Cindy McCain, the wife of late Sen. John McCain, joins Morning Joe to discuss her book 'Stronger', life with her husband, her recovery from addiction and her choice to support Joe Biden for president.
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Cindy McCain: My Husband's Legacy Is In His Heroism And His Acts Of Courage | Morning Joe | MSNBC
McCain would be infuriated at what the Republican Party has become.
He was a Rino and a traitor.
@Dennis Oliver Nope. You are. This guy was respectable and respected, whatever your political side. Meanwhile everybody is laughing to the orange Cheetoh and his toilet brush haircut.
@Colonel Farès Apparently, Trump’s disciples interpretation of RINO is anyone who doesn’t bow to Trump.
@Colonel Farès Vietnam vets hated the sight of both McCain and John Kerry. Traitors.
@Patricia Burkell At least they showed up. Bone spurs stayed home with his mommy.
Thank you John McCain for saving the Affordable Care Act aka OBAMACARE
Just before a 1 in a 100 year severe pandemic
History will remember you fondly
He’s trash
@Vvoh, yes and a war hero also. We should remember him fondly right now. Sarah P. was his big mistake.
@r pieces Traitor..Vietnam Vets hate him and Kohn Kerry
@Patricia Burkell No they don’t, you are regurgitating right wing smears and lies.
History remembers Mccain voting down the MLK jr Holiday in AZ calling it “unamerican”… Later in yrs he learned the error of his racist ways… somewhat… His selection of Palin exposed he wasnt all that non racist after all
Didn’t agree with his policies but he is absolutely worthy of respect.
Law enforcement unfortunately thinks addiction is a choice. Love Mrs. McCain!
It is…the only good junkie is a dead one.
omg shes so much more human to me now – i had no idea she dealt with addiction
She dealt with addiction, over came it and learn from it.
Agree. I’m in tears, this is amazing.
John McCain was a maverick. He stood out from the herd. Like him or not, he lived an amazing life.
P.O.W./M.I.A. means more than words can say. Those who fought, were captured, survived to make it back home, and go on with life, have my Respect, and are deserving of this country’s gratitude. A life of service to your country is no small thing.
John McCain was a man for all seasons. If our current crop of republican leadership had one ounce of McCain’s character, our nation would be stronger together. Instead, we elect people who never served their country; and, never stuck their neck out for what’s right. They’re a bunch of gutless, self serving ideologues with no soul.
He was called the songbird. He sang to the Viet Cong. Traitor.
@Patricia Burkell I see you’re still trolling.
@Patricia Burkell I suppose you know what its like to be tortured? Im assuming so..
I’m not a Republican, but this man, Senator McCain, is a TRUE Hero. I hope this man, his courage, and his love for America is never forgotten
Well said! I wish more republicans would emulate this great man.
I am not a American. I am a singaporean..I have read alot about senator john mccain, and watch him on TV, and I must say, I have only respect and admiration for his bravery & decency as a human being. RIP sir,God Bless Your Soul
One of the most respected Republican Senators whose service is a vivid illustration of how GOP Senators need to conduct themselves. Unlike his kow-towing colleagues he understood what ws in the nations best interests. We Australians hold him in the highest respect. Having been to the Hanoi Hilton this is one genuine American.
You guys get a thumbs up on this interview the mccain’s are great American people
Agree 100%
Death with dignity
Senator McCain was a friend to us here in Australia!!!
Cindy, Thank you for sharing your story! You’re a brave Lady! Always respected John McCaine
McCain was no hero
So traitors are your thing?
RIP Dear Veteran Hero. Condolences to his family and America.
ThankYou Cindy , We Love and Admire Both You and John,

Jhon was a great rep of Lincoln’s party.I miss him on the hill.
I’m so sorry Cindy for your loss , John is such a wonderful person.
John McCain, a true American Hero. May God rest you sir, you have always been an inspiration to me and many others. With love from the UK.
Cindy, I was growing up in Laos during the time that your husband fighting war in South Vietnam and I knew how terrible, and how difficult it was in South East Asia. I am really proud of him. He was your husband, your best friend and he is my inspiration, my IDOL, but most of all he is a TRUE AMERICA HERO.
A true gentleman who deserved more respect from a shallow narcissist who is not fit to clean his boots. Every good wish to his family.
I never met the man but a I loved him dearly ,and miss him as I miss family only truly wonderfull people touch you like that , teaching you by living the best life they could .