Chris Matthews: In Rambling Speech, Trump Asks Allies To Fight Democrats ‘To The Death’ | MSNBC

President Donald Trump spoke in the East Room of the White House Thursday, thanking his supporters and defenders and attacking his "perceived enemies." Andrea Mitchell and Chris Matthews analyze Trump's address, which lasted for over an hour. Aired on 02/06/20.
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Chris Matthews: In Rambling Speech, Trump Asks Allies To Fight Democrats ‘To The Death’ | MSNBC


    1. They also said the Titanic and America were unsinkable. The country is taking on water fast.

  1. This man is the most disgusting president ever, the republican party lost a man with integrity as Mitt Romney, that could be an excellent candidate for the white House, to choose cover up a “bag of lies” as Trump.
    The republican party (except for Mitt Romney) hit the lowest point on history. Those republican should be shame of themselves.

    1. @Ron Caron That’s called Fake respect (that also is self serving — he agrees with you so you praise him). Fake Respect.

  2. Dems need to pour on the heavy fire. The only way out is to send him over a cliff. He won’t back off. The more unhinged he gets, the heavier the fire must be.

    1. @Tommy Thompson . Yes, the truth, the rule of law, and the constitution of all been defeated by the spineless Republicans, terrified that Trump will say something bad about them in a tweet and unleash his rabid dog cult after them. This is a victory for authoritarianism. The majority of the American people don’t want this dictator Trump, But through Republican trickery and deception and abuse of the rules, Trump remains in power. This is a defeat for democracy.

  3. We have the most corrupt divisive president in American history in office right now and a traitor at that

    1. @Dadson worldwide so what has happened 2 the $100million from his Inauguration Account? He pockets that $.And lives real good off the Taxes sucker’s like U pay when U work for $. And are envious of a Fake Millionaire, not a Billionaire. UR being made a Fool of by this POS POTUS. 😎💪🇺🇸

    2. @Dadson worldwide Many of trump’s crimes have been proved. The pathetic republicon senators acquitted him anyway because, except for Mitt Romney, they have no integrity.

    3. @Bill Gross Absolutely right. Trump plays his ignorant supporters like a fiddle. Trump supporters are so stupid they think they are winning while trump undermines their health care and the chance for their kids to have a better life through affordable education. And they think they are winning while trump undermines their access to clean air and water. What a bunch of losers.

    1. @Genetta Shipman It’s worse than that. He’s declared bankruptcy SIX times. Or 6 of his companies have gone bankrupt. Not 4

    1. @jr goxy you know Trump will be your Dictator….he mocked God….he paid women to have abortions and he took credit for the economy 6 months entering the presidency when it was Obama who lift up the economy…Trump only inherent the growth….You are the looser for supporting a conman and a cheater 😂😂😂😂 he will take away what you have and won’t care for you nor your family 🤗🤗🤗🤗👁

    2. MARIA AMAYA The problem is that “we the people” let him do whatever he wants. That is the whole problem! When is that going to change? Waiting for an election isn’t the way because it could fail. Stop the bugger before the election! Hold him accountable!

    1. @Doug Rollings traitor implies he’s acting to the benefit of a foreign Nation, when in reality he’s acting to benefit himself. If y’all keep using the word incorrectly it won’t apply to those it’s supposed to anymore.

    1. @Merrilou Neigenfind well, there’s only 60 million voters who voted for, and do support the president. You fluffies still think we’re a fringe group? You need to get out more. Maybe get a better job with the economy so good. Btw, you dont have to love or even like a president to support them..stop being so emotional, selfish and being a moral judge.

    2. @MrAitraining Sorry. I’m a decent person. Why don’t Trump supporters care about their children? Weird.

    1. @Ashley Horne You are a total moron. Its not the Dems that have caged all the “brown” people on the Southern border. And the Democrats in the house and Senate are 50% white and the other 50% are minority. The Republican party has exactly 2 minorities in the whole CONGRESS!! So who is the racists you jag off!!

    2. @bax 60 yup,liberals wouldn’t even know what hit them…the reason those Wal Mart shoppers are smelly is because they smell like gun powder and gun cleaning oil.😊

    1. Buttbanging Trannyliberal – Degeneracy is permanently separating children from their parents. Degeneracy is the in-your-face corruption on display from this White House and president every day. Degeneracy is the flouting of laws and decency this president does every day. Degeneracy is stealing a $1.5 trillion dollar permanent tax cut, while slashing the social security and Medicaid which Americans have been paying into all their lives.

      You choose the dictator because the conservative mind ALWAYS chooses the dictator

  4. The most dishonest, immoral, disgusting person who has to be voted out of office. He will continue to destroy the constitution & country. Nothing but negativity and LIES

    1. @Google UserCOMRADE BLACK RUSSIAN troll back again. No mention of the huge pay rise for the top 1%, Betsy Devos brought another yacht with her pay rise to add to her other 11 yachts. You idiote’

    2. @Dan G I just had my Twitter put me in Twitter Jail because I said the same thing. But Comrade Trumpet can say it. He’s just a POS POTUS. The Worst ever!

  5. All of this is just to distract from the fact that………
    There’s a Madman in the Whitehouse! 😳 Wake Up America! WTFU!!!

  6. I’m waiting for the day all these Disgusting, Disgraceful, and Cowardly pieces of crap go down together. And they will.

  7. When the government fears its people that is Liberty. When the people fear is its government that is tyranny. This is tyranny.

    1. @Thomas Fletcher Nice sentiment until its you he is coming after then will you think the same ? Thats what Hitler supporters said until he came after them too.

    2. @Rod no it really isnt , fear is not democracy , one man with power is not democracy , and dividing the country with hate is not democracy , you no longer have a president you have a tyrant , exactly what your founding fathers warned against

  8. Come on America kick back at this dictator, I remember the 60s when America people has a backbone and fought back

    1. From Australia and cannot understand why people are not taking to the streets on mass. Are you so use to him now that you can’t be bothered. Remember he doesn’t just stuff America up, but the whole world will suffer from him

    2. I AM 60. i was 8 to 14 yrs old thru the protests of the 60s to early 70s. what you need to remember that the ones on the streets then, are the same ones who turned to greed and god in the 80s. now 40 yr later they dont care about anyone but themselves, and they justify it with god, ayn rand, and the worship of trump. they turned america into a ponzi scheme……and when it crashes they will expect the kids to save them……sod the boomers…..they wasted all they were given. to all still working and the 80,000,000 15 to 30 some yrs old out there, you all far out number the aging and brain dead. in november take your country. put the old out to pasture, or in a home or intitution. l so hate my generation

    3. That depends on witch Americans you’re speaking to. We’re bitterly divided and have been more and more for some time. Trump just only took advantage of the divide and is smart enough to destroy the republican party and make it the party of trump. That and the DNC are idiots. Pelosi is toxic and shouldn’t be in charge of the house. She is as polarizing as trump to the nation like Hillary is.

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