CIA doctor investigating mysterious injuries suddenly gets injured

CIA physician Dr. Paul Andrews was one of the first people sent to Havana, Cuba, to investigate a spate of mysterious health incidents that were impacting embassy and agency personnel in 2017 when he was struck by the same set of debilitating symptoms, he told CNN Chief Medical Correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta in his first public interview for a CNN Special Report: “Immaculate Concussion: The Truth About Havana Syndrome.”
#cnn #News


    1. * Get ready to rule 1000 years back again on earth by repenting your sins before Lord Jesus Christ immediately..
      Holy Bible says to Humans:- Today we appear and tomorrow we disappear, our life is like shadow on Earth.
      Holy Bible Explicitly says to Humans:- The time is fulfilled and the kingdom of God is at hand, please repent from all your sins before Lord Jesus Christ, thou shalt be saved and thy family members from eternal Hell to eternal Heaven Amen.🙏🙏🙏
      Please please please repent from all your secret sins before Lord Jesus Christ immediately without wasting your time to rule 1000 years again back on earth and there by to go to Eternal Kingdom of Heaven and live a very very Happy Life with God Almighty…..

    1. Presumably the intention was to create discomfort, and nothing more, probably to avoid triggering a strong international response.

  1. Science fiction writers way back in the 60’s wrote about “sound guns” that were below or above human audible ranges but could destroy people.

    1. @vhawk8080 yea it only affects teenagers ,, they use classical music as well because they can’t stand it .

    2. * Get ready to rule 1000 years back again on earth by repenting your sins before Lord Jesus Christ immediately..
      Holy Bible says to Humans:- Today we appear and tomorrow we disappear, our life is like shadow on Earth.
      Holy Bible Explicitly says to Humans:- The time is fulfilled and the kingdom of God is at hand, please repent from all your sins before Lord Jesus Christ, thou shalt be saved and thy family members from eternal Hell to eternal Heaven Amen.🙏🙏🙏
      Please please please repent from all your secret sins before Lord Jesus Christ immediately without wasting your time to rule 1000 years again back on earth and there by to go to Eternal Kingdom of Heaven and live a very very Happy Life with God Almighty…..

  2. Why don’t they bring some tools to detect radiation, low/high frequency sound, and analyze air for chemical contaminants?

    1. 20 years ago i had a cheap dollar store microwave detector. it was a handheld box with a meter on it, and didnt even have batteries.
      but it worked really well, you could find holes in your microwave oven’s shielding, and it detected cellphone tower ‘pings’.
      seems like the CIA need to go to the dollar store 20 years ago.

    2. @John Smithe Ah, I’m sure someone had a Z-Nose around there or some other device that’s compact and can detect chemical and biological adulterants. Last I was researching the miniaturized lab testing devices… there were lapel size MS’s developed. Not sure how common and if only a lab one off project… though the advancement of technology only has theoretical particle, chemical, material and budget/resources size limits… so can get really small.

    3. @Eph Imp True, but most of these people who are posting do not understand the concept of RF. The equipment to detect any and all EMF pulses, (RF) is commercially available.

  3. I wish the CIA doc could have alerted some colleagues and ‘inspected’ the tiny rooms next to his that night. I imagine they would have found the weapon.

    1. The Russian pre-Putin TV program “Vzglyad” had a report that the KGB tried to use a direct Infra sound weapon on Eltzin, targeting his heart.

    2. * Get ready to rule 1000 years back again on earth by repenting your sins before Lord Jesus Christ immediately..
      Holy Bible says to Humans:- Today we appear and tomorrow we disappear, our life is like shadow on Earth.
      Holy Bible Explicitly says to Humans:- The time is fulfilled and the kingdom of God is at hand, please repent from all your sins before Lord Jesus Christ, thou shalt be saved and thy family members from eternal Hell to eternal Heaven Amen.🙏🙏🙏
      Please please please repent from all your secret sins before Lord Jesus Christ immediately without wasting your time to rule 1000 years again back on earth and there by to go to Eternal Kingdom of Heaven and live a very very Happy Life with God Almighty…..

    3. @Anthony My vote goes to B.T. for “He’s medium rare.” I spewed coke with my head spinning around like a Linda Blair garden sprinlker after reading that one! Well, not really, but he does get my vote.

  4. I’m glad they are making at least something about this Havana Syndrome because they never said exactly symptoms.

    1. * Get ready to rule 1000 years back again on earth by repenting your sins before Lord Jesus Christ immediately..
      Holy Bible says to Humans:- Today we appear and tomorrow we disappear, our life is like shadow on Earth.
      Holy Bible Explicitly says to Humans:- The time is fulfilled and the kingdom of God is at hand, please repent from all your sins before Lord Jesus Christ, thou shalt be saved and thy family members from eternal Hell to eternal Heaven Amen.🙏🙏🙏
      Please please please repent from all your secret sins before Lord Jesus Christ immediately without wasting your time to rule 1000 years again back on earth and there by to go to Eternal Kingdom of Heaven and live a very very Happy Life with God Almighty…..

  5. Happy to provide spectrum analyzer free – why would the good doctor not have the right diagnostic equipment in his room?

    1. Maybe someone ought to use your spectrum analyzer on Fox News. I’m thinking they are putting something out on their airwaves to turn their viewers into Trump worshipping zombies.🧟‍♀🧟‍♂

    1. @hanSOLO No, 19ghz is for pain but without actually burning the skin. There are videos of it mounted on top of a hummvee if you search.

  6. Reminds me of the episode on Star Trek NG where Picard was attacked by the Farangi with a special “energy” attack. Season 1, episode 9, entitled The Battle.

    1. CNN aired footage of the 2014 Presidential Bioethics Commission stating that they “wouldn’t be surprised” if the intelligence community was experimenting on Americans since “they have a history of doing that,” and could “neither confirm nor deny that it’s happening.” So, there’s a possibility that truth is stranger than science fiction in this case.

  7. We really live in a James Bond world! People are out there chasing each other around the world reporting back to their governments their progress.

    1. International espionage ?
      If you think that’s cool check out social conditioning, ideological subversion, propaganda, cults that don’t pay taxes.
      The origin of lucifer the light bringer before the Roman mass psychosis.
      When did people stop sacrificing to god and start sacrificing to Satan…
      And what’s the difference lol..
      Good luck out there.

  8. It is extremely easy to believe. Everyone has seen those huge sonic devices they put on hummers right? Now just imagine making those smaller that can be fired through a tiny hole in the wall or across the street. It can be made.

  9. I absolutely went into this video thinking it was about a CIA agent ending their own life in Havana. Grateful to see that isn’t the case, but a poor title. Thank you for speaking out Doctor, & I’m so sorry for what you’ve been going through.

    1. Injured doesn’t mean committed suicide or death. It means they suffered an injury. I’m not sure why you would read that title and immediately conclude you were about to hear about death.

      Basic common sense goes a long way in life.

  10. I heard about this sometime in the last few years. It appears that they are doing a special report without knowing what the actual cause is or who is doing it. I will be interested in finding out.

  11. Been having similar in the UK for at least 7 years, started with tinnitus and developed into more invasive things. It’s a weird world we live in where if you report experiencing this you are belittled and gas lite and told to go away.

    1. You should definitely get it checked to make sure it’s not a tumor. Brain tumors in particular can cause almost any type of “psychological” distress, which is what makes them so scary.

    2. @VVayVVard I brain tumor can create the effects of induced suicide and community harrasment? Crazy stuff! Tbh with you, the doctors ignore what I say in regards to it

    3. Historically tinnitus can be caused by a number of things,
      work and home environment with poor electrical shielding, or offices / apartments with cellphone microwave dishes mounted to the side are common ones.
      when you talk to the doctors DONT offer your thoughts on what it is, only provide them the symptoms.

  12. Just wondering what MRI or CT scans of the victims’ brains and ears show? Any evident physical or neurological damage?

  13. I returned from a trip from FL with what sounds to be what I’ve been experiencing. Im unsure of what triggered these symptoms, but Im scheduled for an MRI to investigate these strange health experiences.

  14. These acoustic weapons were developed in the 1980’s under the psychogenics program of which there are frequencies that above normal hearing. The frequencies create micro seizures damaging parts of the brain, the more ringing in the ears the more damage. Large amounts of CBD oil and/or anti seizure mediations, and magic mushrooms sometimes calms it down. Listening to specific frequncies of binaural beats has calmed some of the ringing in the ears and in some cases has worsened the ear ringing. The CIA knew about the development of the this weapon in the 1980’s and know exactly what the frequencies are. To date the damage is permanent and I can tell you 100% its the Russians doing it.

    1. You may well be right that this is acoustic, but that’s directly at odds with this news story which claims electromagnetic (“microwaves”).

  15. Scary stuff. Reminds me of the scene in Mission: Impossible, Rogue Nation where the team all hear a high-pitched buzzing and put their hands over their ears as Benji is taken by the bad guys.

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