“As we sit down for Thanksgiving this week, a lot of us, thanks to the pandemic, are farther from our families than we would like. But while we prepare smaller meals this year, it is important to remember where all that food comes from,” says Chris Hayes, giving thanks to essential farm workers during the pandemic. Aired on 11/25/2020.
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Chris Hayes delivers the biggest news and political stories of the day with a commitment to in-depth reporting that consistently seeks to hold the nation's leaders accountable for their actions. Drawing from his background as a reporter, Hayes at times reports directly from the scene of a news event as it occurs to provide a firsthand account, digging deep and speaking with people who represent different points of view. Hayes brings the nation's officials, legislators, policymakers, and local activists to the table to address key issues affecting communities across America.
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#EssentialWork #Pandemic #MSNBC
Chris Hayes: This Is What Essential Work Looks Like | All In | MSNBC
thank you farm workers for keeping us alive.
I appreciate everything they do! They make way more than me and I am an essential worker!
@Baybarb27 I didn’t say they didn’t deserve any praise, pls read my comment again… I make less than that and work under extreme stress providing people with electricity, propane, wood and utilities… Imagine someone freezing in their house with kids and it’s up to me to get them heat for their home.. now try to imagine about 50 of those all at once.. I am not saying they work harder than I do.. what I am saying there is something wrong with the system and wages where we make chump change and work in these conditions. I love my job, but not anybody can do it..
@jlbueno0611 Don’t assume you know what you’re talking about,, because you don’t..
@Toni Martin re read my comment, do it slowly,take your time understanding it…
@jlbueno0611 yes re-read it… and still you have no idea what I do .. and what you’re talking about with my work. pls explain….
@Toni Martin you right Toni
thanks for the work you do you hero
Strange & Scarry..bring us knowledge & unity Chris…good news here ty
Thanks for showing this! No health care for these people! Can you believe this!
YES !!!!
Conservatives think free healthcare is socialism
Thank you for enlightening us. These are the kind of humans we should be truly thankful for.
@Randy Gibbons – I agree. But it’s TPTB who are preventing this. *Is America Becoming a Third World Country? | Robert Reich* – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q0dQAUb22WA&list=PLYm3v2BAFX3bZJ9u_ypMeTfd8IxpFokwL&index=120&t=7s
For every person driving around in a $50,000 car and earning $80,000 a year in your beautiful home – watch this video and whine that ‘people are stealing your job.’ I dare you.
@h k Democrats love socialism, always have.
@David Schlessinger show me a school bus driver driving around in a $50,000 car on a $80,000 above average salary living in a beautiful house. Your link doesn’t even support your original comment.
@ako tairi That’s because I was responding to the sentiment about the person’s question and not the original comment. And please don’t even try to claim sticking to the original comment matters anymore, moron. You started bringing up China’s efforts during the Clinton years, Obama and an opioid epidemic, Imbecile. You’re all over the place. Please, stick to making sand castles.
@ako tairi oh, really? then how come I don’t see any of the Republican politicians be saying “i don’t like this free socialized healthcare Im getting. Im gonna pay for it on my own”?
Trump’s Essential in Golf games Only…
We need to sacrifice ourselves for a minute and not be so selfish. God bless America
@Jordan connely God has nothing to do with it. Humans can be very selfish..
God hates America.
Everything America does is an insult to Christianity.
Free will choice was given to us, as humans. Destroy or create. I’m not a socialist or a liberal. Just another human
@TheChiefEng christianity as interpreted by man is judgment. My God does not judge brother.

Kudos Chris. You’re covering some important stories these days.
Between Chris and David Pakman, good reporting, good commentary.
Very very hard workers. The kind Trump does not want to shake hands with. They all do a job that no one else wants to. Thank you for your hard work.
Pfft…trump doesn’t want to shake hands with anyone who isn’t wearing at least $500 shoes.
And they are payed peanuts. It’s about time they get a living wage instead of slave wages
Do they get minimum wage? They would here in the U.K.
@Carolyn Westlake Most seem to be paid by volume. The beet harvester that’s featured can gross around $19 hr. Decent money if you can do the work.
Forgotten Heroes. Meanwhile The Senate is on break. Wake up people, Wake up!
Forgotten pawns, fixed it for ya
the senate is on a “much needed break” because of all the “hardwork” they did lol
I know. And during a national crisis!
If Americans knew the truth they wouldn’t discriminate as much as they do, and throughout history most of the hate comes from politicians both sides
Slavery was never abolished, they just changed the way they went about it. When you work full time for a non livable wage it’s slavery.
Perfectly said
True they need shut down for not helping theses people
Capitalism is a system where MAJORITY cant prosper. Why would majority support such system oh yeah. American dream
Capitalism allow slave to become slave owners
Kudos for mentioning the invisible workers in the USA Chris.
Stfu lemming
@First Last
You couldn’t make a turnip shut up if you tried, weakling.
@TheChiefEng Eh, you’d be surprised
Chris is right. No farm workers no produce in stores or restaurants etc. I didn’t even think of that. Wow.
Really, how did you think your veggies end up in our grocery stores ? WOW !
@Gypsy Gypsy farm workers along with hospital staffers getting it first. Farm workers are triple essential.
@Lovely Day
100% I’m 58 I remember working out in the grape vineyards 9-10 yrs old we only did it for one season, never again. RESPECT TO MY LATIN BROTHERS AND SISTERS…..
And no food of any kind. with out those farm workers the grocery store shelves would be empty. They do it all
If republicans can’t even wear a mask out of respect for the first responders they claim to care so much about….they ain’t gonna spare a single thought on latino workers harvesting their turnips.
And is that your personal excuse for why we shouldn’t do anything? Or corporate propaganda you’ve been sold, about how prices just go up if people are paid well… Prices go up because corporations inflate them deliberately every year to gouge customers for more money every year, on average five percent, and wages haven’t gone up to match them in my lifetime.
I’m in my mid forties and I made more economic buying power as a teenager in pay back when wages were three dollars an hour, and someone working full time could rent a room on that…
Now multiple people share single bedroom apartments on minimum wage for lifetimes, because people claim its too hard to pay a living wage.
Wal-Mart for example pays minimum wage to millions of workers who get part time jobs because they don’t hire for full time, no benefits because they’re part time, and their employees need government assistance programs to get by… That’s paid for by taxpayers…
Amazon is just as bad. Besos makes trillions, while his workers can’t ever save up for a down payment on a house.
America’s national food security depends on immigrant workers that do hard jobs from13 to 15 hour work days to keep us fed affordably.
It actually is possible to pay them decent wages without food prices skyrocketing… the farmworkers’ pay has hardly any effect on the crop price to the consumer.
Here’s a thought: people like these good farmers should be getting a CEO’s pay because they feed the nation.
You can be for greedy farmers, I’m for AMERICA
who is taking whos job??? Who else is lining up for these jobs???
Many of these are the “gangsters, rapists, and drug dealers” that Trump and his GOP wanted to protect America from. Most of us wouldn’t last a single day doing that work and these are the people Trump and his spoiled brats look down on and consider themselves superior to.