Professional sports are never more than an inch away from the deepest core of what's happening in America. They are an amazing crucible of politics and culture that manage to reflect the issues we are working through as a country. And because these spaces are so integrated, particularly in football and basketball, racial politics quickly come to the foreground. This is the intersection ESPN writer Howard Bryant examines in his new book "Full Dissidence: Notes from an Uneven Playing Field". In it, he explores what it means to be black in an industry hostile to blackness. Why isn't Colin Kaepernick playing in the NFL, why do football games have military flyovers, and when do opinions become dangerous? What is happening with the Houston Astros cheating scandal? And why should non-sports fans care about what happens to players with multi-million-dollar contracts? Howard Bryant has the answers.» Subscribe to MSNBC:
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(Chris Hayes Podcast With Howard Bryant | Why Is This Happening? – EP 93 | MSNBC
Hey, I’m the first to view!
Are you waiting for a Prize?
We’re ALL winners here…
Here’s a thought:
Why don’t some of you people who emptied the
grocery stores of toilet paper, Lysol, and hand sanitizer; since you now
have more of this stuff than you will ever use in a year… why don’t you spread some human decency.
Make a care package for the 90-year old lady who lives next door on a
fixed income. Bag her up some of this stuff and put it on her porch. And
when she inevitably catches you doing it and asks you why…look her
straight in the eye, and simply say, “I just want to know you’re going
to be okay.”
You think you’re afraid? How do you think the
elderly feel. I would love nothing more then to see this start coming
across Facebook, Twitter, everywhere! Spread some human kindness. You might enjoy it.
oh, they looted the toilet paper at your place, too? Here in Germany it’s the same. We are so the same all over the world ^^
@Hubieee Oh yes they have, welcome to the new age! Take care!
Why are people not doing this kind of help on a daily basis? They are not. The same republicans who want small government is the same people who don’t help their neighbor. They are spoiled brats who really do think they are entitled to more than their neighbor. Gone are the days that we really did help our neighbors. We worry more about showing up our neighbors than helping them. We have to have more than our neighbor to feel good. We feel better when we have more. Really disgusting
Nice 1 <3
I’m second…..and it’s a good question……answer: because America is all about money and racism. Sad really.
I know, muh nahtsees all up in muh mentions. Didnt you see those guys at the baseball thing doing the racist “ok” sign? Such nahtsees! And all those people calling it “Wuhan Coronavirus” and comparing it racistly to “Spanish Flu” omg double nawzees!
your coronavirus response team:
—a deteriorating rodeo clown
—his overleveraged and underqualified son-in-law
—his science-denying veep
—the useless doorstop in charge of gutting medicare
—one actual expert, but he’s not allowed to say anything that would anger the rodeo clown
Headed by a science denier who thinks magic will cure coronavirus infections.
America has no chance against this virus if we cant even come up with a glue to keep Crazy Nancy’s dentures in, I’ll agree with you there.
Please don’t disrespect rodeo clowns
Dear Americans
Start taking coronoavirus seriously .
Start taking science seriously
Start testing patients. Cases have doubled since 2 days.
Never believe science denier Trump on coronoavirus.
Provide free universal health care.
Omg I cant believe trump was elected president, this is the worst thing ever in 2016. I cant believe 2016 ended like this. If only 2016 were a better year. 2016, 2016, 2016 gawd its 2016 and I just cant cope, I just cant even I’m soooooooo over 2016.
The Washington Post has just reported that trump has give VP Mike Pence the corn hole virus.
Do Engrish better next time.
Dont vote the way the billionaire ownbed media tells you to vote fi you ever wanbt riud iof the swamp that is bilkliuonbaire owned swamop behind polkitics, they can never be triusted.
They should put that buzzer in their jockstraps, they’ll run faster too?
The decadent veil of black celebrity is crippling blacks as a whole…a lot of these celebs are also living check to check just on a grander scale.
This WHOLE podcast: 1) why? 2) To what end? 3) What problem is addressed, & does it propose ANY solution? 1) arrogance; 2) none; 3) unimportant & NONE.
I’m an old white guy I still don’t understand the problem we have with uppity black guys. As for white guys, we can be as uppity as we want.
I just subscribed to MSNBC and clicked the bell….so everytime they post a video I can dislike it…
No one is listening…but your bias has never been more obvious…
At 28:24 — Forget that many Black athletes don’t have the grades to fall back on their educations, many come to college level academic settings from sub-par schools. So, their academic skill sets are severely lagging behind maybe as far back as fractions in math, and in verbal and written manipulation of English and in every other subject area. This is a huge problem in a tech age.
Further, I look forward to day when retired athletes like Kobe Bryant start athletic academies that fuse academic and athletic training with spiritual/ethical conduct. We can not continue to make money from and prey upon our athletes.
NCAA rules need immediate change that allows top tier school athletes to be paid at least $20,000 per year on top of their scholarship and mandatory tutoring through the athletic academy which includes strong curriculum aspects of business athletics and economics! Seriously, Kobe was on the right track! All this elitism and preying upon kids has to stop!
Why is cheating the norm? One reason: “Human nature is greedy and selfish enough as it is without constant advertising inviting us to be more vain and selfish.”
Policing, patriotism, patriarchy and acted upon prejudice! 4 issues in this NFL protest matter.
Since when does professional affiliation with any group NFL or NBA or whatever league remove one’s Constitutional right to freedom of speech? Answer is it doesn’t! More repressive nonsense in America!
Read book, White Fragility by Dr. Robin DiAngelo and get your act together NFL owners and those who oppose free speech!
Go Colin; #take a knee!
He means no other basketball players are as good. That’s one guy in one sport. Other people are outstanding at what they do that aren’t basketball players. Surgeons, Teachers, Artists, etc.
Fake news has made people panic
I have just discovered these podcasts. I really enjoy it. My total indifference to sport did not lessen my interest in this discussion. Definitely something to think about in the context of our broader society. That being said, until this discussion, I did not understand why everybody was attacking Colin Kaepernick. I am white and middle-aged and female. I pay enough attention to have supported him. I really appreciate the context that your discussion gave that situation for me.
I know it’s a common habit, but Chris says, “like” a LOT.
Chris I loved this interview very insightful I shared it with a few people. keep up the great work and more of this please
thanks JKC =()