Chuck Todd: Joe Biden Numbers Are ‘The Big News’ In Early Iowa Results | MSNBC

Chuck Todd weighs in on the Iowa caucus results as Buttigieg, Sanders eye first place. Aired on 02/4/20.
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Chuck Todd: Joe Biden Numbers Are ‘The Big News’ In Early Iowa Results | MSNBC


    1. You all would complain so much if they Didn’t report on what they had, but waited instead. That’d be a conspiracy theory in the making.
      You’re dammed if you do, you’re dammed if you don’t, the hatred for these news channels never seize to exist,..

      Let’s keep our fingers crossed instead now for the remaining 38% of the votes and then the rest of all the states. Let’s pray that Bernie goes the way! 🤞

  1. Snake in the grass.. Pete’s campaign financed the Iowa causcus app, it’s public knowledge. The internet exists. He is making a fool of himself acting like he won anything. Bernie won and everyone knows it, once again the internet exists.

    1. @mmafighting Darling, I AM a teacher and I know NO ONE in the district that’s supporting Bernie.
      However, your little rambling diatribe still managed to NOT answer my question.
      Spin again, Vanna.👍

    2. @Mothra J Disco You’re saying that’s why trump supporters want Bernie to win? 🤔
      Think about that answer. Reread my question.

    3. @Aaron
      Seriously, how about those Republicans who’ve gone on National television stating they’re voting for Bernie in the primary so they can turn around and vote for trump in the general? Look it up. It’s an easy find.

    1. TheBic4 This isn’t Trump. This is corruption within the DNC. Either they’re pedaling Buttigieg or hiding Biden’s failure.

    2. YES!! Biden gets his 15% after “realignment”. Biden is senile & corrupt & working ppl aren’t going to vote for him.

  2. Bernie said when 60% of data was in he was in a comfortable lead.

    Now you’re saying with 62% of the data he’s second to the one guy who funded the system used!?

    Come on man!

  3. “Plan A didn’t work” MupPete on Morning Joe. What was plan A? MupPete and Wall St. Dark Money app. Steal Iowa ??

    1. Iowa has now pretty much hammered the nail in the Democratic coffin. It does not matter who wins the nomination, they are screwed, unless a complete disaster happens, the economy tanks, as a result unemployment rises etc but even then Trump can pin that on do nothing democrats and his base will eat it up. Democrats have got what they wanted, Trump another 4 years because ultimately, he is doing a GREAT job for their shared paymasters.

    1. @Cirvo Zed I already do. It’s like watching Dumb & Dumber played out on a national scale. At this point we’re not even attempting to get the best & the brightest.

    2. Go ahead & Look~Up the history of Iowa’s inability to choose the real/eventual winner 🤷‍♂️ #TheyAreNotoriouslyLame #IowaSuxBalls🤣

    3. @Moxieman Yea, I wouldn;t try and field my statement either… ’cause ya got nuthin.
      PS: He even admitted he knew it was BS… after you elected him, of course. Mr. Truth Hyperbole hisself.

  4. It’s like they think the populace is so ignorant that they can do what ever shady act they want and it will go unnoticed. This entire Iowa caucus has turned into a giant SHAM , shame on the DNC.

    1. Agree. DNC manipulated the totals despite Sanders getting the most votes. I have nothing against Buttigieg but he shouldn’t be declared the winner.

    2. @Shane Na Yeah a 5X draft dodging POS. You all should move to Russia, lots a white folk there for you to hunt with. BTW, I’m white, born in Brooklyn, Army Vet before you try the race card reversal.

    3. @Jeff Woods How can you say that with a straight face? The most corrupt POS draft dodging money hungry prez ever and you call others corrupt? Wow, stupid is as stupid does.

  5. Chuck you are so corrupt as a media person. Sanders is leading with overall votes but this caucus model is crap for showing what a state wants.

  6. Pete Buttigieg donated $42,500 to Shadow Inc. The CEO’s Of Shadow Inc worked for the 2016 Hillary Clinton campaign

  7. Pete benefitted from funding the Shadow app back un July 2019 using Pete for America Inc. He is now #MayorCheat.


    1. @Francine Negrete Well I guess you do not care about America. I am a vet and I will vote for a ford pickup over drumf………………..

  8. The app that “accidentally” fumbled this, then only released 62% of precincts, is called Shadow Inc. Its top executives, including the CEO, COO, and CTO as well as some Directors all worked for Hillary Clinton in 2016 (they’re all on LinkedIn, so feel free to fact check). Shadow Inc was PAID more than $ 40k by Pete Buttigieg’s 2020 campaign according to the Federal Election Commission.

    How is this allowed in our democratic process?

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