Chris Matthews notes that Republicans and the president’s defenders have rarely brought up the argument that Trump didn’t abuse power: "That's a LOL. Everyone knows this is what Donald Trump would do." Aired on 1/23/20.
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Chris Matthews: It's A 'LOL' That Trump Didn't Abuse Power | MSNBC
What’s so mind-boggling to me, is the fact that we have a sitting President, who isn’t even trusted by his own people to testify under oath, because they know that he’s incapable of telling the truth….about anything….EVER.
Trump isn’t even trusted by his lawyers and the people closest to him, but yet the want the American people to trust him. Let that sink in for a moment.
@OliVitoProductions Don’t waste time with the Trump zombies , They are gone .
Its up to us & if we simply show up in strong numbers in 2020 , Trump will no longer be in office ( Then he can face the Southern district of NY !!! )
@Tiger Tiger Look their have always been dumb/angry people looking for someone to blame or hate , But a Huge portion of the Trump zombies exist because of FOX News !!!
17+ yrs of non stop brainwash- “Go out & fight the evil liberals who are the ones hurting you ” (While they cut taxes for billionaires & the safety net)
It created a Frankenstein monster crowd & …..Trump seeing a large mass of people he could easily manipulate & con. He could not resist.
That is why designed propaganda like Fox (especially posing as actual news) is extremely dangerous. The greatest threat to democracy in the USA.
@William Bailey The one he told your mom was the best.
The problem with Chris’ point is that the Republicans don’t think what he is accused of is necessarily bad. The ethical bar has moved because these guys are beholden to a corrupt man who’s managed to manipulate their thinking to be just like his. Trump has never thought anything he’s done in his entire life was bad and now he’s gotten the entire republican congress to go along with him. This is no different than a cult and these folks have fallen under his spell.
Nothing happened. He cancelled a meeting. LOL thats not corruption. The whole thing is a compelling story but nothing is a crime or is impeachable. Its just politics dude.
Much more interesting that Biden’s son a drug addict who was kicked out of the military ends up on the board of several corporations. Burisma Holdings is just one. This crack head then receives millions of dollars, but, doesn’t have the resources to pay off his baby mama. Sounds like all his money is going to other people…
A lot of them think it’s bad, but the base is solidly with Trump. They think that if they go against him, they’ll lose to a primary challenger who is a Trump true believer and the country would be worse off without the guard rails. Sadly, all they’re doing is normalising this behavior as a new standard.
Bone spurs is nothing but a coward and a liar. He isn’t fit to mop the floors in the WH.
U aint fit for a harley so stay on that soyboy rocket that u dont even wheelie
Pocahontas 2020 Cram it trumpturd traitor. Good thing I’m not a democrat or I might be offended by your stupidity.

I’m sure he wouldn’t pass the background check required!
Americans’ need to unite to save America’s Democracy from the corrupt president!!!
Obama is already out
@el viego
Without democracy, America will be like Russia, and Russia sucks.
If there really was a god she would have zapped him, like the bug he is, a long time ago. You know, the old lightning bolt out of the blue.
Funny, today’s news says the District of Colombia is suing Trump for misappropriating campaign funds and having Rick Gates help stuff the dough into over priced Trump hotel services. It’s in today’s news. Read about it.
I know right? Schiff would be fried!
If you want the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Call your Republican Senator in Washington to demand first hand witnesses in the impeachment trial. 202-224-2131. Let your voice be heard. Together we stand.
His (Trump’s) motis operandi. Pelosi asked if he was a “house painter” — lmao. There’s some talk about him being mobbed up. But what’s really funny is these Evangelicals — the guy has been a hedonist his whole life.
@generationofswine you should not go there!! Let’s give some respect, or be careful before you get!!!
@Hildebeast Clinton I am a vaginahead.
Cory Allen …. no redemption for unrepentant ppl. He admits never asking for forgiveness. He’s screwed …as are you for aligning with a loser. Jesus doesn’t know DT.
If your serious you will call your Republican Congressman in Washington, 202-224-2131 to demand first hand witnesses in the impeachment trial. Do you want the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Together we stand.
Where is Snowden on this? He was in such a hurry to show us the truth. We could definitely use some of that right now.
There’s more than enough evidence already. Mueller’s report described a littany of crimes like his trying to force the White House Council, Don McGahn, to falsify documents to hide his trail of obstruction of justice.
He’s been out if the loop too long. Doubtful he has anything new.
Living out his life in russia
Whoever is editing the clips doesn’t know how to cut them properly.
Criminal con-man Trump is hiding in Switzerland and bragging about obstructing Congress in an interview he did there!
Of course he did! He makes a fool of himself every where he goes..ppl laugh at him!
@Barry Sutton or shot.
@Barry Sutton with foreign help.
…I didnt even think about that…his own lawyers aren’t even trying to defend his character. The fact that there is no witnesses already tells me this “trial” was never a trial from the get-go.
@Robert The Bruce no Trump supporter agrees with you! Nice try!
You can help. Call your Republican Senator in Washington 202-224-2131 to demand first hand witnesses in this impeachment. Together we stand.
That fact that you are 100% illiterate tells me you are a media sheep.
@Robert The Bruce What a douchbag Your either 1 or 2 Dumb or racist. Get off the internet and catch your short bus home.
Mark my words Trump will never be President. Now that is a LOL! MAGA baby.
TRUMP 2020!
The impeachment process is displaying just how unfit for representation …..all of the GOP are.
They are a disgrace to their electorate, themselves, their families, their country,, the Constitution,………Shameful!
Less than 3million viewers combined on all 3 networks and you say GOP are not doing well?
Much like the Democrats and that liar Adam Schiff.
“We the People want EVIDENCE, FACTS, AND WITNESSES now!”
@Robert Roland You meant the House with Lying Nancy and Schiff, and Nadler!
@POWERHOUSE nah. The Senate plus you on all fours before a burning US Constitution. Thanks traitor!
Russian bots attack the messenger and their on unlimited overtime

Da, comrade. We are watching you…
Love the Nunes law suit! The best way to combat fake news is to hit them with one law suit after another and have all the court rulings in our arsenal to help expose the evil ..
He’d squeeze his own mother to get what he wants.
Bugs Bunny Bugs Bunny RA RA RA
They’re staggering aren’t they!! can’t leave Obama alone, it really highlights what a failure Trump has been. Utterly incompetent. Jeezus, Americans must be gullible.
Trump claims everything is a ‘hoax,’ from his impeachment, to climate science, it’s all a “hoax”. Unbelievable!
The world is watching in awe as Americas political and judicial systems crumble to dust, live on television. It’s fascinating and sad at the same time watching an empire collapse.
@Jim Battersbee you dont worry about us foo
Republicans will not be able to blame this on Trump or even McConnell.
“We were only following orders.” Nope.
“We had to show unity.” No, sir.
“We did what was best for the country.” Absolutely not.
When Trump is long gone, this will be the moment to look back on regarding the collapse of the GOP.
The democrat’s should have held a trial and called witnesses. They must have nothing. Its the only logical explanation.