1. already the united states has done alot and the ukrainen people are so greatful to the americain people but it would be awesome to have somekinds of air defence systems to protect our people from these war crimes

    1. the US and BIDENS administration has given the bare minimum the British have done more to help

  2. The fact russia is blowing up bridges to slow down the counter offensive is comical considering russia, (the invading force) needs those same bridges to get to their objectives.🀣🀣🀣

  3. Hey Americans, I wanted to thank you for your help to Europe with military aid, I know it costs you a lot for your taxes and hard work, I appreciate it. Russia is big bully here. Thank you for not ignoring us, thank you, thank you, thank you !

  4. Putin is guaranteed to blame America if Russia has anything but total victory in Ukraine. But what risk is there really? Any attack he can levy would receive a proportional response back. So he is inflicting pain on himself, and achieving nothing. And Russia cannot defeat the combined forces of 30 or more national militaries. From where I’m sitting, it really makes the case for more involvement to precipitate a quick conclusion.

  5. β€˜Every time Russia fires an artillery round it has a return address’ πŸ˜‚ πŸ‘πŸΌ πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦

  6. Understand, bringing those resources to an open field only creates a target and eats away at those extremely valuable resources. Much like Russia’s generals they become consumables. Strategy, tactics along with a vertical military command and control structure are what’s dominant. If it ain’t broke don’t fix it. I couldn’t be more proud of Ukraine’s utilization of resources.

  7. I know we are having hard and dangerous times, but we must stick together with our Ukrainian brothers and sisters, so they can protect their children and country from Putin’s aggression.


    1. Wait for the USA) a surprise from Russia is waiting for you soon)

    2. Knowing both sides’ information is wiser, isn’t it? Watch Scott Ritter, Graham Phillips, maybe it will change your point of view…

    3. @Shika Bika always trustworthy, when someone writes β€žtruth:β€œ – Russian propaganda is incredibly sophisticated

  9. Putin’s mindset: “He’s out of his mind.” Incredibly proud to have American Veterans serving in Ukraine, Slava.

  10. The contribution of these volunteers from various countries to help Ukraine’s struggles are truly noble indeed. Compare their conscience to that of Putin’s. It’s like the beauty n the beast.

  11. greetings from Romania. Maximum respect for the volunteer fighters ! they are heroes and must be acknowledged as such !

    1. @Merril R Merril. I totally agree with you. The point here is .. what does this mean ? The inflation rate in Russia has dropped from (20?) to 14. With forecast to return to pre sanctions levels by 2024 . Again.. I leave it up to you to make of this what you will.

    2. @Merril R Merril. It seems that Ukraine is fighting a media relations war .. rather than an actual one. Let’s leave this also up to you to make what you will of this . The near future will sort it all out if we have difficulty. Media relations wars don’t have the β€˜firepower β€˜ that a real one does ?

    3. @Dan Wright I would have to say that thousands of murdered civilian’s and raped woman and children would argue with you about whether they’re fighting a real war or not.

  12. Never ever forget that trump called Putin a genius. For all Americans, vote out the trumplicans in the mid terms or you’ll be working for Putin in 2024.

    1. @Peter Lamere so that bully that kept giving you wedgies and stole your lunch money is a genius?

  13. Thanks you so much, America and Americans! Greetings from Kharkiv. We appreciate your true support. You’ve shown to the whole world how brave and powerful America is. Thank you so much! πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦β€οΈπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡²

  14. AS A MOTHER, MY HEART GOES OUTπŸ’“ To ALL Mothers Who Lost Their Sons And Daughters in Ukraine πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦πŸ’”πŸ˜žβ€ΌοΈ.
    πŸ’‘Children have Lost πŸ’€ their Moms, Dads, Aunts, Uncles, Grandmas And Grandpas!!!!!!!

  15. I watched Lindsey Graham this morning.He wants to spend all that money and do all of those things based on what he thinks
    Putin MIGHT do. I do not like policies based upon what we think some leader might or might not do. It reminds me of the “Domino Theory which they used to defend our actions in Viet Nam.

    1. With all respect: no US mistake justifies any support for what’s going on in Ukraine. Also, to compare VIETNAM with UKRAINE from a military perspective is kinda pushing it.

  16. While I certainly appreciate Mr. Lyons for his service, his commentary “assessment” about Moldova and the Russian separatists in [Transnistria], shows he has _very_ minimal knowledge or experience with this region of (South-)Eastern Europe. Now there’s nothing particularly _wrong_ with that, but he should refrain from such assessments without doing extra diligent homework first.

    1st off, Moldova is a constitutionally neutral country. “Pouring equipment into Moldova” is by no means something to just assume will be doable and acceptable. Moldova is a very small country with a small population (2.6 million), and it’s one of if not at this point _the_ poorest country in Europe. It also has very low GDP and very low public funding for stuff like defense, and social economic support like now the abrupt need to fund the needs of Ukrainian refugees, so many vs the Moldovan citizen population that we’re talking a 20% “population growth” almost overnight. The same time that happened, the Moldovan economy and its citizens ability to economically stay afloat, sunk like a rock. This because remittances make up nearly 40% of their economy (a big reason for the lack of public funding, because income taxes are paid to the other, work migration countries, not Moldova) – and half a million of those labor migrants worked in Russia. That’s 20% of the entire population of all ages, suddenly mostly unable to earn that money or sens them back to family in Moldova.

    So Moldova is treading water and barely able to keep its mouth above water at the moment. It has no capacity to spend or invest in defense st this time. It can’t apply for NATO membership even if the constitutional hinder was out of commission, because of that “certain area”; _Transnistria._ This is the same reason Ukraine couldn’t join, or Georgia: An ongoing territorial dispute. All instigated by Russia injecting pro Russian separatists to battle over some symbolic piece, close to Russia. Yes, there’s a logic pattern there.

    The separatists in Transnistria has mostly gone about their own thing for many years now, and Moldovan goverment demands relinquence of the area, but it has mostly been non comabative for many years. Someone has been attacking material lately though, both parties saying they didn’t this, so it seems actual Russian entities are trying to instigate fighting there to legitimize Russian forces moving into Transnistria.

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