The E.U. has banned travelers from the U.S. due to its skyrocketing coronavirus cases. The Trump administration has snubbed help from other countries and refused to cooperate with other nations looking for a vaccine. The COVID-19 epidemic in the U.S. isn’t just devastating people within our country – commentators argue it’s also damaging America’s standing in the world. They say the U.S. is losing out on innovation, talent and economic benefits by failing to curb infection. Aired on 7/2/2020.
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Chris Hayes: Trump’s COVID-19 Failures Make U.S. An Object Of Pity Around The World | MSNBC
Trump: Covid-19 will magically disappear
Covid-19: Hold my beer
now his saying we have to live with it.
World You can’t ban people from coming into your country but we can because our president isn’t Trump and when we do it it’s not racist

You all enjoying the Trump Rushmore show? I am
Let’s build a wall around the White House?
@Kevin Soler If so, you’re taking time out to go trolling along on this MSNBC video. (answer, no way I would be caught dead in a parking lot watching a Trump rally)
quan Brooklyn kid truth hurts right?
Please keep the borders between Canada and USA closed
But I want out of America!
@Brian Olendorf If you really did you would’ve illegally crossed the border to claim asylum.
@Paul Z
Just not feeling real American these days LOL!
I’m not crossing the border, at least any time soon.
Currently Canada is considering keeping the boarder closed for the next 1yr.. It has massive overwhelming support… Tired of winning yet??
What about Mike Myers and Norm McDonald? Bring em Home!!
The problem is that no one told us what winning will look like. For instance, I didn’t know that winning included being banned from Europe and other countries.
Canada, keep your border closed indefinitely until the US controls the pandemic and clean up their horrible shambolic mess. Same move made here in the ASEAN countries including my homeland
, even if they come from Hawaii and Guam.
I would rather have any people other than the Americans. I’m a Canadian
Yes, please do! Canada doesn’t deserve an american visiting your beautiful country!
We aren’t laughing at you, just feel very sorry for you. It’s more a case of bewilderment that so many people still support a leader that does not care about them all.
Chris Taylor give me one example of him showing any care for something that benefits anyone but himself. There’s nothing. His bs is just that. You don’t have to believe “fake news” as he calls anything not fawning over him. The information is everywhere. You’ve been paying for his 36 holes of golf at his resorts that charge exorbitant prices for everyone with him yet you think he gives a crap? That’s delusional
Red You don’t exist, shut up.
Cuz people just vote for Republicans Or democrats they don’t vote for the person you need to stop worry about the party system the persons in and find out about the person they voting for
@Lars Jones mass sterilization of trumpists is the only answer. Lol
No we aren’t laughing at you, just feel very sorry for you. Especially with Biden being your only other choice . I mean we all know Trump’s a moron , but Biden ? Good luck with that .
The “Infected States of America” is the new world tag! VOTE FOR CHANGE!
@Girl Friday Look around you dummy! You are surrounded! It’s coming even to MT
My friends, just put a mask and practise social distancing… stop blaming your President. He’s can’t make Covid 19 go away but you can…
Infected States of A$$holes
@Giselle Morales Becky? Is that a new thing? I can’t keep up with this stuff. I’ll bite. What is a Becky? And yes I know but stupid people can be influenced. Start mask shaming.
@April the Cat Esquire I’m not American either. I also blame their government but obviously the government isn’t being responsible, so the people will have to be. Or the rest of us are screwed because they can’t be contained forever.
i’m so tired of having to do this vote him out come november TRADER TRUMP
Dont you meen traitor trump. He has knowingly allowed this to happen and can be charged with murder.
It would be hilarious, in an epic fail type of way, if Canada and Mexico closed their borders to the US.
Canada has already closed the border to the USA, since March.
It’s not so hilarious. The border into Canada is closed to Americans. Mexico may follow suit.
Trump was right. He said that he would stop the world laughing at America. He succeeded. For 3 years we laughed at you. Now we pity you.
@PAUL ROLLINGS The price of too much freedom and spoiled brats. I am Hawaiian.
@Sandy C you are right but do you really think that the election is going to be fair??? Look at 2016 and now Trumpski is desperate,if he don’t win it’s over for him and maybe family and business…don’t hear the Dems talking about that either and November is approaching fast ..the Dems are way to soft, way to careful,way to scared of 2016 happens again..Trumpski is not gonna fight fair and I.m afraid Trumpski has a surprise and the Dems are taken by surprise…
@Sandy C We have a long road to travel to get back on our feet again. On top of that, a horrific history to tell about this country and it’s people.
Vote blue to get it back!
“So much winning” I’m sick
how about you. Vote for anyone but the MAGA Moron Treasonous Trump.
Unrealistic to elect a clown as your president then expect him to cope during a crisis.
We have to recognize that trump has won the immigration fact : no body wants to come to the US no more
He’s an accidental genius! Make the country so undesirable, nobody wants to visit.
not only no one want to come to u.s also no one will accept american anywhere in the world…
When they were giving out brains Trump thought they said grains and said “I don’t need any”……

He has his nuggets, his stomach would be confused if he suddenly gave her something healthy like grains.
If brain’s were dynamite, trump wouldn’t have enough to blow his own nose
And Americas was like: Trump for president!! USA USA USA.
Didn’t America just break another record for cases
Americans literally have a nickname these days
. Just imagine how embarrassing that is .
We hit a record 50,000+ in a single day. Just because people here are so ignorant and think their rights and freedom are being taken away. It’s a sad time for us here in the states.
Yeah all the liberal lowlife trash out rioting helped spread it. Dumbfucks
I mean props to them for fighting for people of color . They would die trying mad respect . Everyone here can go outside when ever we want to , as long as we wear a mask . Wasn’t it your president the one who didn’t like mask
he told the whole world that it was going to go away like that and He said to lower testing ?
he also gathered his dumb supporter into one room . What a circus , he’s the owner and y’all are the circus act
the president of the republicans
Finally, MSM is beginning to get it right:
We don’t laugh at America. People like Trump may „laugh“ because tens of thousands abroad are dying. We are shaking our heads at Trump’s stupidity. But we certainly aren’t laughing at this inexcusable death toll.
I find it strangely satisfying that Canada could be saying, “build that wall” to our dear President. Oh the irony.
Gord Campbell

Actually I think we the people of Canada might volunteer to build that wall. It’s not Zombies I’m afraid of or the boogie man, it’s our neighbor the USA. Please stay home and leave us alone.
I wonder how all these people who were yelling about immigration now feel when they are the ones that nobody wants in their country
No wall neaded, just stay out of Canada please.
@sylvain paquin Canada wants Americans to please stay home………Trumpturds NO!!
How is it that McDonalds requires a higher level of competency to keep the job than the presidency does
? Someone please explain that to me??
Well I think we need a non partisan commission to lay out competency requirements for all government positions.
McDonald’s runs its businesses like a country, and Donald runs his country like his businesses; into the ground.
@Kizza unfortunately that’s spot on
Please tell me there’s at least a rule that the president has to be a _human?_
Because I know that a _goat_ got elected mayor in Fair Haven, Vermont…
well it all has to do with money, you pay them off you become president, ez
Many US citizens are like spoiled little brats. “Iam not wearing no mask”
@Chris Gascoigne Exactly. Many Americans are only thinking about what they want and dont want to do and totally subconsciously say” screw your health” to those family members and friends they go around
It’s our choice if y’all that scared stay home… There’s dangers of constantly wearing a mask. OSHA has rules against those masks as well in the box it has a warning sign. Yeah many of us choose not be to be sheeple. How well those masks work for China ? Not well at all considering they were dropping too… Smh
@Chris Gascoigne”like president, like his people”
Also you can believe the altered numbers if you like .
Butterfly Effect: Golden shower in Moscow. Dead American soldiers in Afghanistan.
I love how you see the connection despite the long distance between cause and result. Some people (especially his supporters) are so stupid to see the indirect relationships.
Imagine Trump having a hissyfit about who he doesnt want in his country…..our how the tables have turned.
Lol! Love how you’re comparing apples to record players as if you’ve got a point.
Princess 20-Sided Die Lol no one wants to go to America anymore. So good job to your president. He got what he wanted.
Lol. Quite true. No one wants to go to a poorly run country. He’s doing to us what he did to his casino.
How will he trade in wife’s for the new models!?!
“So much winning” I’m sick
how about you. Vote for anyone but the MAGA Moron Treasonous Trump.
The education system in America needs to do better! The fact that half of American is fooled by a con man says alot! America the dumb!
Yep! It must be the entertainment world, too much fun and not enough serious, contemplation on being smart and wise. Another words, Americans gone soft.
Exactly! That is the core of the problem. Our “educational” system was intentionally designed to put out good workers.