On House Manager Adam Schiff’s speech on Tuesday night in Congress, Chris calls Schiff’s remarks "the most compelling case for removal from office of this president I had heard in all these months." Aired on 01/22/20.
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Chris Matthews Calls Adam Schiff’s Speech ‘Most Compelling Case For Removal Of Office’ | MSNBC
Like Nancy Pelosi said ” with Trump all roads lead to Putin “
@American Patriot No. NOT TRUTH. AT BEST, your beliefs, of which some, at least, appear delusional, thereby spoiling the rest. ANYBODY can CLAIM to know the mind of a god. Makes it LIKELY either delusional or propaganda.
@Thomas Johnson I did not know you were from Alcoholics Anonymous Putin’s Group…when vodka and Putin is not enough…
@B.J Cameron i did not know you could read like your superhero Trump…he cant read his own signature or even remember you after 10 mins…so why are you pretending to …?
Unfortunately.. Mueller’s 15 Democrat Attys and 40 FBI agents found no Putin in 2 years … Maddow and her cultist didn’t get the memo.
@Albert Dimacali jr my tongue is welded to the American Constitution which you guys would like to rip to pieces …..good luck in 2020 with open borders a naany state and everyone who disagrees with us is a racist Nazi .
The senate will violate the oath of office! Felony president protected a criminal G.O.P. Sick
free2express08 : With all those red states ? Are you kidding me ?
Sux_2_B_U You do a LOT of copy and pasting…too funny!
@free2express08 Kaptain Kangaroo McKonnell.
GOP Senate: ‘Don’t confuse me with facts, they’ve already made my mind up for me”. ….. No need for spine…..just re-elect me.
Very compelling for removal-Indeed- i’m ready, lets get this trump out!
@Steven Grotte your ideas and arguments are so weak censoring is really your only option. Everyone already knows this so no need for you to comment about it.
@Josef AGAIN, not possible, impeached/removed elected /appointed cannot be elected/appointed when 51 members of the Senate vote to prohibit him/ her from running/being elected/being appointed again, IT IS THE LAW!!!
All the Republicans in the Senate have no balls Donald John Trump has them
@free2express08 And NATO. And the Kurds. And…
@Mark Haddox But Billions are HOPING.
LOCK HIM UP! Along with Mulvaney, Nunes, Pompeo, Guiliani, Moscow Mitch, and the rest of the gop protecting tRump.
Kaleb Williams , you must include Barr in this group of traitors !
Amazing speech – Republicans tgat don’t respond are just as traitorous as Trump and need to be removed
Vander valid , you’re a fantasist ! If you can’t see how dishonest Trump’s defence team is then you are in a group of loony, undereducated lame brains. The stupidity of some Americans just beggars belief !!!!!!!
Beady eyes makes my skin crawl….. His voice makes listening to a leaf blower seem like a walk in the park. The guy is the sleaziest low life I’ve ever seen on tv.
Correction: The fact that no one believes that t’rump wouldn’t sell out our country to benefit him instead is probably the most compelling argument.
@Closeoutracer you do know you can get accounts opened for you and completely hidden….. Look yup the oystons. so yes he did sell out.
Crystal Giddens, hey putin-trumpturd traitor enabler, you are ignorant of the fact that any illness named after a person is because that person was the first person with the illness.
A tip: no one reads garbage when it is a l-o-n-g post.
@cyberash3000 Call Mueller .. Let him know what his Forensic Accountants and Forensic IT Specialist missed with 2 years of effort.
@Closeoutracer again look at the oystons, they have hhidden their money from the baliffs, the high court in london from the latvian mafia the latvian government and t he russian government. so yes its very easy to hide money if you are rich enough to do it. .
@Closeoutracer 2 years of effort the oystons kept and still keep theirs hidden after nearly 10 years of investigations, you tit.
I can not stand when GOP senators spin on previous depositions, like saying that Sondland did not say “quid-pro-quo” and the prez. did say “it’s not” – that is so naive. And they say that Schiff and others underestimate the public? Wow, I hope not.
@KentBalzer :: Either troll or you don’t see that there actually were people in the news (not FOX) and witnesses who confirmed the observation that Trump’s defense is spin. Maybe people do not understand that crime starts with the tyrant or “godfather” stating sentences which are not crimes but kind of suggest that the bystanders do “things” for him.
Beady eyes makes my skin crawl….. His voice makes listening to a leaf blower seem like a walk in the park. The guy is the sleaziest low life I’ve ever seen on tv.
Dibals Gyfm This could help Chairman Schiff’s case: https://i.etsystatic.com/14557216/r/il/c6a179/2157212610/il_794xN.2157212610_3fmb.jpg
You must have forgotten that t’rump donated to Democrat campaigns, would fellowship with Democrats, stated on video that Democrats run the economy better, WAS A REGISTERED DEMOCRAT up until running for office.
Well said Mr Matthews. I makes me concerned for the future of the country, a vision of a future US that is at the feet of a dominant Russia all because of one man’s proclivities and a bunch of subservient souls that had the power, but did nothing to counter him. A second term for Mr Trump may be fatal to the dream that was America.
@Mike Duke Dream on TRUMPANZZE CRETIN,. BTW, you have also been BLOCKED & REPORTED.
@ned hall BLOCKED & REPORTED as TRUMPANZZE harassment by a Cretin.
He should’ve been removed as a candidate the minute he asked for Russia’s help on television at the end of his campaign.
@E L yes he did. Are you special??
@Kevin Willis Yes Trump does Rock!!!!!
It should be an anonymous vote.
Then we might see the truth.
if there is an anonymous vote, all of the republicans would vote to remove the illegitimate president. Not even FOX News would be able to spin that one. They’re a bunch of yellow bellies…caring only about their re-elections
Christina Denham Trump is already impeached. The Senate trial is for removal and conviction, not impeachment.
tina Haynes That means Trump is impeached.
Listen to Schiff then listen to Trump’s defense team: they are too busy yelling”squirrel”! They’re pathetic…
Pencil neck Adolf
Adam schiff, the guy who also said he had damning evidence Russian collusion. His basement hearings and the script he wrote for the whistleblower are treasonous
@VooDoo EXACTLY!!!!
When you don’t realize nasty peloci even said today that the impeachment inquiry started the day he was elected, I watched the speech Adam gave the full one and he looked like a clown
@Stacy Gagnon Trump needs to turn over what the House has asked for and also let the witnesses testify.
Bottom line. If there is nothing to hide why are they trying so hard to hide everything.
Watch “Putin Grand Gas Project Makes Sence Now” Ukraines pipeline controls the lions share of putins oil export. He needs it to get oil to europe. He would like to take over Ukraine.
The Democrat supporters only have the Corrupt Democrats to blame!
@W TF? your projecting just like trump. We know when trump says things like that he is really talking about himself.
@Steve -O … Wow, A comment right out of Lying Pencil Neck Adam Schitt’s playbook.
plus his only port to the black sea was in crimea;
Traitor boy and the GOP are circling the drain…
Nope. The demonrats are flushed. You lost.
@S M hahaha were exactly do you think those vote are going to come from, November stay tuned for the Democrats to take the senate and the president and the gop fade away trying to fight all there indictments
Steven Grotte you are proof that liberals don’t believe in freedom of speech
Traitor ? Did someone put US Secrets on their private server to be hacked? Yes.. that’s a traitor.
@Closeoutracer Hey Closeouttracer —Amen and Amen. And the media doesn’t say a WORD.
Chairman Schiff brought his A game. What an outstanding job. An excellent pick for a House Manager by Madam Speaker Pelosi.
Chairman Schiff could use more help: https://i.etsystatic.com/14557216/r/il/c6a179/2157212610/il_794xN.2157212610_3fmb.jpg
@BecauseICan That’s exactly right, democrats pushed an impeachment without evidence because they just can’t stand how much they hate Trump. Now they are scrambling to delay this trial as long as they can because they know they accused only on speculation.
Schiff is a lying clown …. Why did he do that phone call transcript falsification deal? Who was he trying to mislead ?? Schitz is pure sleeze.
Adam schiff looks like a meth baby
I’m humbled and grateful that Adam Schiff is a Democrat…
I love Schiff too. He is so compelling with this frivolous case against our president.
Amen to the “grateful” part at least lol #MAGA
Bolton’s new book is coming: “I wanted no part of the drug deal”.
If Bolton is subpoenaed I don’t believe he’ll comply.
It’s all going to come out, and when it does these Senate Republicans will have to explain their selves to the people!
@F Villa sorry no one cares what a brainless fool has to say!
Congressman Schiff speaks eloquently from his heart. Donnie can’t even read the teleprompter. Smh
@Roald Shakleton Obama did it to….. No EBT this month ya lowlife turd
@Justin Essick Obama did it to moron…. most every president has done worse then Trump, especially the best ones….. You know, the transformative ones like Lincoln.
Freedom & Liberty Bot It’s actually “Obama did it too, moron.” Just check your grammar before calling someone a moron, that’s funny. But saying “he did it too”, just proves my point. I said he did it. Nothing more, nothing less. So you agree with me, that he is guilty.
Washington Post gave Schiff a 4 Pinocchio rating … Worst liar possible rating. Glad you like him.
Thank you Chris Matthews for pointing out that very powerful statement from Adam Schiff.
Adam Schiff is about as “powerful” as a smelly pop corn fart
What was powerful about that?
Anyone else notice the irony of the Senators being threatened with imprisonment if they talk during the impeachment hearings, but not be threatened with imprisonment for betraying their country to keep Trump in office?
Why would it be a betrayal of the country to vote in favor based on nothing but hearsay evidence and confirmation bias? Despite the flavor of the kool-aid you people have been drinking for the last 3+ years, he was duly elected. If you hate Trump’s guts, fine. Vote him out in November. People might have taken this nonsense a little more seriously if all these same politicians haven’t been trying to kick the guy out of office since day one. But, yeah, keep telling yourself Trump is the one dividing the country lol.
It’s 100% obvious the republican senate are breaking their oaths and putting party before country at this juncture, I hope their minds will be changed.
@Tony Montana mang what don’t you get that Trump already rigged the 2020 elections in his favor already, did you not watch any of this impeachment at all, do you turn the channel when democrats state the evidence?
@Tony Montana mang and it’s the Republicans that are the ones drinking the cool aid!
Let me say this once again: Adam Schiff is a genius.
Hey Serie26, you have a dumb idea of what a “genius” is. He is nothing but a Lying sack of crap. Period.
In spite of the fact that all documents and witnesses were hidden by the Administration.
Beady eyes makes my skin crawl….. His voice makes listening to a leaf blower seem like a walk in the park. The guy is the sleaziest low life I’ve ever seen on tv.
Andrew S It’s sad you allowed yourself to be indoctrinated and gaslighted by a prolific liar, even worse that you believe the lies. His latest lie is the USA invented the wheel
@Kyomii Just goes to show a democrat watching fake news will never get the president they’d want.