CNN's Chris Cillizza takes a look at how much former President Donald Trump claimed his properties were worth and compares the numbers to their appraisal value. #CNN #News
Cillizza breaks down values of Trump’s New York properties

CNN's Chris Cillizza takes a look at how much former President Donald Trump claimed his properties were worth and compares the numbers to their appraisal value. #CNN #News
“My political ideal is democracy. Let every person be respected as an individual and no person be idolized.” -Dr. Albert Einstein, 1930
@What Has Become of Us Actually he did…so maybe do a little research before spewing childish name calling. Any 5th grader can help you use google.
@What Has Become of Us Lol, you think a Russian troll is extolling the virtues of democracy. That’s like a riddle wrapped in a conundrum wrapped in a conspiracy theory.
What Has Become of Us
Wow you’re clueless
@larrym Its like Biden calling himself a practicing Catholic while supporting abortion.
@Taylor Fox Putin is soon to release the “pee pee tape”!!
The NY AG needs security because of some MAGA crazies
Trumps MAGAT brown shirts
It was a coincidence that the German population in 1939 was 95% white Christian.
Hitler was just a product of his hate ridden environment.
@Zepparella Dakunish antifa is an organization founded in 1934 Germany. Their members where known as Stalinist and their goal was and still is to undermine the west. It’s not an idea when they have a headquarters.
@Seymour Butts We are not threatening anyone. MAGA does not burn down cities and murder the innocent for their political views like nazi leftards. “FIGHT back at the MAGA Republicans” is what Biden said. That is a call to violence.
@Zepparella Dakunish hahha nice
Let them come! No one is scared of his cult!
Remember, his supporters gave their dear leader $250 million dollars no question ask. Meanwhile they talk about not able to put food on the table for their family. Amazing.
Leftitia Art of the Steal is obviously in progress as we speak. Brazen ain’t they. Talking about themselves while always pointing fingers at everyone else.
Leftitia Art of the Steal is obviously in progress as we speak. Brazen ain’t they. Talking about themselves while always pointing fingers at everyone else.
Leftitia Art of the Steel is obviously in progress as we speak. Brazen ain’t they. Talking about themselves while always pointing fingers at everyone else.
When you Elect Immoral filth Trash to Represent the AG position what do they do. They try to steel from whom they please and label such as being a work of art.
Leftitia ain’t seeking Justice. Not while attempting to Steel from others. What sort of Justice is that.
I would love to buy Trump for what he’s worth and sell him for what he thinks he’s worth.
@Donald Thorpe Putin is soon to release the “pee pee tape”!!
@Donald Thorpe


@Donald Thorpe
whatcha gonna do?
whatcha gonna do?
Whatcha gonna do when they come for you?
Whatcha gonna do when they come for you?
@Donald Thorpe *DID


@Shane Best Trump and Fox News have had this laptop since Trump was in office. If there was something to see there I’m certain it would have been revealed by now. Oh I forgot. The Deep State.
This is very important to Americans right now.
@Sam Onigbinde how do you know that?
This is totally more important than illegal immigrants being found dead in semi trucks or children being used as immigration tokens then left for dead in our deserts. Leftism is brain AIDs and TDS is the symptom.
@Sam Onigbinde so you pay more tax because Trump paid $750 or nothing on his billions. How does that not affect you directly?
@Dogs Rule Maybe you want me to educate on a money bags inflate almost everything as a result of their absolute power which affect the prices consumers pay for product and services? I will be ready to do that for you? Also, if you are not disgusted about people who shout LAW and ORDER at every opportunity and can’t hold up their end of the bargain STOCKHOLM SYNDROME is occurring somewhere. Worship no d*ckhead
Nobody in the loop (including the lenders) questioned the validity of the appraisals? Funny that.
@Ocean Breeze “Someone’s getting kickbacks?.” Bribe an accounting firm to sign bogus financial statements. Take financial statements to a loan officer at bank and bribe that person. The bogus fin statements have numbers that will pass the algorithm the loan officer has to run to get approval for the loan. Buy more real estate and repeat. You can take a 100 million building, sell it to a friend for 150 million, then buy it back for 200 million. Bank says he made 50m the first time, we will loan him 200m this time. You would most likely sell bldg A and buy bldg B, but you get the idea. Only time there is a problem is when the real estate bubble explodes, then you declare bankruptcy and screw the taxpayer and investors. Barr would not allow IQ45 to be prosecuted while in office. It took NYAG 3 years to get the info for the case. Then there is the ” tax” books, vs the “loans” books, which is legalish depending on how hard you fudge the “loan” books. There are worse scams that are legal.
@knightress 57 they are investors.. why would they look the other way to be poorer?
@Special People nobody has been accused of bribery. Yes when values drop (see 2008) the values can drop so far that the loan is “underwater “. The investors take a haircut. The government always gets theirs. FYI the NYAG was elected on the promise to “get trump”. This is what she come up with 5 weeks before the election
Nobody noticed the only ‘Thief’ in this “Art of the Steal” is the AG herself since their is literally nobody whom suffered any financial loses due to her claims that Trump property wasn’t worth as much as his paid Financial Evaluators claimed?
@knightress 57 Evidence?
Trump says he’s worth $25 gazillion dollars.. but his actual cash flow is $25!

1 James cox Fuk what you saying it here
Felicidades, es un buen ejemplo.

5:25 Se deja ver que hay muy buenos resultados
Saludos desde la Cd.. de world

los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
No. He’s saving that for Big Mac’s
Trump has no money its all either stolen or borrowed money . This is an old video but nothing has change. Man is a total fraud. A fake and a liar
This is some low IQ level TDS.
The key question is what did the banks that agreed to the inflated valuations get out of the fraudulent deals? Follow the money…….
Well…they did not Banks or leading institutions don’t take your word for it they take an apprised value while you might provide as estimate value they always have some type of estimated actual value before they loan out the money. Check the date, this is about the election 5 weeks away…
@Ocean Breeze Just like Obamacare that goes through every insurance agency and corrupt hand before the patient.
Overlooked by a greedy banker who wants that juicy bonus for securing a massive loan
@Phil see 2008 housing debacle but again that was the bankers not the owners
@Dogsoldier 1950 Actually it was the Federal Govt forcing the banks to make sub prime loans. See also the student debt crisis, another example of the Fed Govt getting involved in deciding who should get loans.
All of what’s described in this clip is outrageously inflated valuations to acquire loans. That’s bad enough. What are claimed valuations with regard to taxation? How much wildly undervalued are property values when it came time to paying taxes. Also, how far back does this go? It’s my understanding that this was standard practice by Fred Trump going back at least to the 1940’s and 50’s. I highly doubt this practice started only 10 years ago. I wouldn’t be surprised if he has been doing this for decades.
I would be surprised of a lefty could talk in verifiable facts instead of imaginary hypocritical scenarios.
The taxable values are set by the state not the property owners. These values are set by a formula set by state rule again not by the owners of the property. Typically its 1-2% of the tax assessment but the state likes to fiddle with the formula to raise taxes. Again what the owners thinks the property is worth is completely immaterial
Not even a crime.
@Roger C its November and the dems are upside down
@Dogsoldier 1950 the Dems are just evil. Hunter raped Asian children. Has photos of it. I’ve seen them. And emails detailed his corruption and selling of the office of the VP. But democrats never care
They hate America.
Please tell me why someone with “billions” of dollars needs a loan???
Secret to being rich is to manipulate/spend someone else money.
Always use other folks money
Sure, Trump lost 6 billion of his wealth from 2015 to 2020. Look it up. Would you rather have a president accept millions in bribes from both Russia and China as Biden did?
Bro do you even invest
@No BS

We know he can play Monopoly ™
But how does he have unlimited ” Get Out of Jail Free” cards ?
1 Dan Johnston Fuk what you saying it here
Felicidades, es un buen ejemplo.

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los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
Because the left can not produce INCRIMINATING evidence. The big mac receipts the left is so proud of as evidence… is not evidence.
My guess is he also spends money on gathering dirt on people… There’s a lot of loyalty and obedience when the skeletons in the closet are found out. Epstein island had some to do with that but for every pedo freak with an island richer than most everybody there probably 10 more with a penthouse or club.
Please describe the laws he has been accused of breaking.
This is getting more and more entertaining by the hour.

Let me try to explain this in a way that everyone understands
Every politician dose this on both sides, both parties
If you believe otherwise your a fool
Didn’t any of you wonder how a politician goes into office and becomes a multimillionaire in just a few short years. Liz Cheney’s net worth hit north of $6,000,000 on a $174,000 annul congressional salary
Nancy Palosi net worth north of 100 million with an annual declared salary of $202,000 and lives in a give million dollar vineyard estate
If your not inside, your outside
Term limits people is the only way to stop it
it’s ONLY the Beginning .. strap in, enjoy the show !!!
@Krusty it’s been the beginning for 6 years already there is no show
Kristi you do notice that it’s a lawsuit correct, not filed charges . Had they found criminal actions they would have filed charges correct
It’s all political
@Krusty how fitting for a clown leftist.
@Fortis Fortuna Adiuvat Yes, our lazy Justice system moves like a slug.. YEARS later.. It’s beginning .. and NY AG did forward criminal referrals, which include tax evasion .. grab your popcorn, intermission ends soon. This is nothing like Russia-gate or Quid-pro-quo.. which was all vague .. now ya got hard evidence of filed taxes… and stolen top secret documents at Mar-A-Lardo … he will be indicted for these, the evidence is there. (evidence of obstruction was there for Russia-gate but Barr appointed by Trump, refused to charge Trump).
I know Tiffany happy as hell she didn’t follow the rest of the family.
…and she went to Georgetown and is engaged to a billionaire heir and business executive. She definitely made some smart choices by staying out of the family business
@X Rada Her mother is the primary reason.
If I had done this I would already be in prison.
@Duckhunt1 This is not true. If you say you have a property worth 1 million, then you have a net worth of at least 1 million. That’s income. Bankers ask about the value of your assets because if you default, they put a lien on the other property, or the person can sell and liquidate. But if that same property is worth 250k, and you were given a 1 million dollar loan based on your “claimed assets” and you default on the 1 mill loan, how the bank gonna get they money back? Again. Bank fraud. It’s lying about income, it’s lying about assets. And you know Trump lies about income because he says he’s worth billions upon billions—but it’s all a lie based on inflated income and assets.
@Duckhunt1 wait Ur Customizing do this in millions? Sry no.
@LISA GARDNER “If you say you have a property worth 1 million, then you have a net worth of at least 1 million. That’s income.”
Ah, no Lisa, that’s called an asset.
@LISA GARDNER he can say the property is worth whatever he wants and tell the bank it makes whatever amount of money. It’s up to the bank to verify all of the information. Income is verified via tax returns and asset value via appraisal. There’s nothing illegal about him over inflating the value of his properties. I deal with this everyday. The value of your assets on a balance sheet are based on opinion.
There’s another segment on this channel where they’re talking with an attorney about this issue. He says the same thing I’m saying. This lawsuit is frivolous and means nothing.
@Duckhunt1 No matter if you see if everyday, it’s a crime everyday. That’s why that couple from that show “Housewives of New Jersey” went to jail. Mortgage bank fraud. And, in commercial mortgage, You can get a “No Doc Loan”, where it’s stated income, AND most commercial lenders will just take a BPO in lieu of appraisal. You sure you work in banking? Because this is just common knowledge.
I always enjoy listening to Chris’ analysis. His visual was clear to understand the huge differences of Trump overstating his RE values and scamming banks, insurance companies, and on his taxes.
Yahoo! I have hope that Trump be held accountable for his recurring crimes.
1 Christine Fuk what you saying it here
Felicidades, es un buen ejemplo.

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los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
This segment is brought to you by hate mongered propaganda, TDS and leftism brain AIDs.
Many years ago on the Howard Stern Show, Tweety publicly explained how he would grossly inflate the values of his properties in order to secure huge loans, then default on the loans and tell the banks to foreclose on the properties, which they soon found out were basically worthless. Tweety either didn’t know or didn’t care that this was illegal.
1 klondike316 Fuk what you saying it here
Felicidades, es un buen ejemplo.

5:25 Se deja ver que hay muy buenos resultados
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los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
TDS is hilarious. It’s like watching one flew over the cuckoo nest
It’s so weird to see Chris Cillizza outside his room and standing up.
And without a hot pocket in his hands.
And this guy was in charge of the country for four years! What reality are we living in?
You mean we have “JUSTICE” in our country….could of fooled me…