Sen. Chuck Schumer: “You know who they remind me of? Herbert Hoover. When we were on the edge of a potential depression, Herbert Hoover said, ‘Let’s do nothing.’ That’s what these guys are saying.” Aired on 05/08/2020.
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Chuck Schumer: GOP Senators Choosing Inaction Sound Like Herbert Hoover | All In | MSNBC
We shall remember. We the people not we the Republicans. All neros while the nation crashes and burns fiddling the funeral dirge. Does it get any more disgusting than a trumpites republican is this time of despair.
@Hunter Goertz oh no I have hope especially in the young. They tend to think and question. They aren’t fossilized. Commenting is good for my blood pressure.
Little disappointed that it didnt rhyme at the end
@Hunter Goertz That all you got bro? Amateur.
@Thomas Müller It’s not his fault.
Mignon Simpson , so much growing up for you to do before you can have those conversations
The republicans are going down hard. Republicans are so over.
Chris Messenger , lol
Why do you think W was like I might be the last one??
@Gary Campbell are those the same people begging for stimulus? The same red states dependent on blue states taxes? Where are the mfg jobs promised? The better health plans? But it’s just a hoax virus killing them now….
Elizabeth Libero : Oh, get off the standard democrat crap ! That’s NOT going to change anyone’s mind around here to vote blue. In fact ? It does quite the opposite.
@Gary Campbell ignorance is bliss just see them all whine and cry as Trump cuts the payroll tax that funds their SSI…you know the socialist program they are all dependent on.
I’m an independent. I have no party affiliation. I’ve voted for both Republican and Democratic candidates. But I have to say, unless something drastically changes in the Republican party it’s not likely that I’ll ever vote for a Republican in the future.
Every time we allow a Repub president it’s a complete disaster.
“Not likely”? Blimey, how much does it take?
Your country and democracy is being destroyed, people are dying in their thousands, unemployment is heading towards depression numbers, and you say it’s “ not likely” . FFS.
Same here I voted for trump.but I’ll never vote for another republican.ever again.
B Sharp , you’ll be missed.

And here I thought Harding was bad on the corruption part. lmao
VOTE trump OUT and LOCK HIM UP. His small hands full of bloods.
Yet nothing is done … American in the name of freedom allow his leader to lie n destroy the country
@nPalace Cash Well, Obama is gone, so don’t worry.
Aren’t you talking about Andrew Cuomo?
@C W Obama takes an economy in recession with high unemployment numbers and brings it to one of the best economies we’ve ever seen to this day, Trump takes this great economy that we’ve ever seen before and brings it to the lowest it’s ever been in American history with the highest unemployment rates ever, thanks Trump
Trump 2020. So happy about that.
Funny…you go over to Fox and they’re blaming everything on Pelosi and Congress. Trumpers will never change and the Democrats have to start fighting as dirty as the republicans.
@Davis Tran you should go visit DC. It’s very nice and clean on the outside, but god awful filthy and dirty on the inside.
@Davis Tran it happened shortly before/after the Civil War and he used his walking stick/cane (1860’s)
Keith Willis I know when this incident happened. What I’m asking is that even possible to smuggle any weapon into congress?
@Davis Tran Not every weapon is metal. And anything can be a weapon if you swing it hard enough
Justin Tym fair enough but what about security guards
when are the democrats going to call for a floor vote. how far is the tea party going to go in their desire for no government ever. and how many kids have to die before the GOP gets the message we want kids to have food.
231 sheep The Republicans control the Senate…not the democrats..
@D M floor vote is for it to be recorded, so you know how the senators voted. Whereas the voice vote is not written down, so you don’t get to look up how your senator voted
On top of that, anything short of 60 votes in the Senate will be filibustered by the republiKKKcons or vetoed by Trump

THE VERY IMPEACHED 45 and his very complicit Administration. While they drag this out PEOPLE HAVE DIED AND ARE CONTINUING TO DIE.
I find it offensive that it is said “in November In November ”
People are dying. THE VERY IMPEACHED 45 and disgusting abusive admin and friends have shown such hatred for people’s lives. For truth. Wasn’t it enough of the proof just how insensitive they have all been?? THINK. This admin THE VERY IMPEACHED 45s treatments towards the parents and fellow classmates(young adults who lived to speak out) of those SLAUGHTERED in Parkland HS in Florida. How appalling was that?
Or THE VERY IMPEACHED 45s photo app of a now orphaned baby who’s parents had been SLAUGHTERED at a WALMART…THE VERY IMPEACHED 45 and smiling wife gave a thumbs up and smiles like they had won the lottery. Still no action or decent reaction to these horrors. And as it it wasn’t enough knowing the SADISTIC TRAUMA those children! (And their parents)
So if that wasn’t enough to get an idea of what has been continuing…
People are dying.
If no one can get it together…
Does the term “It takes a Village” give anybody pause?
The senator acquitted his impeachment. Now null and void.
Now for the real news…
James Comey used the infamous anti-Trump dossier financed by Trump’s political enemies to obtain successive warrants to spy on a Trump campaign advisor. The dossier, which also reportedly helped form a roadmap for the FBI’s collusion probe, wildly claims that the Russians possessed potential blackmail material against the President.
The dossier authored by former British spy Christopher Steele was the source for some of those claims. Steele was working on behalf of Fusion GPS, which was paid to produce the dossier by Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign.
James Clapper:
“I never saw any direct empirical evidence that the Trump campaign or someone in it was plotting/conspiring with the Russians to meddle with the election,” former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper testified in 2017.
Adam Schiff knew this all along and lied constantly to impeach President Trump under false pretenses.
I think this is going to go farther up to the previous president
Barack Hussein Obama.
@Coffee Girl
The photos of the children in cages were from 2014 when President Barack Obama was the President
@Deplorable You’re an ignoramus. ..
@Deplorable the impeachment will always be on his record and cannot be voided, read your US Constipation
Coffee Girl YOU ARE SO RIGHT. What is wrong with people?
You know it’s bad when you are being compared to Hoover
In the 1930s they had homeless camps called hoovervilles, the should call the present homeless camps Trumptowns.
brian mcintyre I don’t think we are at that point yet. Give it a month or two
Almost as bad as Chuck’s taste in art. Someone could probably make a fortune being an art and interior design consultant to these politicians and journalists. They’re lost.
And Mussolini…
If there is a blue wave, we’ll probably see the biggest trial since Nuremberg.
I really hope you are right. But it’s not going to happen on its own. There should have been a blue wave in the Senate in 2018, but due to rampant voter suppression and cheating(apathy from D voters too), the slimes republicans held it.
No. The GOP senators won because in 2018, they were not yet seen as Trump toadies. That has changed now.
I believe that he will face criminal charges and he will be imprisoned
It is surely a deserved trial.
trump and his circle of cronies want the country to have a lot of desperate people because desperate people are easier to take total control of
@Clara Williams So 80 thousand dead and 30 million and growing unemployed is great? You’ll be overjoyed when hundreds of thousands are dead and 60 million are unemployed. The worst depression in history is the ultimate win for you.
Stephen Stretch , kind of like the Democrats constantly encouraging social programs and a welfare state?
@Dave Ponsford The death rate so far this year is less than it was in 2017.. You’ve been brainwashed.
@Dolores Reynolds Nope, how embarrassing for you…see this
@truthseeker Great work there, was that all your own work or did you get help? The death rate over 8 weeks is less than the death rate over a whole year, brilliant.
Vote the Republicans and the Wall Street out of the White House!
Yes Vote Them Out.
@barry snyder unfortunately you’re right both parties are leading to the same destination, but trump is much much worse.
Wall Street is just as important as Main Street. Wall Street is not the “enemy”. On the other hand, Republicans are the party of the wealthy, and they will always FAVOR the wealthy over the common man. Choose wisely.
@Bert Johnson Actually, the Postal Service would be just fine if they were allowed to run like a business. But the Republicans in Congress – under the Dear Leader Trump – forced the Postal Service to completely fund their pension plans 70 years into the future, making it nearly impossible for the Service to survive.
And drain all the money with socialism
The best thing McConnell can do is die of natural causes and donate his body to be used to fill potholes on i75. But I’m open to suggestions.

Hopefully mich McConnell will die soon
Sounds like a fatality on mortal Kombat 11
@AST read it and had to laugh. Realized the last time I played a game it was in an arcade room. Does that make me old?

@Daniel Kruger not at all, this event in history have made all the normal people little crazy but not old be safe, and I think they will be force to issue more aid soon it will happen .
I challenge everyone who says covid is a hoax to prove it by volunteering on a covid ward. No takers yet. Wonder why.
Alfred Basurto it’s bad for at risk people. Old and unhealthy. It’s sad but really it’s just Mother Nature doing her thing. Trimming the fat
@Hunter Goertz “mother nature doing her thing, *trimming the fat”*
Your lack of empathy is astounding. Your grandma must be proud. Oh, never mind, she’s just “fat” that needs to be trimmed.
mike bronicki you’re lack of reality is astounding. What I said has nothing to do with empathy. It’s a matter of fact according to science; Old people and unhealthy people are more at risk of dying. If you can’t handle the truth then crawl in a hole and shelter yourself from the world. Another fact: the number of deaths from corona is 1500% less than anticipated. That is all I was referring to in my original comment.
@Hunter Goertz My feelings? I deal in facts. Go volunteer tough guy.
Troubled Sole ok got it you’re a fact guy. Let’s say I went and volunteered and contracted corona. What are the facts regarding my chance of dying from Corona? I’m a 26 years old very healthy male that runs 3 marathons a year, has no pre-existing conditions, and gets sick once every 4 years.. while you’re researching the numbers for that also look up the % chance I will even show any symptoms at all if I contract Corona.
You should look at all the facts when you do your research and not nit pick the ones that are convenient to your arguments. Maybe then you will be less irrational in your thinking and see the reality of what’s going on
Steve Mnuchin made a billion dollars, foreclosing on people’s homes, during the 2008 recession.
@barry Amato Wow… you’re stupid

BIDEN 2020
@kare more I may be. Stupid enough not to vote for Biden.
@barry Amato you are delusional
@David Clark Crazy loser

@barry Amato stupid does?
Who was it bragging he can shoot someone on 5th ave NY in middle of day and get away with it, should not be able to hide from the courts to be immune from any law
Obama and Clinton are immune.
While Trump was eliminating the Pandemic Response Team, Republicans let him. While Trump was lying about the risks of COVID-19, Republicans supported him. While Trump continues to try to eliminate the Affordable Care Act, in the midst of a pandemic, Republicans are helping him. Trump isn’t killing Americans by himself; the Republican Party is murdering Americans, too.
@8alot4t Speaking of cults, yours just got busted…
@truthseeker Oh sure you have. If only you had a clue as to what a cult is in the first place, then I might just have the patience to give you a minute or so to empty your empty brain of its delusions..
Heres your clue
Mitch McConnell and Congressional Republicans are tied at the hip to Trump.
@misterjag And what are your goons? Wasting three years lying and deceiving my good fellow Americans. If you don’t stand for truth, you don’t stand for anything. Listen if you dare. Your goons are busted and going down
Let’s revolt against the Republicans, this is too much and stressful.
@truthseeker Jesus Christ may have been an actual person (there is no actual proof. Have any remains ever been found?), and he may have preached peace and love (we just have the testimony of authors who have been dead for centuries and may or may not have been there when it happened), but that is not what you are doing
It you want to preach the ideals of Jesus Christ, then preach peace and love. Do not preach hate and intolerance.
If you can’t, then you are not a true Christian. You are a zealot and/or a cultist, no better than a follower of Jim Jones, David Koresh, or Osama bin-Ladin
Talk about stress!! What did Dumb o rats do for three years.?? Trump is totally vindicated. See this if you can handle the truth.
@Justin Tym That’s your opinion and your’re entitled to it. I’m not insecure in my faith and I don’t have to prove anything to you.. you don’t want to believe. Don’t believe we don’t need you. Like I said I’m not insecure in my faith and walking in faith doesn’t mean you have to be a doormat. You don’t want to find out why you should believe so that you don’t have to behave well. So don’t expect more of me then you want to give.
@Justin Tym You don’t judge me Christ does so go stuff it.
@Justin Tym What is this butt a ‘cult’ of mentally incompetent people following a mentally incompetent potential candidate?
Biden bafoon clip.
Of course they aren’t doing anything. They have their money, they are getting paid regardless of whether they do their jobs or not.
Right. How do they sleep at night?
Plus they are stealing as much as possible. Inside stock trading, favors to their major contributors, taking money from Russians, on & on!
You are referring to people like Nancy Pelosi Chuck Schumer and Maxine Waters right? They are deplorable!
Trump 2020
@summermojo Wake up and smell the coffee…
Trump is the modern era’s Pontius Pilate. He washes his hands to deny responsibility, rather than take responsibility for the chaos he has caused
@8alot4t I didn’t expect you to be religious ! are you ? really ? is there one christian left after Covid ? What did your soulless god protect Asia and not his believers ?
Wait…you don(t mind about facts..just believe…it’s so easy ! SO easy to extract you from the real, it’s not my fault ! god’s or evil will or waterver.
One day you’ll understand , you are dying from this.
By the way, I read books, old books, by real writers, not old fairy tales.
As I was visiting paleolitic painting in Lascaux I was wondering what was their believe in htose times, those painting are so obviously religious and magnificient. What kind of god was there, before ancien greek , roman, egyptian gods etc..Humans created so many gods…You are sooooo lucky to live in the right time with the right god !! rire. Je vous laisse, bonne journée From France.
@eric marie
Le rire est un remède pour l’âme.
Même face à la mort
Well, I am pleased that you say religious and not simply Christian Eric because that would be most unfair.
But actually you are most unfair as you have made so many judgements about what I am or am not without any evidence. We are likely to have read so many of the same old tomes as each other. from what you say above. I often, when dialoging with others here on you tube and the like, have to speak in terms of what others call religion as it is the only way that some can communicate.
I have studied all of the classics deeply and my main area of interest is in ancient esoteric texts from the Greeks, Babylonians, Hindus whatever. My study is of finding correlations between them all (and they are manifold).
I recently had a few lengthy papers published in German Journals on the nature of ancient wisdom texts and natural sciences. Currently working on a book called either Out of the Dark Land (vis: Egypt Chemi or The Immaculate Conception) not sure yet what the title will be but it concerns the cosmological wisdom embedded (occulted) in the forms and forces of the Solomonic Temple.
@8alot4t happy to understand that you are thinking, so stop believing. Planet needs thinking not believing
@eric marie I have never been a believer always a thinker. Perhaps I think far too much.
But those thoughts have led me to conceptions that bring all of the sciences to unison; and unify the ancient with the modern. In other words my deep study of the works of all of the greatest thinkers to what contemporary cosmologists call GUT.
Thus I have no anxieties as to the value of my work and it will be eventually seen as a leap forward in the history of science in general.
Nature is a very powerful thing; it/ SHE will NOT be defeated by the ignorance of human kind. Yes we will suffer and we deserve to suffer, but ‘she’ will not destroy us.
8alot4t – Trump has washed his hands of NOTHING!! He’s not responsible for Covid-19. If you had been watching anything but the BS on FAKE-NEWS MSNBS, you might have heard some truth by now! Have a look at Judicial Watch. They’ve been investigating and telling the truth for years.
Trump and his corrupt administration are all guilty of GENOCIDE.
norman mckenzie , your delusional
@MC KO *you’re