Chuck: ‘This Isn’t The Time’ For Rand Paul To Focus On The Afghan War | MTP Daily | MSNBC

The Senate will vote for coronavirus relief bill today after delays over unrelated ideological concerns from some senators, including Rand Paul. Aired on 03/18/2020.
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Chuck: 'This Isn't The Time' For Rand Paul To Focus On The Afghan War | MTP Daily | MSNBC

Chuck: 'This Isn't The Time' For Rand Paul To Focus On The Afghan War | MTP Daily | MSNBC


    1. He wants cuts in spending to compensate. And he wants Tax cuts for everyone, not just the rich. Rand is the only principled man in government

    2. Dan Cook
      The poor are including in every tax payer who are getting a bill for 1.5million dollars.. He is the only rational person on the hill

    3. @TheFreePantheist What do you get when you dont collect taxes ? Who then upkeeps the laws ? Where do you think cops wages come from ? How about military , how is that financed ? If you are against taxes you advocate anarchy or North Korean model dictatorship .
      What is it will all you republitards that you dont know what taxes do ?

    4. @Pete Lind
      First of all I would love if all those works were actually funded by taxes.. In truth most government spending is monotized debt. The public wouldn’t stomach and politicians wouldn’t have the heart to directly charge it’s citizens the unimaginable cost of wars, S.S., medicare, beaurocracy and automatic increases that take up most of the U.S. Budget.

      If you even passively payed attention to Rand Paul. You would know he has been trying to get a flat tax to fund a much smaller government that lives within it’s means. Just like the people it governs has to. If there was such a thing as a fair tax, it would would be a flat tax, because it treats everyone equally. Weather they are rich or poor, male or female, couples or families, government or private..

  1. corporate bailouts must Not be used to buy back stocks or to enhance their “asset position”. their employees must come first,

    1. Unfortunately that will not happen. People like trump and his billionaire buddies will always come first to them.

  2. Here we go again every time they talk about helping the poor they bring up budgets to hide behind end corporate welfare Paul is a nut.

    1. I assure you, no one in the Senate opposes corporate welfare as consistently as Rand Paul. Others talk a good game when it comes to specific issues and interests, but if you like green energy subsidies, you like corporate welfare.

    2. This bill is corporate welfare, Bailout will cost us 1.5 million pr tax payer. If you think it is a good deal you are the nut!

    1. yep. they maintain it and nurture that ignorance at all costs so they can stay in power. Sheep herding

    2. Republicans have been cutting funding to education since the reagan admin. Its finally paying off for them. ” The dumbing down of Americans.”

    3. @Lindelwe J. Ncube I’m from America and it is true we are a stupid country look at who was elected president

  3. They can split the bill, send money to the people and discuss the welfare big corporations want. They need to have conditions on the money given to corp.

    1. @Leeanne Bishop And THAT is what is wrong with our country…how or why would you ever wish death upon people?

    2. @William McKenna Yes Trump supporters are the worst while the left is wishing death on people…wow

    3. Lisa Kain And like how you are triggered and melting down because I’m not PC enough for you, even though you filth wanted an end to the PC culture. Want a juice box?

    4. @William McKenna No….I don’t drink juice from a box because I am an adult…I use a glass. Wishing death upon others is juvenile at best and psychotic at worst. It’s not being triggered….it’s being human.

  4. Churchill said about fanatics: “One Who Can’t Change His Mind and Won’t Change the Subject”

  5. “Trump says he bears ‘no responsibility at all’ for slow testing rollout.”
    Of course he doesn’t. Nothing is ever Trump’s fault. It’s all Obama’s fault. After all, wasn’t Obama the president who dismantled the National Security Council’s pandemic directorate that was charged with preparing for the next pandemic in 2018?
    Oh, no. Wait. That was Trump.

  6. No money is going to go to the poor. This is all about big corporations bailout. If you think otherwise, you are fool

    1. Gary Harvey May be you are the fool for you to believe in government truthfulness. Minuchin already said this is a metaphor. He is talking about using IRS to somehow send you the penny. Good luck with that

    2. Even it was just going to corporations, it would still need to be done. Because the alternative is a complete collapse of the economy followed swiftly by the collapse of the government. Guess what. You thought poor people were bad off before, then dont pass a bailout and see how bad things get. Millions would starve or die in the violence that ensues.

  7. Any bailout to keep co’s going should be conditioned on no executive make over 100K and no stock buybacks.

  8. As usual, Chuck is barking up the wrong fire hydrant. He takes on completely baseless talking points simply for shock value. Of course Republican Senators will bail out their wealthy corporate donors and never look back.

    1. Tiffany Jewelry and other top jewelry companies should also be denied government bailout checks. Rand Paul doesn’t want to steal from the poor to give to the rich. He simply doesn’t want anybody, from a $500 billion company to an 18 year old Joe Schmoe part time worker, to receive any government money.

    0:18 The recession wasn’t in 2009. The recession was 2007 – 2008. The bank bailout was signed by Bush Jr October 2008, one month prior to the 2008 election.

    It’s interesting how Republikkkans like f*ckwad Todd are always trying to rewrite history.

    1. Certain Republicans were critical of Bush with the bank bailouts and they were critical of Obama with auto one.

    2. Obama didn’t even take over as President until the Inauguration on January 20th. People forget that all the time, Congress changes on the 1st, the President doesn’t.

  10. People didn’t like that big banks and big corporations got the bail out, while the workers did not. The bailouts were done with trickle down economics as the theory. Trickle down economics regardless of taxes or bailouts, has never resulted in trickle down. It’s always been used to benefit the investor and CEO’s.

    1. Andy Smitty … and then there were the Tea Partiers, who were enraged by the idea of actual people being helped.

    2. yeah except for the whole we wouldn’t have had the most successful period of recovery from a recession in history up until this point without the baliouts (or it would’ve been a lot more painful and a lot slower than it already was). They could have been done a lot better and trickle down economics is bullsh** (which the bailouts weren’t done with that in mind they were done with the thought that everyone would’ve lost jobs). Still they worked:
      A study by the San Francisco Fed’s Daniel Wilson, which compared stimulus spending and change in employment across states, found that the 2009 stimulus act created 2 million jobs in its first year, and 3.4 million by March 2011.

      A paper by Gabriel Chodorow-Reich, Laura Feiveson, Zachary Liscow, and William Gui Woolston estimated that Medicaid funding in the stimulus added years of employments, with each $100,000 securing 3.8 job-years.

      Dartmouth economists James Feyrer and Bruce Sacerdote compared state-level spending and found that the 2009 stimulus act created millions of jobs at a cost of $100 to $400,000 each; they found that education spending was ineffective as stimulus, but giving money to low-income people was very effective.

      A paper by Arvind Krishnamurthy and Annette Vissing-Jorgensen found that quantitative easing was effective in lowering interest rates and making it cheaper for companies to borrow and thus hire.

      University of South Carolina’s Allen Berger and Raluca Roman found that TARP bailouts to banks with local markets were correlated with increase in job creation in those markets.

      Not only that but the total profit for all the bailouts combined so far is over $100 billion so it was spending that was worth it and saved our economy that turned into an easy target by tea party republicans in order to get re-elected because without it there was no way they ever would have been re-elected again after causing the recession in the first place.

    3. The GOP labor mightily to guarantee the outcome of “investments” – bend over backwards to insure the investor class NEVER loses – all the while decrying “equal outcomes” for American workers as bolshevism. MLK had his dream – my dream is that one day the working stiffs who pull the lever for the GOP will get a clue…

    4. Trickle down economics never worked. We can actually date the decline of the middle class to that theory of economics.

  11. These politicians see themselves when they see who’s dying….. when in reality, they should see the next generation that they’re ruining with over burdensome taxes.


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