Chuck Rosenberg called the Mueller testimony "not exciting, but still important."
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Chuck Rosenberg On Robert Mueller Testimony: The Book Was Better Than The Movie | MSNBC
Curious how Fox report muellars testimony
Report it as the farce it is. No obtrusion and no collusion. Hasn’t changed. Dems bomb again.
@Bucky Pinata no obstruction lol , keep living the dream, did you not watch the testimony and hear him say trump tried to get people fired to benefit himself or sessions to unrecuse himself im guessing you think thats fake news or not a crime under the obstruction banner
@Bucky Pinata Nope Banana head.
Yeah but WAYYY more people have watched Game of Thrones then have read the books.
@Dave Schultz That’s only because you didn’t get the plot. They used words of more than one syllable and used paragraphs.
So you prove the point – this was nothing about what was in Muellers report ( we know because it was a fail for the Dems ) it was about getting a bunch of sound bites together for the mouth breathers who don’t follow politics
And the movie shucked there too…
Anyone using the word “then” in place of “than”, really needs to read more books.
There really isn’t any grounds for confusion there, other than stupidity.
Kristi Marie Yeah, but we who read books
use our imagination instead of being fed pictures
Because the Grand Old Perverts dislike the answers, they attack the man.
Some Real News that msnbc NEVER offers.
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@Ronald You have no clue huh, it’s a sorry state of affairs…..did you think indictments would all be opened at one time? Do you know of any that have been unsealed? Say like Epstein…..other child traffickers etc. Pay attention you may learn something.
What happened??? Hahahahahahahahaha!!!
If it’s not collusion, and there isn’t conspiracy, WHAT IS IT? Smells like rotten Fish!!!
Stephen Henion it’s Trump winning again
@BananaPig lol, technicality based upon the framework of our constitutional republic. Winning the electoral has always been the path of winning the presidency. Not the popular vote
@war daddy so philosophically, what is the legitimization?
These are the random rules we decided on, so there you go (?)
What does the EC prove? You got some people to support you…sweet…and?…
@BananaPig it proves he won based upon the rule of law. Something you democrats can’t seem to understand.
I found this hearing to be super exciting… I enjoyed the sound of the Democrat’s narritive burning
Leandro Lima when did it burn tho

@Will Fargo the second Mueller stated he didn’t know who Fusion GPS was. From that moment it was clear he didn’t write his own report or even know what was in it. Literally unbelievable that he didn’t know the name of the company that wrote the false document that started HIS OWN INVESTIGATION. He looked like a confused old man totally overwhelmed.
When you paid attention to when Mueller responded quickly and in more than just a few words, you could tell which part was particularly important (to him). That was especially apparent when it came to questions of profit for trump with his dealings in russia and how much he lied about it and what that means in terms of being exposed to blackmail.
“I can’t get into that.”
Wtf is fusion GPS, dude below…
Lol the most powerful person in the world can’t defend himself xD
The republicans did a better job than the democrats, simple.
Soma noma yea a better job yelling
What people wanted was the answers to two questions
Did he do the wrong thing to the point of criminal charges? Y/N
Should this individual be criminally charged, irrespective of him being the president? Y/N
Morgan J.S. No and no
Msnbc, please show Mueller testimonial clips … we don’t see what your anchors saw.
Next step, Pelosi starts impeachment process
Impeachment is exactly what the Republicans want yaw dummies to do.rhat will buy them the next 2 elections easily. Also if you listen to Mueller’s opening statement. He CLEARLY stated that he didn’t have enough evidents to charge anyone in the Trump Campaign for collusion or obstruction. It not that hard to understand. Yaw just in yaw feeling like a lil kid who can’t get his/her way.
The statement that “the president would not be able to defend himself if accused or charged with a crime” is ludicrous. Trump has spent the past 2+ years defending himself and denying all accusations against him, on a daily basis via Twitter and TV too. Seems to me that the criminal sitting in our White House is getting away with it and the people who need to hold him accountable are giving him leeway to do it.
Chuck Rosenberg , SO BORRY.
Poor Democrats, come join the winning side
I finally did… I couldn’t take it anymore.
Corporate media at it’s best on MSNBC.
Another swing and a miss for the libs… Never had a chance… Pathetic!
This was not exciting lmao. Because that’s what is important. The book was better than the movie lmao
This is the exact reason why I don’t pay attention to the Mainstream news anymore lmao
Grow up and move on democrats. You’ve got NOTHING! Trump had a great day today and you dems had a rotten day…