Chris Krebs: Secure Election Comes From Years Of Planning | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Christopher Krebs, who led the federal government's election cybersecurity efforts and was fired from his post after rejecting Trump's claims of widespread voter fraud, joins Morning Joe to discuss Iranian efforts to incite violence against officials and election security. Aired on 12/23/2020.
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#ChrisKrebs #Election #MSNBC

Chris Krebs: Secure Election Comes From Years Of Planning | Morning Joe | MSNBC


  1. If 27 states used Dominion to conduct their elections, why are only 5 states in question? 🤔 Is it a one time deal, or does Faux News and News-minimum have to keep admitting they lied about Smartmatic and Dominion on every show?🤔

    1. Dude Dominion has filed a massive defamation lawsuit and y’all know FAUX and the other right wing nuts media pushing conspiracies becomes PUSSYCATS when they have to be held accountable with facts.

    2. @The Tweatles Sure. Even i will make a website saying Taylor swift is my wife and she will God willing be… My wife.

  2. Donny Boy, his administration, the retrumplican members of congress and others are intent on overthrowing the government and the democratic republic of the United States. Yet, very few people seem to care. I find this extremely disturbing. That so many of my fellow Americans, the people I fought for, have been so brainwashed that they cannot see what is happening.

    1. i agree but i also wonder why so many people who want changes keep sitting on there hands instead of making noise

    2. @James Quinlan Hey self proclaimed genius, are you aware right wing news sources retracted their voting fraud story? Keep believing what Trump tells you to believe while telling others to use their brain.

    3. @Jim River I think you missed his point. You both are on the same side hun. I believe his statement about the wonder bread and in breeding was making sarcastic fun of tRump and his crazy followers.

    1. @Mike Smith It’s one big family of EVIL. They protect each other and gas light the people they see as an enemy. He was a big player in the vast effort to steal America and MSCCP is doing their part to protect him because [They] are complicit. (All will be going down)

    2. @Fender 89 With minimum looking Fender it looks like he was hired during the Trump administration. That said, Trump has a history of bringing in known Deep State as he has more control and learns about them through their ‘performance’. Since he was fired at this point, I assume Trump wanted him on record for his claims of a clean election in spite of the overwhelming fraud. We are approaching a culmination of a massive disclosure of Deep State Fraud.

    1. @Duncan Dimond no there is evidence…. The only thing everyone questions if, if there is enough. “mass” and “systemic” is what is being questioned. And yes even CNN NYT BBC WP have it in their articles that there is “some” fraud.

    2. @Devo if it is fraud when democrates are elected on the same ballot as a republican, was does the republican vote count and not the democrate vote?

    3. @Duncan Dimond I dont know what vote should or should not count. Thats why they need to audit it right? The amount of accepted votes is far far higher than other election years. This is obviously because they where less critical in what counts and what not.

      There is evidence of fraud in favor of both sides. The machine mistakes and counting mistakes all only go 1 way. Is it enough to make a change? I highly doubt it, but still i would like to know our election is as fair as can be.

      America is 1 of the few countries that doesnt count by hand.

    1. @Peter Lorimer Trump said “THE BIGGEST WINNER OF OUR NEW DEFENSE BILL IS CHINA!. I WILL VETO!”. All the senators and congressmen who voted for this bill should resign or be charged with treason for selling out our country. Trump is Godsend to lead us to the path of eternal life. This is Trumpland, Trumpland is Godland. In Trump we trust, in Trump we worship, in Trump we united!

    2. @Ngoc Nguyen Yeah, China, Russia, Iran, Comrade Kim … they all do okay. America’s allies all get the bum-titty.

  3. The sooner we get that hateful liar out of the White House, the better off all the people of America and all the people of Planet Earth will be. Thank you, Mr. Krebs for the most fair and most free election in US history.


    1. @john smith – This account is probably 15 years old. LOL!! Stop trying to be the smartest person in the room. LOL!!

    2. @Dressy Dressy – what tears? You’re a Nazi. I’m not crying, I’m going to war, asshle! 😆 🤣 😂 you’re too stupid to know what’s happening to you

    1. @SirTroll We the people have a constitution right & duty to Abolish a Corrupted government at all cost..
      Civil war two So yes we can do something about it.. there will be a no Biden President..enjoy your stupidity..

    2. @Mike Smith that’s supposed to scare us? We can have that gun confiscated under the law as your comment can be interpreted as malicious intent

  4. But the same guy who said he was a billionaire and desperately needs monthly donations said the election was rigged. Now, I don’t know what to believe!

    1. @Paufit don’t even bother with these people man 😂😂😂 they all live in a state of delusional anything against him is fake

  5. The old ways are still the best – Paper ballots.
    I’m not just surprised because many great engineers build complex systems but use simple technologies

  6. Republicans are notorious for bellyaching about high taxes, yet they willingly allow themselves to be bilked out of money to line a billionaire’s pockets

  7. See how far rhetoric can poison decency. This man simply did his job over a course of years and reported his findings. When your affiliation’s go to move is violence as the prescription for everything, please rethink soul and tribe. Please. 🙏

  8. Ok, let’s stop indulging the craziness. This is exactly what trump does, and I am not going to miss this tactic once he’s out!

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