Celebrated French shoe designer Christian Louboutin is CNN Style's guest editor, exploring the theme of "Journeys," at the Palais de la Porte Doree in Paris — a place that has been an inspiration to him since he was a child.
#Fashion #CNN #News
Celebrated French shoe designer Christian Louboutin is CNN Style's guest editor, exploring the theme of "Journeys," at the Palais de la Porte Doree in Paris — a place that has been an inspiration to him since he was a child.
#Fashion #CNN #News
I wear steel toe boots everywhere. waterproof, durable, protective, excellent support and last forever. This guys shoes look stupid and impractical, at least in the real world.
@The Tweatles still can’t find your viagra?
@Aeromecano LOL And the shoes are still impractical. What’s your point
@dicky magee’s axe may be the shoes are impractical, but his money is!
@Tall Pine his money is better, the women love the shoes and they pay for it, you don’t buy a 30$ drill, you buy a 100$ drill, cause its better….
@The Tweatles you’re kinda creepy dude, luckily I’m not American and don’t subscribe to either crazy group.
So this where Don Lemon get his shoes??
Fredo is also a costumer, he needs to come out of the basement… on second thought perhaps Fredo should stay in the basement.
Dong Lemon wears high heels at home for his “man”

In a times like these, do we need to hear about his shoe inspiration. Someone give this dude a boot or foot up his…..
The only two things that are infinite is the universe and fake news from CNN. And I’m not even sure about the universe.
@Nåmen, tilbage til TIBETSAGEN Do you live in it (universe) or it lives in you….if, it dosen’t exist then, you don’t exist ……
.- Don Lemon The Smegma Enthusiast.
I have a pair that is strictly for decoration in my closet and it’s from….. wait for it….. CHYnaaa
Not only is puppet Obama a criminal and traitor to the United States but he was a do nothing president that accomplished NOTHING positive in EIGHT YEARS.
*More Shoes Will Drop In Obamagate!*
Death to Traitors , Barry is a good start. Many more to go.
I had nothing to do with unmasking General Flynn, except for that official request to unmask General Flynn.
Obama’s legacy is

@Elmosweed we are investigating you for the Russian collusion.lol… what we actually have is a degenerate globalist organization who do everything to hold on to power including murdering people thinking their freedoms. Sounds like something the Democratic party has been doing from there very first day of existence.
Nuking Hiroshima
The Cold War
Segregation in bigotry
Abortion clinics
Mass incarceration
These are some of the things that Democrats have given Humanity
Turn over every swamp shoe! Investigate the investigators!
Biden if the unmasking shoe fits wear it!
That wasn’t me, it was that Vice President Biden. I’m former Senator Biden, the guy who had non consensual penetration with Tara.
*Basement Biden 2020* _Lets weaponize the N.S.A., I.R.S. & F.B.I. again!_
Don’t give any of the unmaskers any shoelaces!
Can’t wait for the train wreck covid thunberg episode. It hasn’t even happened yet and it’s already the best joke on the internet. Doooooo iiiiiiitttt!!!
also #ObamaGate
HOW DARE YOU! Maybe,just maybe Greta can find a cure for the libtarded mind, or Fauci!
Damn I was worried about Corona virus but now I’m inspired to make shoes
sasha, Get yer coins sis.
Sen. Ron Johnson to Request Biden, Other Obama-Era Officials Testify on ‘Unmasking’
When is Joe going to fess up to fingering his assistant
He admitted to lying. He also admitted to being framed.
@0 0 How can you admit to being framed- is that the new defense we will see in our court system for here on out.
Breaking wind from CNN-last place on earth for reliable info: Reunion of top officials from Obama era to include Biden, Power, Comey, Brennan, Clapper, Strzok, Page, Rice, & many more! Will be held at Gitmo. Attire and security provided. Will likely last a LONG time
He would…but he does not remember it. He can’t remember what he had for breakfast this morning. Sad
My boy Joe pulled a Trump move.
Painting a sole red is the extent of his genius.
*”Little Brian Stelter”* has small feet he wears size 8 shoes… He cries himself to sleep too!
My favorite food is finger sandwiches with extra jam.
Dong Lemon is a HOG farmer

Does Don Lemon have AIDs?
We’re not talking about this we are talking about that are almost to Shell of a story that many people that seeing looking and interested something about it is for magnificent of a something for their future security for their life and to the Future beyond that you need to understand that okay because sometime that what you’re saying that it is it is just still making sense and sometime data of well which team are you on anyway try to understand that anyway because something instead of a while the people are ashamed of what the story is like how he came to the house to do that as something of a everyone’s dreams will come true and what about your dreams anyway try to understand that because sometimes that you don’t listen and you’re not ready for the future or you are ready for the future because this is like time will tell
@Jamtommy1 it’s a new strain called FredoLemonAIDS-19
Hey CNN…is Clapper still on the payroll?
You’re American CNN! Wash off the TDS stench and be angry that you were lied too!
Too late they’ve already chosen China over USA just like the NBA Players.
This is for the safe-spacers who stand in line to blow their stim-checks on Air Jordans.
i’ve got some french rifles for sale
they’ve never been fired and only dropped once.
Nancy Pelosi wants to crash the economy and have everyone begging the gov for handouts.
That, my friend is socialism 101