China. This support of the Democrat supported VIOLENT BLM is disgusting! Sports needs to stay out of politics, PERIOD! You stating that the RICH black sports figures, like Lebron James, has been out on the street talking to the average black man, is ridiculous, It does not happen! Does the NBA regret supporting a criminal racist,Jacob Blake, before they knew all the facts, like he resisted and reached for a weapon when he was shot? The excuse for supporting this criminal is “they needed a break”? Give us a break! NBA can move to CHINA and Lebron can base his team out of WUHAN! BOYCOTT the NBA & NIKE!
Pam Deshane Your hypocrisy makes me want to puke.
You support the great divider Covid-Donald.
It works well when you have all the resources at your fingertips
Citizen by cnn?..
What the hell is this?
it is cnn, the bs race baiting gas lighting fools
Just more SJW crap from CNN.
Its a socialist thing, you wouldn’t understand.
Citizen? Don’t you mean Comrade?
ADAM the NBA should be in a CHINA BUBBLE for their hypocrisy of supporting players and coaches who speak out on human rights issues within the United States, but not in China. This support of the Democrat supported VIOLENT BLM is disgusting! Sports needs to stay out of politics, PERIOD! You stating that the RICH black sports figures, like Lebron James, has been out on the street talking to the average black man, is ridiculous, It does not happen! Does the NBA regret supporting a criminal racist,Jacob Blake, before they knew all the facts, like he resisted and reached for a weapon when he was shot? The excuse for supporting this criminal is “they needed a break”? Give us a break! NBA can move to CHINA and Lebron can base his team out of WUHAN! BOYCOTT the NBA & NIKE!
I would be more interested in hearing them talk about the experiment in letting the NBA get “woke.” I would like to hear them talk about the ratings for the playoffs and, considering the answers to polls, the reasons for those ratings. I mean, the NBA’s ratings are getting into CNN territory.
The idea they allowed a organization like BLM that gets Donations through Actblue a DNC donate site .
If only those who don’t vote realized how powerful they are.
Look at this evil cartoon character lmao!!!! Literally looks like he fell out of a Nazi catalog.
Go woke go broke. LMFAO

Was so concerned that the MSM pushing one lie after another for there Democratic friends and the Hollywood elite. Blahaha. now I see that they actually saved us. They helped the Democrats dig themselves into such a huge hole there is no way out. Completely erouding all credibility. They have burnt themselves to the ground.
Good does conquer evil
Nba hypocrite.
Is this the evil villain from ” Who Framed Rodger Rabbit”?
Any mention of the almost 50% decline from 2018-2019 in tv ratings for the NBA?
ADAM the NBA should be in a CHINA BUBBLE for their hypocrisy of supporting players and coaches who speak out on human rights issues within the United States, but not in China. This support of the Democrat supported VIOLENT BLM is disgusting! Sports needs to stay out of politics, PERIOD! You stating that the RICH black sports figures, like Lebron James, has been out on the street talking to the average black man, is ridiculous, It does not happen! Does the NBA regret supporting a criminal racist,Jacob Blake, before they knew all the facts, like he resisted and reached for a weapon when he was shot? The excuse for supporting this criminal is “they needed a break”? Give us a break! NBA can move to CHINA and Lebron can base his team out of WUHAN! BOYCOTT the NBA & NIKE!
“Citizens” or elites by CNN

NBA ratings are down.
I don’t think it’s “working.”
nba is ghey
17:37-21:00 Commissioner Silver on NBA working in China
Haven’t been watching I don’t like girly boys going to their knees we don’t want to listen to queen LeBron James who hires slaves to build his shoes and while he’s Pointed the finger at us how many new charter schools have you built LeBron James what have you done personally to change things