What is conservatism in the era of Trump? During the 2016 primaries, Senator Ted Cruz argued that he alone was the true conservative candidate, consistently attacking Donald Trump as a big government liberal. So what does Sen. Cruz make of the conservatives that rejected him and went on to put Trump in the White House? At The 2019 Texas Tribune Festival, Chris Hayes and Sen. Cruz sat down in The Paramount Theatre in the first stop of the #WITHpod fall tour to talk about all things conservatism. Chris challenged the Texas Senator on foreign policy, climate change, impeachment, and the unfolding Ukraine scandal.
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Chris Hayes Podcast With Sen. Ted Cruz | Why Is This Happening? – Ep 77 | MSNBC
amazingly epic
Cruz approaches this with reason and facts while Chris is emotional and irrational. He needs to lighten up on the soy.
You’re delusional. Cruz approaches the climate change conversation like a mouth-piece senator in the pockets of big oil donors in Texas would.
Chris takes Cruz at his word? Fool.
Chris Hayes: The master of straw man. Disgusting, disingenuous and arrogant opening.
PS: Obama was bombing the same identity group that Hayes referred to with regard to a travel ban. But I guess when you support constant war, you can look the other way.
After watching the train wreck known as the Dem debates, people should hardly be concerned about Trump’s Twitter.
Woman this is like your third comment on this video. You’re not as interesting as you think you are.
Poor info and unclear direction in intro. No reason for troll/bot criticisms though.
“entire scientific community”. Oh yeah, riiiiiiiight Hayes. SMH. This dude obviously didn’t look into “the 97% study” in which half of the answers were thrown out… those scientists who said that information is inconclusive had their answers tossed out.
Lol! When Chris was trying to make an important point about the Clinton deal with N. Korea, Cruz did a “Squirrel!” move and it worked!
USA gave those other countries the plastic!!!!! And doesn’t dumpster claim he is the savor!!!! Cruz listen to this tape after! But you can’t hold money back for these “legal” requests!!! And it wasn’t the Actual Transcript,
Brown Nosed GOPs
What? More plastic comes from China. You are incomprehensible
Cruz is just great!
Wasn’t it also conspiracy to said Trump colluded with Russia? And investigate off of that allegation? Obviously Trump has every right to ask for an investigation into the Biden when there enough for an investigation too, even if you prefer to call it conspiracy.
Well, Chris, you were outmatched, I’m sorry to say.
Obviously you’re either deaf or delusional.
@Frostiest Captain You are intellectually baked. You really suckling MSNBC information like a tite
do you even look into politics? Might want to look into Google Veritas on medoa bias :^)
Orrrr? Cognitive Dissonance?
Correct me if I’m wrong isn’t Ted Cruz of Cuban descent and his family immigrated to America through Canada where Ted Cruz was actually born which would disqualify his becoming the president of the United States much like the birther movement tried to insinuate about Obama MAGA Morons Are Growing Afraid resist
You’re wrong
@Dumble Doff okay thanks for the correction
@Dumble Doff actually Ted Cruz had dual citizenship and was born in Canada to an American mother and Cuban father he renounced his Canadian citizenship some year’s ago so I don’t understand how he could run for president from my understanding running for president of the United States requires being born on United States soil
Nearly all the comments from conservatives praising Rafael Cruz.
Very interesting.
Not the comments, they are predictable, but the lack of any liberals EVEN LISTENING to Cruz. This shows, to me, that we’re in serious bubbles, and WE LIKE IT! We don’t bother to listen to the other side, to argue with the other side, to compromise. We seem to want to stay in our bubble, listen to the echo chamber, stay comfortable while surrounded by those who agree with us.
But, that’s not reality. We need to get back to reality — both conservatives and liberals.
Ted Cruz is a gross butter imp.