Chris Hayes responds to the feedback he received after covering the accusations against Former Vice President Joe Biden. Aired on 05/01/2020.
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Chris Hayes Responds To Biden Assault Denial And #FireChrisHayes | All In | MSNBC
He did it because back when it happend her mother went on a radio talk show and told what happend to her daughter. The radio interview is still on you tube. Look it up and be your own judge!
@Erick Young just stating that there is a posibilty that it happend? After looking at some old footage of him sniffing women and lil girls hair and weird things like that my guess is it’s probably true but that’s just my opinion sorry if I hurt any feeling with my thoughts.
@Valerie See It was never “believe all women.” It’s “believe women.” It means letting people know that when they come forward, they will be heard. They’ll be listened to and be given the benefit of the doubt. And their allegations will be vetted. Not every allegation moves forward, because not ever allegation is credible, and not every allegation is verifiable. Reade came forward with various versions of her* story. She was listened to, and she was found to be not credible. There’s a reason no serious investigative journalist moved forward with this mess. *the story matches a scene from her dead father’s novel. Really.
Neonazis are on the right… clearly you dont remember Charlottesville. And yes they did investigate and the reality today is once Biden called her bluff and said “go ahead look at the records” … she now says she never filed a complaint
@sfdoctorp what happend in Charlottesville is that where he was letting lil kids rub his leg hair in the pool?
@Maria G. I’m fine. I just don’t like the politician pedophile and all the corrupt stuff he has done to the American people and now he joined up with Crooked Hillary? The American people are really going to get F’d up now if he makes pedophile President.
Twitter represents a small portion of society, stop listening to it.
Eric Smith “but….but my narrative!” Said every modern lefter lol
Colin Cleveland lol I love hearing from you guys that try to convince others twitter and other Silicon Valley Cali companies are not liberal and left leaning ….as they silent conservatives, ban them for not using pronouns, threaten to ban Trump from using it, and my my the lest just goes on
@Data My Girlfriend That was President Obama accomplishment and trump managed to ruin that as well.
I support and believe All fellow Women , whether they are Rep or Dem ; just so happens Tara is a Lifelong Democrat
Oh no lots of people voice their opinions on twitter, you must not use twitter.
How is her explaining the way he touched/assaulted her “changing the story?”
@Joseph Willis so because no one paid her attention she added details to her account to gain said attention?
That’s lying dummy.
Considering that’s not what she did you should probably read how she changed it. She said the touches were not sexual the first time. Thats a clear as day statement. How do you confuse non sexual with a finger in your dussy?
@Brainjock Well, I didn’t see that part – why would the people bringing out the story not discuss that – kind of defeats the purpose, no? You just have to watch Joe smelling women’s hair, and massaging them to KNOW he was politician who believed he was in a position of entitlement. You wouldn’t want him near your daughter, even today.
@Joseph Willis I would have Biden around my daughters any day. Trump? Now that’s a perverted old fk.
@Brainjock To be honest, they are both bad – and the question of “degree” has no bearing here.
LOL!!! Bidens interview did not go well at all. This feels like damage control to me.
@sfdoctorp He made it clear he didnt want anyone looking at those documents at the University of Delaware. The last 3 minutes of the interview looked very bad for him.
@sfdoctorp You didn’t even listen to the interview. It’s all about orange man bad in your tiny brain.
I listened to every word of the interview and watched every credible analysis of it. The tiny brain is yours … no matter what he does, it will never be good enough … that is how the cultists work … everything is a conspiracy. If he opens up his U of Delaware docs … they will scream bias of the reviewers. If FBI looks at it … it will be “deep state”. If we invent a time machine and send people back, it will be those “liberals and their fake science”. These are the same people that tried to assert Trump was more of a feminist than Hillary
No matter what he does … it will never be enough, because of cultists on both sides. Let’s say he gives the green light on those docs … they will blame the reviewers. Say the FBI investigates .. then “deep state”. We could invent a time machine, still “liberal science … how do we really know”. These are same folks that said Trump is more of feminist than Hillary.
There is also the fact that Reade called on him to release the records in the archives … and now says she never filed a complaint.
Your attitude was different with Kavanaugh
A boy scout btw, d mocrats are dirty cops, PERIOD*
Kavanaugh was a creepy fratboy.
Joe was just being Joe.
You never said Anything about Tara Reade mother calling into the Larry King show and now Google/CNN has removed that segment – to me that is an outright cover up –
Proper So what? It’s entirely relevant to the story. If Tara Reade claims that it was her mother than it’s evidence of what may have happened that day. And removing that segment suggests a cover up.
There were at least 80 male senators at the time .. and all she said was work. She didnt say sexual assault or sexual harassment. Reade one day said she quit … the other day said she was fired because she filed a complaint. She demanded that biden release the archives. He did … and now she says “I never filed a complaint”
@sfdoctorp <--rapey boomer dumbass
Tara Reade said the woman who called Larry King was her mother but can someone else verify that? More investigations are needed.
@tooran oroojnia This isn’t about Trump, pay attention. Unless you are one of those people who are here with the argument of my guy is less rapey than yours. Pathetic
He sounds just like Bill Clinton when he said he had no sexual relations with that woman. Sounds about right with the dnc.
what does that have to do with this? Biden isn’t Clinton, Reade isn’t Lewinsky
@Smitty’s Sports and Politics I think he’s implying that it’s likely they both lied.
It’s funny how some people are more upset at Chris for covering the story instead of Biden
The most remarkable thing about the Tara Reade allegation is the hypocrisy of the Democrats and their fake news media. They’ve suddenly moved the goalposts of determining guilt now that a Democrat has been accused. Surely nobody can deny this.
@Dog Poo Fairy so true , most Americans recognize the Hypocrisy and Double Standards of the Democrats
#WALKAWAY from the Democrats Socialist Plantation, see thru the Manipulation and #WALKAWAY
@Althenia Bailey Blue MAGA member?
@Althenia Bailey The cover up is always worse than the crime. This lady has been saying the same story for 30 years.
I believe Tara just as I did Dr Ford.
This isn’t bipartisan.
Investigate it!
Kern Albert Citation?
Don’t be dense, use common sense. They are not going to announce an investigation in the middle of a pandemic, no one is going to pay attention to it, but common sense should tell you that if they were willing to strong arm the Ukraine for information on Biden, then they are talking to Reade and all the people she said she talked to, which is what an investigation is.
Nancy Mesek I don’t know whether Ford’s accusation was true or false so my opinion of him had nothing to do with her accusation. Brett Kavanaugh was a Partisan Hack & a Corporate Shill recommend by the Evil Federalist Society. He was unqualified for the job as SCOTUS period.
I will only believe Tara Reade once she shows the written complaint she claims she filled and it states Biden put his hand up her skirt; until then I have to believe that these accusations are false, especially since she change story (when Biden announce his candidacy & when he was the apparent winner) & on her Twitter Page it says she was supporting Bernie Sanders.
Tbh even if it is true, which I doubt, I’m still going to vote for Biden if he’s the Dem nominee because 30 million people have lost their jobs & 60,000+ have died from COVID. To me those issues are more important than Tara Reade’s assault that supposedly happened 25+ years ago.
we have to face the reality that getting to the truth is impossible at this point. the real story is the media cover up of the story.
Except for the part where Blasey Ford was exposed for being a complete fraud and never even accused Kavanaugh of anything nearly as bad as what Joe Biden is accused of to begin with. You should go check the facts of that case because they don’t look good for Ford. This is a different story entirely especially since her mom went on Larry King alluding to this back in the 90s.
Wait… now it’s not to believe all women? Of course not?
jmiogo No, you shouldn’t just believe all women. Women lie just like men do. As the 5th & 14th amendment in the constitution requires Due Process. You are innocent until proven guilty—not the other way around.
@New Blue 2 democrats said Kavanaugh was guilty even if he was innocent.
@New Blue 2 , He was being sarcastic to highlight the hypocrisy of the democrats.
@New Blue 2 cosby got no due process
@Sam Steffen I totally agree, and it was wrong.
Personally I think he’s innocent until proven guilty like all other heinous crimes. However, the real story is the bias behind Democrat’s regarding the MeToo Movement and certainly how Biden is looking more and more like a worn out tool in interviews.
Except he’s not being persecuted for a crime, he’s running for high office and people have to choose who to vote for.
Glenn Noynay yup
Brainjock Joe Biden said during the Brett Kavanaugh controversy to presume the woman is telling the truth, “whether or not she forgets the facts, whether or not it’s been made worse or better over time”. Biden now has to eat those words.
TBH All you have to do is watch the videos of him groping little girls and listen to the congresswoman that accused him recently, look at the corroborating evidence Reade has, and you’ll see it’s fairly obvious that he’s got something going on .
Says “no” as he nods his head.
@Lamesama , Looks like you pwned Vlodec AGAIN.
@Peter Cann- The head nod is an assertive reflex of his understanding the question, nothing more.
@Liche Christ Is it? who knows? I saw a detailed analysis of the whole interview by a legal professional. Seems he was displaying many signs that indicate guilt, Im not an expert but apparently some experts are willing to dispute his honesty…………………………… Perhaps the real tragedy of this is that many dems are willing to even go and say publicly, that they dont care if Biden is guilty or not, just that hes not as bad as Trump. Imagine what kinda of message that is sending to all those victimized women out there for one thing.
What a tone shift from kavanaugh to Biden
@Jordan wow jordan, I see you are defending biden on every thread. Are you a paid dnc operative?
What shift? Are you kidding? How about the calls for an fbi investigation or the congressional hearing? At a minimum lets have the round table discussions on msnbc and cnn
@Jordan Right on.
Biden did nothing wrong.
@Jordan Innocent until proven guilty. They say that Biden plagiarised a speech by Neil Kinnock, but how do we know that Kinnock didn’t plagiarise Biden?
Biden is NO creeper.
@Mars Tru like all the investigations made into the 32 accusers of POTUS the pig… Yeah, ok piglet!
give me a break He was someone getting a job for a lifetime, secondly women came out and third there were no inconsistency with story and Joe Biden has said the independent media can investigate the allegation lastly her timing of coming out with these allegations is kind of suspicious
So where are all the protesters that were screaming “het hey ho ho Kavanaugh has got to go”? Hypocrites.
You see? You didn’t even have to think too hard to come up with comparative credibility. Maybe the simplest answer is the truth..
pr0xZen is by that logic trump was voted not to be a sexual predator by the American people yes ?
Sexual predation has zero to do with prOx’s point. His only contention is that the people vote for President more directly than they do for SC Justices. Therefore, the conclusion can be drawn that the people are okay (or don’t believe) with Trump’s allegations and with Biden’s if he is elected, but the jury is still out (pun intended) on Kavanaugh.
@pr0xZen WOW, really. So it is being fair to Kavanaugh ? Who is the fair? How can anyone be so disgusting that they wrote this. It doesn’t matter what position they are going for. It was clear what the Dems standards were. Believe all women. Period. This has zero to do with any of the BS you just wrote. This is about hypocrisy and power. The Dems only protested Kavanaugh for power. They even admitted it. Pelosi herself said “anyone” being put in a powerful public office should be investigated if allegations as Ford’s are levied. You are the reason the metoo movement is dead. Trying to justify the Kavanaugh scam vs the Biden allegation is disgusting at best. If he was applying to be a janitor or POTUS shouldn’t matter. The Dems made it clear, believe all women. Now it is believe all women unless it is Joe Biden. That is exactly what Pelosi said when asked. I don’t need a lecture and “because it’s Joe Biden”. Imagine if the GOP said, we don’t need a lecture and it’s Brett Kavanaugh. Yes, Joe Biden. The one with 7 complaints last year from women he made uncomfortable with, drum roll, touching and kissing. What did Reade accuse him of. Touching and kissing. Your arguement is wrong, it is hypocritical and it is disgusting. Period!
What about the Larry King interview with Tara’s mother?
@Ewald BrackoSo how well do you know Tara Reade? Would you be willing to swear under oath that you know for sure that Reade is not lying now and has never lied in her life? If so you must know her well. I know neither Reade nor Joe Biden, but I do know that Biden has been vetted for over 40 years as a public figure. If true I’d like to know how the Obama presidential campaign missed this, especially given that he had many others he could have chosen from to be his VP.
So you say that there is no evidence that Reade is lying. But then you have no real evidence that Joe Biden is lying. When it’s a matter of one party’s word over another then the the burden of proof is on the accuser. Otherwise anybody can accuse anybody of anything at any time and we’re supposed to automatically believe the accusation. So this is why we’re focusing on Reade’s story. Sorry, she didn’t just add details to her original story as many victims of sexual assault do, she actually went back and REMOVED and SUBSTITUTED words from her original statement therefore materially changing her story. And no victim would have to REMOVE and SUBSTITUTE words from her or his original statement because the truth doesn’t change. Just let that sink in for a moment.
Regarding Reade’s brother, do you know for sure he was asked and confirmed that it was Reade’s mother’s voice heard on the Larry King Show? I don’t make such assumptions (including the assumption that Reade and her brother share the same mother). And I’d really like to know why on the day when Reade’s brother was interviewed by the press he didn’t state that he recollected Reade telling him that she was sexually assaulted by Biden? At the interview he was asked what his sister had shared with him some 27 years ago about her relationship with Joe Biden, Just in case you didn’t know,So how well do you know Tara Reade? Would you be willing to swear under oath that you know for sure that Reade is not lying now and has never lied in her life? If so you must know her well. I know neither Reade nor Joe Biden, but I do know that Biden has been vetted for over 40 years as a public figure. If true I’d like to know how the Obama presidential campaign missed this, especially given that he had many others he could have chose from to be his VP.
So you say that there is no evidence that Reade is lying. But then you have no real evidence that Joe Biden is lying. When it’s a matter of one party’s word over another the then the burden of proof is on the accuser. Otherwise anybody can accuse anybody of anything at any time and we’re supposed to automatically believe the accusation. So this is why we’re focusing on Reade’s story. Sorry, she didn’t just add details to her original story as many victims of sexual assault do, she actually went back and REMOVED and SUBSTITUTED words from her original statement therefore materially changing her story. And no victim would have to REMOVE and SUBSTITUTE words from her or his original statement because the truth doesn’t change.
Regarding Reade’s brother, do you know for sure he was asked and confirmed that it was Reade’s mother’s voice heard on the Larry King Show? I don’t make such assumptions (including the assumption that Reade and her brother share the same mothers). And I’d really like to know why on the day when Reade’s brother was interviewed by the press he didn’t state that he recollected Reade telling him some 27 years ago that she was sexually assaulted by Biden. During the interview Reade’s brother was asked what some 27 years ago Reade shared with him about her relationship with Joe Biden. Just in case you didn’t know, several days later Reade’s brother must have had an epiphany because he texted the interviewer that he suddenly remembered Reade telling him some 27 years ago that she had been sexually assaulted by Biden. Now how do you explain her brother’s lapse in memory? I’ll offer up a possible explanation: He didn’t recall Reade telling him some 27 years ago that she was sexually assaulted by Biden because she hadn’t. Like you said some times victims don’t always share every thing at once. But when a third party adds more to an original third party account we must consider the possibility of after the fact collusion to make the third party’s account match the new allegations. This then casts doubt on the allegations as a whole. Now I also don’t know Reade’s brother. But barring the possibility that he has some organic basis for his memory loss Reade’s brother’s account is simply not credible. I would even venture to say that Reade’s brother has helped diminish Reade’s credibility. Quite frankly I would prefer to see all of the witnesses (including Biden) testify under oath under penalty of perjury what they witnessed. But for right now Reade has not met her burden of proof (even in the court of public opinion). Twisting into a pretzel means making innuendos and engaging in conjecture to substantiate a certain narrative. When you’re telling the truth you don’t have to twist because the truth comes naturally. Until Reade brings forth some actual evidence her allegations will remain just that- allegations.
@Ewald Bracko If u hate Biden for some reasons come out and say it but to hide behind an allegation that has not been proven beyond reasonable doubt is appalling, Tara has not proven that he actually sexually assault the prudent thing to do is take the allegation seriously, investigated and work with evidence but until then stop disparaging Biden’s name to fit your narrative
@Ewald Bracko – You appear to be citing Donald Trump (a pathological liar) who is already the incumbent in this scenario
@brian juma
You know what is more appalling? The hypocrisy of folks like you!
On the one hand you all claim to believe Blasey-Ford who had no one really backing up her story against Kavanaugh. But on the other hand you demand due process for Tara Reade who has a lot of people backing up her story so far, even some Biden supporters. Tara Reade told them BACK IN THE 90s what happened to her, not just recently! She only decided to make her story public about a year ago. But because the allegations targeted Joe Biden no one wanted to listen to her until a few weeks ago.
She even herself asked a well known investigator – Rich McHugh – who covered the Harvey Weinstein story to look into her story and he came to the conclusion that her story deserves to be heard. And since then he dug up quite some more evidences backing up her story.
Changing your stance on the #MeToo topic based on your political preferences – that is hypocrisy!
I don’t like Joe Biden because he is a pathological liar. He lied so much in public about himself that he had to drop out of a presidential race once. He even lied quite a lot during his actual campaign or misled people by stating untrue or half true facts.
Just one example: He said in the debates that #M4A would cost ~$30 trillion and wanted to know from Sanders how to finance it. But what he didn’t tell the public is that the healthcare insurance costs as of now will at least cost $50 trillion. #M4A replaces the current healthcare insurance system. The truth is that #M4A would save a lot of both money – several trillions of $$ – and lives!
And if you want to know more about Joe Biden and his several lies then just google for “Joe Biden lies”.
There is simply no base for me to trust Joe Biden in anything he says.
And I didn’t even touch the most disqualifying issue when it comes to Joe Biden: His fast progressing dementia. That is actually not something funny to see and I’m really sorry for Joe Biden. But it doesn’t change the fact that his dementia renders him unfit for office. He would be only a puppet and not a real POTUS. And I simply cannot agree to have some not elected people running this country from the shadows.
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The fourth category, I believe Tara, wasn’t mentioned at all. Wow!!!
New Blue 2
But if they do by some miracle find that complaint will you believe it then? Or will you come up with some other excuse to not ‘believe women’? I’m being serious. Because I don’t believe for a second that liberals have a conscience when it comes to holding their candidates responsible for their actions.
@John Thomas “liberals don’t have a conscious when it comes to holding their candidates responsible”? You mean like Trump?
Firstly if she’s able to find the complaint and it says Biden sexually harassed her in 1993, then yes I will believe her accusation. I will believe she’s telling the truth and that Biden did do it to her all the way when I go to vote for him this November. I fall in the 2nd category of what Chris Hayes said– I don’t care because there are bigger issues to be concerned about.
Secondly, just because I am voting Democrat doesn’t mean that I am a “liberal”. I grew up in a very socially conservative home. I myself was a Economic Moderate Republican during Clinton & Bush years. And became a right leaning independent during the Obama years. Now I am a registered Democrat that is Moderate.
She wrote about loving russia? You don’t see what is going on?
You are very informed I bet?
.@bUH sNUH Yawn…
I’m waiting for Joe Biden to respond ,“that does not look like the same woman that I sexually assaulted.she was much younger “.
That would be how Trump would respond…
Jeff Chrapcynski trumps not Guilty at all but joy is right
In the same interview he also says “I really just don’t remember.” Sooooo yeahhhhh there’s THAT. You can see a number of examples of creepy Joe acting totally inappropriate on C-Span. This is guy is an established creeper.
@John Cahill what part didn’t he say? You can search everything that pertains to my professional life. Period. No exceptions. That’s what he didn’t say.
I have a feeling Joe might have some memory issues. I would not be surprised if he actually cannot remember Tara.
@Natasha Norman He did say that on live TV.
@John Cahill yea sure, warm and compassionate when he sniffs teenage girls hair while they make all sorts of uncomfortable faces. You’re probably a weirdo perv just like biden. Wanna see some video proof ya clown?
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I don’t remember Kavanaugh getting the benefit of the doubt when no one remembered Ford’s complaints.
@theconstruct67 – Your ‘summation’ of the event conveniently leaves out her varying ‘descriptions’. Want to try again? … but more accurately and honestly?
@Ewald Bracko – A hoax based upon Biden’s sense of levity and good-natured self-subjected humor. Notice now that he no longer allows such destructive opportunity for his detractors to avail themselves of such ridiculous claims. He is far more honest and mentally astute than most of his peers but especially more-so than Donald Trump!
@Liche Christ
Sorry, but after all the clips I’ve seen proving Joe Biden’s fast progressing dementia there’s no chance anymore to convince me and probably also many others from the opposite. That so called “hoax” was Joe Biden forgetting the right words of the Declaration of Independence and saying “you know, the thing” instead. And this was just one of the clips…
And don’t give me honest and mentally astute. Joe Biden is known to be a pathological liar who makes things up as he pleases. He was even forced to drop out on earlier races due to his many lies. And this time – just to name a few lies – there are the Nelson Mandela lie and the creative fantasy about honoring a soldier where he mixes up at least two, maybe three different stories. And if he were mentally astute he would come up with fresh ideas on how to effectively tacke this crisis and on how to energize and excite the people but in fact right now he’s doing the exact opposite. Polls show that Joe Biden has the worst excitement values of all democratic nominees in recent history.
No, Joe Biden is neither honest nor mentally astute. He is the worst candidate the Democrats could’ve possibly chose. But hey – at least the establishment is happy right now. They were able to preserver their power structure.
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She hasn’t changed her story she has just told the most horrifying parts of the story…