Gordon Sondland's testimony reveals Trump was, without question, demanding a quid pro quo from Ukraine. Aired on 11/05/19.
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Chris Hayes: Yes, There Was A Quid Pro Quo | All In | MSNBC
Isn’t lying under oath
A crime????
@Tyrease Boyzer
I’m sorry, but only mainstream media viewers are this dumb! These videos will probably go over your head. It takes common sense and comprehension.
Watch “Truth History is Shocking – Michael & the Gabriels” on YouTube
A few of Obama’s (Communist) friends…
Watch “Obama’s open mic slip on missile defense system” on YouTube
Watch “Democrats Deep Ties To Russia & Ukraine Corruption!” on YouTube
Watch “Barack Obama’s Pretty Words Are Lies That Hide His Reprehensible Actions” on YouTube
@Lonnie Beal lol ur just mad because donald trump going be impeached
@Lonnie Beal idk how many times trumps going lie?
thought criminal quit deflecting, this is about the trumptilians getting caught in their meds.
American Pride they lost the Montgomery mayoral race also. Never elected an African-American in 200yrs.
The fear of spending the rest of your life in prison would refresh anyone’s memory.
@Nolan James Yes, the “deep state” mind-melded with him, made him lie about an incriminating fact pattern for the administration, AND THEN! Tricked him into revising his testimony to admit the incriminating fact pattern that had already been supported by 5 other witnesses… and the White House itself. Are you high?
All you need is a little dirt on Clinton and you wouldn’t have to worry about it
@Zachary McGuirk maybe smarty and goddess don’t realize Rudy Giuliani wasn’t confirmed by the US Senate and therefor wasn’t authorized by the government to have any overseas dealings.
Just listening to him, I want to give a smack over his head, the “quip pro Quo”
Smarty Mcfly Negotiating for US interests was Biden’s job. Sacrificing US interests for personal political gain is Trump’s crime.
Eric Ross I suppose anyone who believes in US democracy would care.
@Omar Wilson Oh is that what were calling extortion for your sons personal gain now? Biden didn’t bribe them with our money to investigate corruption but to STOP investigating corruption. The President had a conversation with a world leader that was elected in part to end corruption in Ukraine. That Biden name came up in association with PAST corruption should not be a surprise or ignored. BTW President Trump has lost hundred of millions of dollars in net worth since taking office. So the personal gain bit is a real joke.
Eric Ross Patriots, specifically.
Amazing how the thought of prison refreshes a person’s memory
It’s like they told him what to say or he might hang himself in prison
It’s so weird seeing you npc’s communicate outside the echo chambers of Twitter.
So many paid Russian comment-trolls!!!
I wonder if they’re tired of winning yet? So much winning… And yet simultaneously always the victims. Yikes.
Take a shot Everytime “quid pro quo” is said
I dont want to die
K.dne. nowww wt due yi wan mw top do?
ET Nem
I’d empty the bottle in one go if they would just keep calling it in plain english what it was: EXTORTION and BRIBERY
I’ve been gone for two weeks….what’s going on

Trump lying, squirming like a pig. Same old, same old.
Guiliani is next
Trump supporters failing to understand the situation because Fox is telling them everything is ok. Seriously, look at literally anyone defending him in the comments, there’s so much misinformation it’s silly. They’re arguing about whether or not it’s quid pro quo like a murderer would try to argue he used a knife rather than a gun and therefore didn’t break the law.
@Bub Dub sometimes they work a legit spin. They’re clever. But most of the panel has zero qualifications. MSNBC has Pulitzer prize journalists, Harvard educated and educators, ex CIA and former FBI. I love Nance and Tribe. Outside of Nepolitano and Wallace they SOUND like bullshitters. So is the problem Fox or Americas inability to call a bullshitter a bullshitter?
someone pulled sondland aside and asked him “how many years of prison would you like to do for trump?”…..he sudenley remembered what he forgot.
Watch “Ep. 1104 What Really Happened Yesterday. The Dan Bongino Show 11/6/2019.” on YouTube
@Bub Dub sorry but Biden is corrupt to his core and running for president doesn’t give him immunity from investigation or prosecution.
Lobbyist BlueStar contacted the state department in behalf of Burisma stating the investigation should be shut down and they have two Americans on the mentioning Hunter Biden by name this was only 1 month before Biden the father threatened to withhold 1 Billion dollars if they didn’t fire the prosecutor. #FactsMatter
@Crystal Giddens Trump is going to jail for this, and you know it.
@Tim Birch keep holding your breath

Hahahahaha, unreal!!
O That quid pro quo! Now I remember
lol so many of them that he could not remember which one trump was being impeached for
@Polaris Zene except Trump is not being impeached. Propaganda to smear a candidate is all this is.
@Mark wow are you blind….is the kool aid good?
When did Rachel madddow start wearing glasses? She looks much better in this video.
Maddow is a buffoon wrapped in her bias cacoon. She looks ignorant no matter what she wears.
Trump: I’ll send you your quid if you give me that quo I need.
Zelensky: Sorry, but the Russians hold all your quos. I’m sure you already knew that.
jb pb Haha! You think I’m going to watch your YouTube videos and believe them over every journal I posted! That’s adorable! Sit down, chief.
@Bub Dub
I don’t expect complete block heads to be open to the truth. I leave videos because I’m not going to type a full page of information.
I rarely spend my time reading more than 1 paragraph.
You are a typical blockhead! Ha! Ha!
@jb pb Calling me a blockhead in the same comment saying you don’t read more than a paragraph? Bold move Cotton, we’ll see if it pays off! I’m sure you’re _very_ informed on the matter
@Bub Dub
3 years of investigating has given me more insight than I ever expected and some things I wish weren’t true. I was blindly a Democrat for 30+ years. I switched to Independent after President Clinton. It still took me some time to grasp all the evil and corruption in our government.
It started after the assassination of JFK. And Trump is not part of the corruption.
jb pb Very cool, thanks for sharing!
Sondland has undergone a major metamorphosis: From “Selective Memory” to “TOTAL RECALL!” Happy Thanksgiving! Nudge…Nudge…wink…wink!
@brave sir robin : Thanks. [I first had continuous tense…”is undergoing” and then changed my mind.]
“I spent $1M and all I got was this lousy Orange Jumpsuit.”
And now our taxpayer dollars at work protecting an ex POtus
Dimwitted mafioso Don” Tutti Frutti” Trump keeps digging himself deeper in the hole with the help of his sidekick reptilian Guiliani.
Yes, Mitchie, there is corruption in the White House and everywhere else the president’s tentacles reach.
The best business decision: Write off the 1 million dollars, avoid criminal charges and step down as ambasador to the EU.
He will step down once the impeachment is over and there will be no replacement. That is why there were all these State Department people in Ukraine, the usual millionaire ambassadors don’t want to taint their brand with Trump association and now you can add the possibility of being involved in Trump criminal corruption.
“Oh, take the keys and lock Trump up, lock Trump up, lock Trump up! Oh, take the keys and lock Trump up! He’s…a…traitor!”
I would like to know why Rudy has not been arrested.
Oh I am pretty sure it is coming. Rudy is a lot of doo doo and it just keeps getting deeper and deeper. The stench is overwhelming.
They should not let him back in the country
It is hilarious to read these comments from mental midgets.
You are so wrong and so far behind on the truth, you would be hard pressed to catch up.
Watch “The Deep State CABAL Is Real And Wants TRUMP GONE! | Huckabee” on YouTube
Watch “Democrats Deep Ties To Russia & Ukraine Corruption!” on YouTube
Trump running the White House like his own personal business…
Sondland: “Oh, you meant THAT quid pro quo?! THAT one? Yeah, that happened. In fact, I delivered it.”